GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

Haha what did I do? :D Did you use the trick for SLDL's?

Hmm, guess who has the most posts in this thread? 208 of them... all questions lol :D

no no, been doing that one myself for a while, using 20k plates :D

last night, i tried a mix of your current HST routine, Week 1 workout 1.

For those who do not know it, its kinda like this..

Front squats - 50kg (form wasnt bad, not atg though as i just do not have the mobility (same for back squats), though i do go lower on front squats).
Back squats - 60kg
SLDLs - 60kg

Inc DB press - 28kg
BOR - 60kg

Arnold press - 16kg
Calf raises - smith was in use so had to use machine - stack

V-bar pushdown - 30kg
EZ preacher - 25kg

Cable flyes - (prefer to DB flyes) - 30kg
1 arm Db row - 28kg

All 2x15, max 120 secs rest between sets.

I was completely ****ed. Went to cool down with a 5 minute walk on the treadmill..... 2.5 on 0 incline was too fast!

However, while I hate you CW, i love you. I had a bloody fantastic sleep last night. The house could have blown up and i would still have slept!

Was going to say HST but thought you'd done it before. Are you going to give this a full run then or was it just a curious try one workout? Tougher than it looks isn't it? Those 15's are murderous, the first one might be light weights but it's just a shocker haha.. :)

Was going to say HST but thought you'd done it before. Are you going to give this a full run then or was it just a curious try one workout? Tougher than it looks isn't it? Those 15's are murderous, the first one might be light weights but it's just a shocker haha.. :)

shocker is one way of putting it. murderous, yes, that is a very good word for it!
It was a 1 work out, curiosity thing, but im going to do a full run with it, how on earth i am going to cut on it i dont know though. I am hungry, i could eat a horse, raw. i might do cut on 15s, add calories for the 10s and then eat like a moster for the 5s

not done HST before, done circuit based weights but not to this level. from what i have read about it, i can easily recommend it, but actually doing it means it gets my stamp of approval.

cant wait to start eating properly on it, i have no doubt it will force muscle growth :D
shocker is one way of putting it. murderous, yes, that is a very good word for it!
It was a 1 work out, curiosity thing, but im going to do a full run with it, how on earth i am going to cut on it i dont know though. I am hungry, i could eat a horse, raw. i might do cut on 15s, add calories for the 10s and then eat like a moster for the 5s

not done HST before, done circuit based weights but not to this level. from what i have read about it, i can easily recommend it, but actually doing it means it gets my stamp of approval.

cant wait to start eating properly on it, i have no doubt it will force muscle growth :D
Oh fo sho! :D The first couple of cycles especially are awesome, your body just wonders wtf has hit it and it responds like you're a n00b again. The only way you can mess it up really is too much volume and not eating enough.

Cutting on the 15's and 10's then bulking on the 5's is VERY effective mate trust me, it's what I do and this kind of enforced period training and dieting is what attracts me the most and why I've stuck at it so long. The forced rest (SD) every 2 months helps keep you fit and fresh aswell, I'm sure you've read all about it though.

I know it's called Hypertrophy Specific but believe me you'll me making some of the best strength gains of your life.

Want any input on your routine, you know were I am dude :)
Day 1: Chest/Shoulders/Biceps

Bench Press
Incline Fly/Incline Bench
DB Shoulder/Military Press
Arnold Press?
Bicep Curl
Standing/Seated Bicep Curls

Day 2: Back/Triceps

Bent Over Row (DB)
Chin Ups

Day 3: Legs

Front Squats
SLDL/Romanian Deadlift
Lunges/Calf Raise/Leg Curl

So something like this will do. But for triceps what are good compound exercises then? I know theres the tricep pushdowns on the pulleys but what else, not really into kickbacks.
Just started at the gym last week. I'm 17 in a month, 5'7" and as iCraig aptly described himself - a celery stick. :( Haha, oh well.

On Tuesday I did the first part of Gordy's 3 day split - went OK. On Thursday I did the back/bicep routine in the OP and I was absolutely fine at the time and the whole of yesterday but I woke up this morning and I'm getting pain in my elbows (inside - like between the forearms and biceps - maybe a tendon/ligament) every time I have my arm fully extended or fully "curled". Is that normal for starting or have I pulled something.

I thought it was strange as it was fine the day after but sore this morning. Any ideas as to the cause? Is it normal to start off with or did I do it too hard (didn't really find myself struggling much whilst doing the weights).

EDIT: Didn't venture into the big bad free weights section of the gym but I was using the machines so I don't think I was doing it horribly wrong, either :(
Sounds like DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness/Stiffness. Even if you don't feel yourself struggling at the time it could be that you have overdone it initially because you are now stressing muscles that aren't used to it. It is fairly common, I think particularly when you are starting something new but it should hopefully ease over time and you will notice it less and less.

It can take a little while to get knowledge of what your body can cope with and when to push it or when to back off.

//edit, did you get an induction course on how to use the machines? Also don't worry about using the free-weights section, most of the guys when they started off will have probably been a similar size to you and most will not look down on you, if they do then they are a tool anyway. :)
Sounds like DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness/Stiffness. Even if you don't feel yourself struggling at the time it could be that you have overdone it initially because you are now stressing muscles that aren't used to it. It is fairly common, I think particularly when you are starting something new but it should hopefully ease over time and you will notice it less and less.

It can take a little while to get knowledge of what your body can cope with and when to push it or when to back off.

Thanks for the reply. Sounds like decent news!

Hopefully will clear up soon so I can crack on with it!

EDIT: I probably should get the initiation except my mate is a gym-goer and I made him show me and check I was doing it right. Will do the initiation soon though!

EDIT(x2): The bit I've bolded in your quote - does that mean that it is going to be a one-off type thing or will it happen every time I do the exercises?
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In all honesty when I first started I had pain for the first week. I think it's the fact that your body is getting a shock it's doing something that it hasn't done before or hasn't done in a long time. Once you work your way into it you should stop getting pain like that, and start getting just the development pain.
SK07 said:
In all honesty when I first started I had pain for the first week. I think it's the fact that your body is getting a shock it's doing something that it hasn't done before or hasn't done in a long time. Once you work your way into it you should stop getting pain like that, and start getting just the development pain.

I like the sound of that. ;) I better make sure I stretch off to start and finish next time.

I get it most of the time, it's due to the muscle fibres being damaged and healing (not that lack of it is bad)

I'm not sure. Obviously I'm new to this but I've had stiffness after exercise before (almost a likeable pain :confused:) but this is really sore whenever I fully extend or curl up my arm - it just doesn't feel in any muscle; it feels like a tendon/ligament.

I'll be able to tell in a couple of weeks what the story is anyway.
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