GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Hmm, if doing a pyramid it seems a lot more well designed rather than your 5x5 or 3x10, might give more of a buzz to the muscles so I might give that a bash.

Alough are both as intensive as each other? reverse pyramid and normal? the reverse one is easier I can imagine so maybe the normal one would be more intensive. My current training regime has gone somewhat flat, to the point where im un-intersted in it. Is it fine to incorporate legs in with upperbody training day?

a lot of people do legs + shoulders, though i found it a horrible combination.

the reverse pyramid is surprisingly intensive. doing a really heavy set early on really gets your heart going :]
from then you are really working out like you would a multiple drop set, just taking time between the weight changes instead of heading into the next reps.
Hmm I see, well do you do any seperate days for pure cardio? or are you not to fussed about the bodyfat? after a heavy lifting day im not going to be looking at running a mile so 20 minutes or so of just walking would be fine then I guess. But the book I got was The new encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding, written and revised by Arnold and Bill Dobbins. So much content it's like a bible for the lifestyle. So much to read so i've just been gradually going through it learning certain things, has many diet examples and how to build your own diet, as well as building your own split and the theory behind everything, including the workings of the body and how it operates etc.

Great book to be honest, worth the 20 quid, especially for someone like me since im relativly new to it. Even though the net has a lot of content it's also very bias to own opinions. For example Morba, you stick to your own opinion that doing heavy cardio after weights is counter-productive, others will say different, same with so many things such as diet and nutrition, and sets and reps. So the more I read the less questions I'll have to bug you with :D
a lot of people do legs + shoulders, though i found it a horrible combination.

the reverse pyramid is surprisingly intensive. doing a really heavy set early on really gets your heart going :]
from then you are really working out like you would a multiple drop set, just taking time between the weight changes instead of heading into the next reps.

Well I've tried doing the combination of Legs on it's own but there really isn't enough intesity of the exercises to do legs, sure theres your squats but other than that theres only extensions, curls, calf raises etc but theres nothing hugely intesive, especially in my gym as it's more of a moderate body building gym rather than a pro gym. I'll find something to combine it with, that will work.
why make things so complicated :/

pre breakfast low intensity cardio +
calorie deficit diet (or carb cycling) +
weights 3/4 times a week
guaranteed fat loss
why make things so complicated :/

pre breakfast low intensity cardio +
calorie deficit diet (or carb cycling) +
weights 3/4 times a week
guaranteed fat loss

In relation to SK07:

Simple is good. A huge number of people (who have relatively clean diets already) will not change the diet much at all during a cut, just simply up the cardio so they are burning more calories. Carb Cycling is great and shouldn't be overlooked.
Well I've tried doing the combination of Legs on it's own but there really isn't enough intesity of the exercises to do legs, sure theres your squats but other than that theres only extensions, curls, calf raises etc but theres nothing hugely intesive, especially in my gym as it's more of a moderate body building gym rather than a pro gym. I'll find something to combine it with, that will work.

personally i only need 3 exercises for legs.

squats, curls or sldl's (sometimes sldls do nothing at all for me) and calf raises

generally it works out ot be a short session, but the intensity is huge all the way through.
For example Morba, you stick to your own opinion that doing heavy cardio after weights is counter-productive, others will say different, same with so many things such as diet and nutrition, and sets and reps. So the more I read the less questions I'll have to bug you with :D

ahh, but the more you will read the more you will question, as very soon you will start to actually learn and remember things, then you will question the book :]

you could read 3 books and see a vid, all from different pro bodybuilders and they will all say different things. however, one thing will be common throughout them all: intensity.

as you learn more and try more regimes, you will learn to listen to your body, it will tell you what is workin and what is pointless. :]
personally i only need 3 exercises for legs.

squats, curls or sldl's (sometimes sldls do nothing at all for me) and calf raises

generally it works out ot be a short session, but the intensity is huge all the way through.
I'm very similar. Only real difference is I use front squats as a sort of pre-exhaust before back squats, I'm finding this is hitting my quads much harder rather than my glutes. The front squats tire the quads and then you feel the quads much more during back squats than usual :)

SLDL's only for hammy's, a true love hate relationship for me. When they're good they're awesome but when they're bad they're garbage!
yeah, somedays they pull like a bitch, others its like nothing is going on at all.
leg curls also make me sweat for some reason, they get my heart going a good un haha
So I had a look over my past two months training log aswell as the mirror and am happy to have noticed a difference. Not only have my lifts got bigger in terms of numbers, but I feel the work has been of benefit to my sport too. Sticking to my diet has become pretty standard, and I get hungry every 2-3 hours for a meal, so eating is easy too!

Hopefully post up later my routine as with my limited equip (at home, although UWIC has more stuff to use) id like to do some new stuff, but not mess up my progress.

Just a post really to say thanks guys. Even though I dont post much in this thread aside the odd question, reading it has not only informed me, but motivated me a lot :)
why make things so complicated :/

pre breakfast low intensity cardio +
calorie deficit diet (or carb cycling) +
weights 3/4 times a week
guaranteed fat loss

Well I can't really do it in the morning as im at college 4 days a week. Nights can be a problem as im working as well, I could do it on the weekend in the morning but 2 days of straight cardio in the morning, sounds like fun.

On the weights though, I'll come up with a routine and post it here for suggestions etc.
Well I can't really do it in the morning as im at college 4 days a week. Nights can be a problem as im working as well, I could do it on the weekend in the morning but 2 days of straight cardio in the morning, sounds like fun.

On the weights though, I'll come up with a routine and post it here for suggestions etc.

What time are you at college and what time are you working in the evenings?

To get the results you desire takes time and dedication and if it's worth it to you, then you'll need to find the time to train. I promise you it will be worth it.
What time are you at college and what time are you working in the evenings?

To get the results you desire takes time and dedication and if it's worth it to you, then you'll need to find the time to train. I promise you it will be worth it.

It's cool man I've been doing it for 3 months, I squeeze things in. I've already had results, for example my arms have more definition but it's most likely a layer of fat has knocked away from the muscle and it shows more. But thats my current goal to drop body fat. Last time I checked it was 20% (average) 6ft 3in and 14.5st/205lbs? Anyway im off Monday so I do cardio on that day, Tuesday I don't do anything as it's a full college day 9-4, Wednesday im 9-12 and I go after that, thursday im 1-4 so I go in the morning, Friday is a full day of college plus got work at 6, Sat/Sun I go in the mornings.

Monday is my real only cardio day for pure cardio. Was thinking of knocking another day off to do cardio and just have a 3 day split, but im not sure if it's a wise choice, sure I want to lose the body fat but I want to lose it as efficiently as possible, maintain and lose or even better gain and lose but, not likely. I'll get a program figured out and I'll stick it up soon.
coud do 2 sessions on a monday, slow paced pre breakfast and then some HIIT in the evening :]
coud do 2 sessions on a monday, slow paced pre breakfast and then some HIIT in the evening :]

Forgot to mention I work a monday as well :(. What's wrong with just having a heavy cardio session in the morning? I don't lift weights on Monday anyway so it could work? say an hour.
cant be that heavy a session if you are taking 60 mins to do it :P

Not HIIT. Something like 20 minutes running, 20 mins cross trainer and say another 20 minutes on the exercise bike, all be it going at a fast rate on a high level so your sweating buckets.
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