GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Ugh, apparently still not eating enough. I can get about 3000 calories a day but I probably need about 300 more than that. I'm going to singapore from january-june, so I can't wait for the cheap food there. I'm going to eat like a horse, lift like a bull and grow like kelp grass.
Birthday coming up soon, basically planning to get wasted. Really one day of drinking (no crappy food) shouldn't damage me too much yeah?
indeed styles :]
there are times when you can just go out and enjoy yourse,f, infact, i would actively encourage it!
Ok cheers for that. Next question I hate to make it sound noobish but I'll shoot anyway.

Doing the lats, do they count as back or still to do on chest/shoulder/bicep day? or should they be done on back day? Such as lateral pull and lateral raise.

Also do you guys recommend shrugs for the traps?
Avoid doing pullups though, they're one of the biggest trap-builders and will make you look stupid.

Even if by some freak of bio-mechanics you managed to develop massive traps doing pull-ups, you'd presumably have massive lats so you'd look balanced ;)
Cheers! You have any tips re getting extra calories? Anything on myprotein that'd be useful? Or should I get some pasta boiling now.
I've got some oats nestled away in the cupboard, brilliant! Right now things are looking like this

I know slimfast seems oxymoronic but its a meal replacement so just added calories but with vitamins and fibre.

1) Cereal and milk / mince and pasta, + protein powder & slimfast meal replacement in 500ml of milk
2) BLT or a lasagne
3) Protein shake + slimfast meal replacement shake
4) Steak, spinach, pasta and mozarella cheese / tuna pizza / mince + pasta + spinach
5) Shake and a snack such as some chocolate
6) More steak and spinach
Some milk before bed.

Adding the oats i think will definitely make things easier.
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