GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

^Don't eat mcdonalds, haven't in 3 years :D. Don't eat chippys tbh, Pizza sometimes, rarely a carry out. Only fast food I have now and then is a curry. Fizzy drinks not that much diet coke or pepsi if anything really. I drink milkshakes not all the time but they are good. Booze im easy im not a regular drinker just at m8s or birthdays or w.e.
3 times a week is fine, and to be honest a very good way of splitting up your routine. I'd stick to mainly free weight exercises myself. My 3 day split looked like:


Flat DB bench
Incline DB bench
Tricep pulldowns.
Calf raise


Bent over DB rows
Lat (front) pulldowns
Preacher curl
Hammer curl (if I felt I needed them).


Leg extension
Leg curl
Calf raises
DB shoulder press
Lateral raises.

I don't do crunches as I feel that my abs are worked enough from squats, though you can add them where you see fit if you want :)
Well I've never heard of squats building abdominal muscles. Guess I'm wasting my time with weighted cable crunches, roman chair lifts and twisted crunches amongst others ;)
Lol, no you're not. But I know you were being sarcastic.

Heavy squats and deads will build a great core but you'll never get that perfect six pack without some extra work. I am just not all into the six pack look as much as some people, strength and size are more important to myself.
Abs are a funny topic, there's a couple of things to think about:

1) As we've established previously, everyone (well 99%) goes to the gym to look good. Like it or not the majority of people judge your physique on two simple tests; the size of your biceps and whether or not you have a six pack :rolleyes: ;)

2) We all understand (i hope) the importance of training antagonist muscle groups to avoid imbalance ie. Quads and hams, chest and back (to avoid the "gym monkey" look) but how many people train their abs as hard as their lower back? I'm not talking 10,000 crunches 6 times a week, I mean 3-9 sets of heavy abs exercises in the 6-12 rep range. Why treat abs any differently than other muscle groups?

I basically have issues with anyone who will train heavy on every other muscle and then perform 1000 neck rolls...sorry.....crunches in an attempt to achieve a 6 pack. Defined abs are 80% diet, 20% heavy training. Don't believe the hype kids!! ;)
Nice post. As I said earlier I don't train abs at the moment but when I do it's a few sets of heavy weighted ab movements. Twice a week.
$loth, I'll get a good source of Omega 3 etc from fish, and I like apples etc. Oppinions on milkshakes? yazoo etc?

Also my program is mainly the upper body, my legs are solid even though thats not to say they need built up, but I don't want to over-do it even though I want to be a lot fitter and built up fast I have to level it off.

So far I do both free weights and machines, from those of you that have replied I get the hint that you are against machine weights? such as Chest press, Lateral pull, Shoulder press etc? I find it fine, but again im trying to get the best idea of how to go about it the best way, so points taken.

I do free weights, and I've moved onto the bench press, I do dumbells as well, single arm dumbell rows etc. Crunch you mean the cradle crunch? I do use that, but thats out of choice really to tighten the stomach muscles.

Any more suggestions welcome, cheers.
MTA99 said:
Like it or not the majority of people judge your physique on two simple tests; the size of your biceps and whether or not you have a six pack :rolleyes: ;)
personally i look at their traps :p
SK07 said:
$loth, I'll get a good source of Omega 3 etc from fish, and I like apples etc. Oppinions on milkshakes? yazoo etc?

Also my program is mainly the upper body, my legs are solid even though thats not to say they need built up, but I don't want to over-do it even though I want to be a lot fitter and built up fast I have to level it off.

So far I do both free weights and machines, from those of you that have replied I get the hint that you are against machine weights? such as Chest press, Lateral pull, Shoulder press etc? I find it fine, but again im trying to get the best idea of how to go about it the best way, so points taken.

I do free weights, and I've moved onto the bench press, I do dumbells as well, single arm dumbell rows etc. Crunch you mean the cradle crunch? I do use that, but thats out of choice really to tighten the stomach muscles.

Any more suggestions welcome, cheers.

Personally I'd still do legs, though I don't know the type of leg size that would be better for running, football etc.
I'd stay away from milkshakes as they probably have a lot of sugar which would give an insulin spike, I think Chong would be better at explaining this.
Machines have thier place, lat pulldown is a great machine for example, though a lot of machines like shoulder press, chest press machines take away the stress on the muscles which would stabalize the free weight alternative, that's why free weights are prefered by people on here.
I used to a cradle for crunches aswell, they can be used to work the abs if you want though I moved away from using that to just doing crunches when I was working my abs, and did hanging leg raises aswell.
$loth said:
Personally I'd still do legs, though I don't know the type of leg size that would be better for running, football etc.
I'd stay away from milkshakes as they probably have a lot of sugar which would give an insulin spike, I think Chong would be better at explaining this.
Machines have thier place, lat pulldown is a great machine for example, though a lot of machines like shoulder press, chest press machines take away the stress on the muscles which would stabalize the free weight alternative, that's why free weights are prefered by people on here.
I used to a cradle for crunches aswell, they can be used to work the abs if you want though I moved away from using that to just doing crunches when I was working my abs, and did hanging leg raises aswell.

Well I'll see how it goes, im not as far on as you. Its been about a month now and im increasing the weight in which I do and also adding on tougher programs for cardio.

Well I'd say its been 3 weeks really, and all in all my Muscles don't feel all that different on my arms, however my chest has tightened (which is v good :) ) and hips and in general down the sides of my torso has tightened in and a lot straighter rather than hanging over or w.e. I really just started the bench press so I should see a bigger difference in about a month I take it? im just not sure about the diet though, I don't eat badly no but I eat randomly, sometimes healthy stuff sometimes not so healthy. Every morning I do eat healthy cereal such as Poridge, and I drink a lot of Dilluted orange, and normal water. I drink tea but I put sugar in it, 1-2 tea spoons because it tastes like crap otherwise lol. For lunch usually a sanwich or just a pot noodle, something along those lines. By Dinner always a proper meal, varies. Thats it really, in between nothing tbh sometimes one thing but nothing much. I do have on occasion maybe bar of choc or bag of sweets but thats like 1ce a week maybe more, also carry out curry maybe 1ce a week.
Will_3rd said:
Big shout out to GordyR tried the CKD diet he suggested and in 6 days over 2 weeks I managed to lose 8kgs.

Thanks! :)

8kg in 2 weeks is rather worrying tbh
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