GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Ahhh...thanks! Any good tips at mastering this?
Read up, watch video's and if you're lucky find someone who knows their apples at your gym and ask them to show you and watch your form.

Leave your ego at the door or you will hurt yourself. Use very light weights for the first few weeks at least and just practice the movement. Use a weight you can do 15+ reps with.

I've been doing this movement for months now and still learn something new every time I do a set. Only now am I getting confident enough to start pushing hard.

Lifts like these are very technical and amongst the hardest to perform correctly.
I go to a poncy gym where not many people do old skool excerices (squats/deads etc). The only member I've seen do this exercise is quite a nice girly (although she doesn't do the press, just the HC), so I may ask her on one of my less sweaty days - thanks!
Quick question about burning a bit of fat.

If I eat normally for most days (including gym days), then just go on a lower carb / fat diet on days of doing purely cardio work, will that still work well for burning a bit of fat off?

Or is a cutting diet something that needs to be maintained over a longer than 24 hr period? I guess what I'm asking is whether I can have just 1 fat burning day a week? :confused:
Quick question about burning a bit of fat.

If I eat normally for most days (including gym days), then just go on a lower carb / fat diet on days of doing purely cardio work, will that still work well for burning a bit of fat off?

Or is a cutting diet something that needs to be maintained over a longer than 24 hr period? I guess what I'm asking is whether I can have just 1 fat burning day a week? :confused:

As long as you maintain your diet, tbh cardio won't do nada for you unless you have a good diet. So make sure your eating healthy and keep the calories at 2,000 or so (thats what I do) and add in your cardio, I find treadmill running the most effective. Depending on your body weight though, but I keep carbs at about 100g a day and around 200-250g of protein. I weigh 200lbs last time I checked, but im about 14st 13.9 or something like that.
What do people think of this routine:

Bench Press

Inc. Bench Press
Ab work

I'm currently doing a standard 3-day split, but time is making this very tedious and I usually end up missing a day... Any help would be appreciated :)

Anyone think there's anything wrong with above routine? Can anyone suggest any improvements?
Quick question about burning a bit of fat.

If I eat normally for most days (including gym days), then just go on a lower carb / fat diet on days of doing purely cardio work, will that still work well for burning a bit of fat off?

Or is a cutting diet something that needs to be maintained over a longer than 24 hr period? I guess what I'm asking is whether I can have just 1 fat burning day a week? :confused:
lol, nice idea but no. Your body doesn't really work off a 24 hour clock. It's more of an average over a longer period that's important.
What do people think of this routine:

Bench Press

Inc. Bench Press
Ab work

I'm currently doing a standard 3-day split, but time is making this very tedious and I usually end up missing a day... Any help would be appreciated :)
So you want to go from 3 workouts a week to just 2?
Bulking up/increasing overall strength. I've just been doing 3x8 (although I'm thinking of doing less reps and possibly an extra set for DLs e.g. 3/4x6).

Workout A
Bench Press - 4x6
Squats - 4x10-8-6-6
BOR's - 4x6
Seated Arnold Press - 4x6
CGBP - 4x6
EZ-Bar Preacher Curls - 3x6
Rotator Cuff Exercises - 4x15

Workout B
Deadlift - 4x6
Incline DB Press - 4x6
Chins - 4x6
Hang Clean 2 Push Press - 4x6
Dips - 4x6
EZ-Bar Preacher Curls - 2x6
Rotator Cuff Exercises - 4x15

Keep increasing the weights every week. There will come a point when you cannot hit 6 reps, when this happens change to 5x5 on all but the curls. Don't try and do the same kind of volume for them as they already get hammered on the chins and to a lesser extent on the BOR's. The Biceps are also one of the smallest muscle groups, they don't need as much.

This is basically my routine that I'm supposed to do 3x times a week 5x5 but I struggle to recover enough, it's easily enough for 2x times a week.

Workout A - Usually I recommend heaviest first but I find doing the bench first allows me more time to recover for the Arnold Presses and CGBP. Also has me nice and warm for squats. Another thing is I found the squats take a lot out of me and affect my benching sometimes but my benching doesn't take anything away from squats, so....

Workout B - This is upto you but there's room there to squeeze in a leg exercise. Maybe some lunges or even leg press. Totally your call if you think you need more? I get lots of leg work elsewhere so find the squats and deads sufficient.

Do not neglect your rotator cuff's!! ;)

Wow, cheers for the lengthy reply! That routine definitely looks interesting, although I'm not sure I'll have enough time for it all - our gym is only open for an hour maximum and at certain times of the day (hence why I'm looking for just 2 days). How long do you typically spend on those workouts? And how long do you normally rest between sets?

Also how bad would it be if I sacrificed the preacher curls and rotator cuff exercises (those are like these, right?: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Subscapularis/DBInternalRotation.html)? Wouldn't I be pretty burnt out at that point? Also, I'm not sure I'll be able to do the HC2PP, purely because there's so little room and the gym gets really packed (again, because it's open at limited times of the day)... I'll certainly try it when possible - would it be detrimental if I didn't include it? And how does replacing the CGBP with skull crushers sound (it's just that I like them more:o)?
How long do you typically spend on those workouts? And how long do you normally rest between sets?
Depends. Week 1 working with something like 70% intensity I can get done pretty quickly and use minimal rest times, typically 60-90 secs. I gradually build upto and over 100% intensity and use negatives, this obviously requires longer rest times and longer workouts.
Also how bad would it be if I sacrificed the preacher curls and rotator cuff exercises (those are like these, right?: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Subscapularis/DBInternalRotation.html)? Wouldn't I be pretty burnt out at that point?
Scrap the preacher curls in workout B absolutely no problem what so ever, infact it might even be beneficial as the chins are argueably THE best bicep exercise anyway.

As for rotator cuffs, have a quick read, make up your own mind: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/criticalbench24.htm
Also, I'm not sure I'll be able to do the HC2PP, purely because there's so little room and the gym gets really packed (again, because it's open at limited times of the day)... I'll certainly try it when possible - would it be detrimental if I didn't include it?
Yes, massively so imho. It's an awesome exercise that's right up there with Squats and Deadlifts. I'd say it's changed my physique just as much as those two anyway, I love HC2PP!
And how does replacing the CGBP with skull crushers sound (it's just that I like them more:o)?
No problem at all :)
Cheers for the advice, Chong Warrior, you've been a great help :cool:. I'll certainly try to include the HC2PP when I can then...
Need some advice, for back day I usually do Deadlifts, chin-ups (not very good at them) and single arm row. But im wondering should I also put in the bent over row? or what? Also do the lat pull.
Hmm, im still cutting atm but on low reps. 5x5. I know im not really gonna build muscle whilst cutting but just good to get a start on the big exercises. Already have the lat pulldown and DB row. Out of interest though, what about doing the single arm db row and the bent over row but missing out on the lat pull? I do still do chins but im not very great at them, even though I can do quite a lot of pull ups, chins are damn hard lol.
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