I'm looking for inspiration for a workout routine, I currently do a 4-day split of:
Back / Bis
Chest / Tris
I don't have hours to spend in a gym, and end up having to go late due to child-care and work so really looking for something like hour and half to incorporate workout + Cardio. I've been reading on up Push / Pull / Legs routines but after some feedback as to who uses it and what do they think?
If you do PPL then understand each session is meant to be repeated every 3-5 days with the standard being a 6 day a week PPLPPLx, or a cycle that ignores the 7 day working week like PPLxPPLx... or PPLxxPPLx) - the reason being that for non drug-assisted individuals, training the same muscle every 3-5 days yields better results than once every 7 days.*
*(Sidenote - it's better to lay it out like legs, push, pull or pull, push, legs because the back fatigue from the pull day can spill over to leg day (w/things like squats or RDLs which tax the back isometrically).
I personally do a 5 day routine
somewhat based off this template - although rather than follow the wave-loaded progression model I'm using my own auto-regulated RPE/RIR scheme. What you're doing atm is not that different, just that you have a separate shoulder day (back+bis = pulling, chest+tris = pushing), which IMO is largely unnecessary unless you're an IFBB pro on loads of gear, because the front and rear delts get worked by all forms of pressing and it's only the side delts that get neglected unless some form of lateral raise/upright row variation is included.
The biggest advantage of this PPL (or LPP!) is even though it's more days in the gym, it's less time spend in the gym per session - e.g. I always get the push and pull days done in an hour, where as my upper day takes 1.5 hours.
The other alternative is to do a push/pull full body split 4 days a weeks, which might be something like:
1 - squats, leg extensions + bench, pushdowns, side delts
2 - RDL, leg curls + rows, curls, core
3 - off
4 - repeat (or have another day off first)