GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Read it wrong, was half-a-sleep lol. See where your coming from. Whats your diet like? and are you cutting/bulking?

So what I need to do is try and make up a diet (cutting) in which I'll make up say 2,000 calories per day? since im cutting that is. But I want to keep it relativly simple as possible.
My diet is awesome ;) I'm currently cutting as I said earlier.

Myself I find 2,000kcals is too little, It's not possible to eat enough protein and eating healthily with so little cals. I usually eat 2750kcals-2500kcals with an absolute minimum of 250g of protein per day, usually more.

I try to only eat carbs at breakfast (sometimes pre workout) and then in every meal after a workout. Rest days I keep carbs to a minimum. The rest is made up from fats with lots of saturated fats and Omega-3's, as Omega-6 is so plentifull in food I don't bother counting it.
What level do you try and keep your carbs at CW? Mine are currently quite high as I'm bulking again after a little lay off.
My diet is awesome ;) I'm currently cutting as I said earlier.

Myself I find 2,000kcals is too little, It's not possible to eat enough protein and eating healthily with so little cals. I usually eat 2750kcals-2500kcals with an absolute minimum of 250g of protein per day, usually more.

I try to only eat carbs at breakfast (sometimes pre workout) and then in every meal after a workout. Rest days I keep carbs to a minimum. The rest is made up from fats with lots of saturated fats and Omega-3's, as Omega-6 is so plentifull in food I don't bother counting it.

How often do you take shakes, just pre and post?
What level do you try and keep your carbs at CW? Mine are currently quite high as I'm bulking again after a little lay off.
I only count them on rest days when I keep them to a maximum of 100g, most of them at breakfast.

I say I don't count on training days but that's becasue I spent 6 months logging everything I ate during the day so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm eating. I don't go daft with carbs, I just don't deprive myself of anything.

What would you call high carb? Do you have any routine for eating them, or just whenever?
Christ I've seen example diets for cutting etc, theres gotta be more simpler stuff than that to lose body fat.
Make it as simple as you want, it's totally upto you. You can eat 3 square meals a day if you like...
How often do you take shakes, just pre and post?
Not really pre-workout, I try and eat a decent meal. Always PWO and whenever I'm struggling to eat high protein food. I tend never to just have a protein shake, what I do is eat a meal and then top up my protein intake with a shake. So sometimes I could have as many as 6 shakes but each one could be only 10g-20g each. I try to aim for 50g protein every meal.
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Whats your take on this tuna mercury poisoning crap? I eat tuna for lunch every single day.

Well for my weight at about 200-205lbs, I should be intaking what? 200g protein a day if I want to maintain my muscle mass whilst trying to lose fat? and I should really keep my calories at 2k?
Whats your take on this tuna mercury poisoning crap? I eat tuna for lunch every single day.
I don't think it's crap.
er, have mackerel instead? :p Should be atleast 300g protein :)
I'm with you on both counts. Mackerel is a far superior choice of fish and along with eggs, whey and milk I'd say the only thing I eat EVERY single day.
For quick absorbtion then water, but it's better with milk at night for example. Even better mixed with a decent EFA.

As for my carbs Chong, about 250g for me at the moment, which I consider very high but it's working extremely well for me at this time.
Yeah reason I was asking is because my current routine which is 5x5, I do upper body, lower body then upper then lower. 2 routines. But for the lower body your talking about doing squats, leg ext, curls and calf raises thats it really, it doesn't feel like a very beneficial workout, I was thinking of editing it, but how. I could merge the legs in with the upperbody but only do squats and not bother with leg ext etc, but is 2 days of weight training a week enough? and using the other 3 as cardio, thats the problem. My current upper body routine goes like:

Bench Press
Pec Flys
Bicep Curl
Lat Pull
Lat Raise
Shoulder Press
Tricep Pushdown

Would adding in deadlifts and squats be killing it too much? or should I do that but split it into 2 days. Alough I feel that the above workout seems fine.
I wouldn't add deads and squats into that. A day to train legs by themselves is not over kill. I've just got back from a leg workout and i'm screwed, nakered and my legs feel like jelly.

If you want to hugely up the intensity on a leg workout then do your sets of squats, which should be HEAVY and really ware you out and then add in some front squats after which again should be heavy and really tire yourself out then add in multiple sets of SLDL and possibly if you want then add some ham curls as well. That should be a very tiring workout and you won't want to do it again.

The key to a leg workout is form, load and intensity. If all three are correct then you'll understand why legs are such a hard, tiring workout.

And by the way, as for being a beneficial workout, you won't do one much better than legs.
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Yeah reason I was asking is because my current routine which is 5x5, I do upper body, lower body then upper then lower. 2 routines. But for the lower body your talking about doing squats, leg ext, curls and calf raises thats it really, it doesn't feel like a very beneficial workout, I was thinking of editing it, but how. I could merge the legs in with the upperbody but only do squats and not bother with leg ext etc, but is 2 days of weight training a week enough? and using the other 3 as cardio, thats the problem. My current upper body routine goes like:

Bench Press
Pec Flys
Bicep Curl
Lat Pull
Lat Raise
Shoulder Press
Tricep Pushdown

Would adding in deadlifts and squats be killing it too much? or should I do that but split it into 2 days. Alough I feel that the above workout seems fine.
Stop messing about with isolation exercises then. I mean why bother doing a heavy 5x5 reoutine and then not do hardly any compound lifts? :confused:

Leg ext, leg curls, bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, lat raises, flyes, WTF?

Squats, SLDL's, Front Squats, Chins, BOR's, Deadlifts, Dips, Cleans, BB Press. Sorted :D
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Stop messing about with isolation exercises then. I mean why bother doing a heavy 5x5 reoutine and then not do hardly any compound lifts? :confused:

Leg ext, leg curls, bicep curls, tricep pushdowns, lat raises, flyes, WTF?

Squats, SLDL's, Front Squats, Chins, BOR's, Deadlifts, Dips, Cleans, BB Press. Sorted :D

Can't do cleans it's already got a notice up about that. SLDL? single leg dead lift? difference between doing front squats and normal squats? I can only really do the deadlift on the smith machine, not enough room like the cleans.

Really I don't see the problem with doing isolation exercises, do you only do compound?

And over how many to the minimum days per week should this be done?
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