GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Unfortunately MyProtein doesn't like my credit card for some reason. Plus the postage alone will be £10 I think because I live in N.Ireland. I was thinking of these:


Edit: Ok, just fired off an email to them. I found that the recommended daily I.U value for Vitamin A should be around 3,300 I.U and that's for a male over 19 years of age. Each one of those other tablets contains 3 times that. So in the space of a week taking one a day, you are effectively taking 3 weeks worth of vitamin A. Shocking or what! :eek: I'm looking forward to the reason why it's so high.
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No need to supplement with Omega 6 or 9. We get loads of these in our diet and it's virtually impossible to be eating a diet low in these. The perfect balance is supposed to be something between 4:1 - 2:1 Omega 6:Omega3 but western diets are horribly out of balance and are more like 20:1 :eek:

Omega 3 reduces inflammation and swelling. These two are among the biggest causes of all health problems in the western world, all we need to do is eat more Omega-3 ;)
Linoge said:
Edit: Ok, just fired off an email to them. I found that the recommended daily I.U value for Vitamin A should be around 3,300 I.U and that's for a male over 19 years of age. Each one of those other tablets contains 3 times that. So in the space of a week taking one a day, you are effectively taking 3 weeks worth of vitamin A. Shocking or what! :eek: I'm looking forward to the reason why it's so high.
Be interesting to see what they say :)

Only thing I can think of is they'll say it contains a lot of Beta-Carotene which is only formed into Vitamin A in the body if needed. Also the fact they're timed release might have something to do with it?

Still seems daft to put so much pre-formed Vit-A in.
Linoge said:
This might a bit of a weird topic I'm bringing up here, but I've noticed since my Holland & Barrett order of vitamins (one-timed release) arrived and I've been taking one a day, that my urine is a strange yellow. Before anyone asks, I'm as fit as a fiddle, fully hydrated. I did a quick google and some sources says it's the excess Vitamin B2 being flushed out my system. I looked on the label and there's 25mg of it, so that's 1,563% of the rda. Has anyone else noticed or experienced this? It freaked me out a little at first, it was almost glow in the dark. lol

Could be the VitC too

The first leak after i take a H&B 1000mg VitC is always bright yellow ;) <---that kinda colour!!
Well this is the email I fired off to Holland & Barrett's health and information team:


I've recently order some of these vitamins (Holland & Barrett One Timed Release Vitamin Tablets) you can find them here:


And I noticed that the RDA for Vitamin A was quite high at 371%. Vitamin A can be quite lethal in high doses and it's recommended by many health practitioners and medical bodies to not exceed 3000 I.U.(and that's for a male over 19 years of age). Each one of these tablets contains over 3 times that amount at 9,900 I.U. Is there a reason why the vitamin A is so high in these tablets. Your Super One vitamins have a RDA of 72% which is a lot safer as it will actually supplement the Vitamin A you will get through a varied diet.

I have now stopped taking these tablets as a result of this. If I took these over the course of a week, my total I.U value would be 69,300 when the safe recommended dosage would be around 21,000 I.U.

Thank you for your time.

kind regards

I got a reply this morning, it doesn't directly answer the question and I think she missed the point I was making by referring to the Super One tablets which are not the ones I bought or made reference to.

Thank you for your message regarding Super One.

The RDA is an indication of the minimum level required by the body to prevent a deficiency disease such as in the case of Vitamin C scurvy. It is not the level needed by the body to maintain optimum health and wellbeing. It is also not the maximum level that can be used for supplemental intake.

The RDA system of measurement was originally devised by the US army in the 1940’s to measure the nutritional requirements of their troops in the field in order to prevent deficiencies. The measurements have been revised upwards and updated periodically. A more recent system of measurement for minimum nutritional need is the Dietary Reference Intake value which makes some allowance for the various nutritional requirements of differing groups of the population whereas the RDA system does not. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are currently reviewing this system and the labelling requirement for products.

An issue causing confusion is the difference between the Safe Upper Levels (SUL) and the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA). Food supplements can in some cases contain many times the RDA of a nutrient. The SUL of a nutrient is established by taking a level at which no adverse effect is observed, known as the NOAEL, and the lowest level at which an adverse effect is observed if there is one, which known as the LOAEL. The SUL is then calculated between these two levels and includes an uncertainty factor to ensure the SUL set is in well within a safe intake area.

The nutritional supplements available in our ranges/stores have a long history of safe usage and when used appropriately pose no risk to public health. We would advise anyone taking a supplement to always follow the suggested dose as indicated on the label of the product and not to exceed this dose. In addition we also advise against taking similar products which may cause a duplication of dosage. Our staff are trained to help consumers with their enquiries on such matters and are on hand to offer any guidance as necessary.

The vitamin A contained in the Super One is well within the upper safe limit of 8,000 iu.

Customer Services

The bit in bold is the thing that caught my eye, yes the Super One tablet is well within the upper safe limit of 8,000 i.u at 2,500 i.u, but the One tablets are 9,900 I.U!!! She must not have taken in my email.


I've just replied with this:

Hi ***,

Thank you for your email. My original email was not about Super One vitamins, it was about One vitamins. If you click on the following link it will bring you to the label of the one I'm talking about or you can look up the product ID 003661:


It has an I.U value of 9,900 per tablet. In comparison your Super One tablets have an I.U value of 2,500 per tablet. That's a considerable difference. Is there any explanation why this value is so high in your One Vitamin tablets? I understand that the RDA recommendation is a little outdated now and is actually around the minimum value you should be taking. But 9,900 I.U is quite a big figure especially for Vitamin A. I have not come across any medical article that recommends taking that high a value of Vitamin A. Why is there such a big difference between the One tablets and the Super One tablets? There is nothing of note on either of the labels to suggest one is for a certain type of person, so I can only assume they are both treated equally and that anyone can take them.

thank you for your time again
kind regards
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Would it be ok if I used this thread as a bit of a monthly update as to what I'm doing in terms of working out, feel free to tell me and I'll just remove this post if not wanted?
I'm looking at getting into the gym soon, and hopefully keep at it, also whilst doing working out at home with my weights, chinups etc. Taking a picture a month to see how I'm progressing.


Weight: ~70kg
Height: 176cm
Chest: 38-39"
Waist: Measured 32" but clothes anything from 28" to 34" :confused:

This is me now:


Hopefully I'm looking at getting a fair bit bigger, but mainly I want to get as ripped as I used to be. Have had a good read through this thread, so fingers crossed I get the gains I want!
I shouldn't see a problem with posting a picture or two a month in here, It's a bodybuilding/lifting thread and personally I would welcome more people to do the same as you're planning.

So let's get this straight, you're just starting out? You have a very good base there to be starting out with and with a proper routine, diet and dedication you should see some excellent gains.

You mention you want to be as 'ripped as you were'. My suggestions would be to get a routine down, your diet down and bulk for a few months and then cut back down and obtain the 'ripped' look you're after. If you do this correctly, you will look very impressive.

One more thing, what's the wrist strap/wrap for?
S7yl3s said:
So let's get this straight, you're just starting out? You have a very good base there to be starting out with and with a proper routine, diet and dedication you should see some excellent gains.
One more thing, what's the wrist strap/wrap for?

Heya, the wrist strap is just for support, I've been known for my wrist to hurt after working out, and this seems to help it a lot. Although I don't think it will be much of a problem for me anymore.
I'm not just just starting out, I used to work out a lot when I was 15-16, using the gym in school everyday, but since I left at 16, I haven't done a thing, now at 19, so you can probably imagine I had a fair bit of mass to me before, and I want it back.

ScoobyDoo69 said:
Heya, the wrist strap is just for support, I've been known for my wrist to hurt after working out, and this seems to help it a lot. Although I don't think it will be much of a problem for me anymore.
I'm not just just starting out, I used to work out a lot when I was 15-16, using the gym in school everyday, but since I left at 16, I haven't done a thing, now at 19, so you can probably imagine I had a fair bit of mass to me before, and I want it back.



What have you in terms of a training routine.
S7yl3s said:

What have you in terms of a training routine.

My at home and everyday training routine is quite simple.

Morning before work I do 3 sets of pressups.

Home from work, 3 sets of barbell arm curls @ 12 reps on 28kg without bar.
3 sets of barbell shoulder presses @ 16reps on 28kg without bar.
Then various pressups and chinups whilst nothing better to do.

Gym I intend to do Saturday mornings, Monday nights, and either Thursday or Friday nights. So 3 times a week at the gym. I haven't yet decided exactly on the routine, but it will contain most of the below, but not all, I just need to find out what is and isn't for me again.

Every gym session I intend to warm up with 15min on the cross trainer machine just to get the blood flowing, then move on to the days muscle group. With bits of cardio thrown in here and there, every night finishing with as many laps of the pool that I can manage.

One day will be legs. Another chest, shoulders, triceps and back. The remaining day will be biceps and triceps again, with some abs too. But everyday that I go I will ensure that I do atleast one other excercise for another muscle group. So the leg day I'll try to get a bench press set thrown in there etc.

How does that sound?
Sounds messy.

Drop the curls and shoulder press etc that you perform at home and set yourself up with a 3 day routine at the gym.

You should start on a simple 3 day split and then progress onto whatever you feel necessary after building a decent, solid base.

You have the correct idea about training the bodyparts on different days, but you have the wrong parts on the wrong days.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

You will train calves 3 times a week too (imo), and abs is completely up to you. 2 or 3 times a week will easily be enough.

I will grab a simple 3 day split routine from another thread in fact...
Something not too disimilar to:

Monday (Chest/Shoulder/Triceps)

Flat Bench Press – 3x8
Incline Dumbbell Bench – 3x8
Seated Dumbbell Military Press -3x8
Lateral Dumbbell Raises – 3x8
Skull Crushers – 3x8 (similar to lying tricep extensions)
Close Grip Bench Press – 3x8
Calf Raises

Wednesday (Back/Biceps)

Dead lifts – 3x8
Bent Over Barbell Rows – 3x8
Pull ups or Pull Downs, alternate week to week 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curl -3x8
One arm Dumbbell hammer Curls – 3x8
Calf Raises

Friday (Legs/Abs)

Barbell Squats – 3x8
Dumbbell Lunges – 3x8
SLDL - 3 x 8
Calf Raises-4x10

Something like this should be just fine, this will give an excellent balance between strength and size.
Hit them hard and hit them heavy. Train by the feeling, allows me the get the best pump and the most effective workout for me. A bit early for me to tell 100% but by looking at them I can see some slight changes already, and they feel a lot better.

The training is working for me, and I feel good for it :)
S7yl3s said:
Hit them hard and hit them heavy. Train by the feeling, allows me the get the best pump and the most effective workout for me. A bit early for me to tell 100% but by looking at them I can see some slight changes already, and they feel a lot better.

The training is working for me, and I feel good for it :)
Good stuff :)

I had a 2 week break last month after hitting my calfs 3x times a week for months and no word of a lie they were sore for the whole fortnight even though I was doing nothing!

Got another quarter of an inch growth out them though :cool:
Nice results!

I always get a feeling of great achievement when getting growth out of the calfs.

What does your calf routine consist of?
Cheers:) yeah they're such stubborn, strong muscles the calfs. Once a week training just doesn't cut it with this muslce imho.

All I do is standing calf raises, though I do both two and single legged.
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