GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

have it plain. if you need flavouring get some nesquick, but only use a small amount (level teaspoon will be more than enough for a touch of flavour) :]

also, do the price matcher on www.bulkpowders.co.uk and use code (see A2Z above) for 5% off your first order.

EDIT: that took an age to post!
beaten by A2Z to the pimp :p

20kg Euro 80 concentrate - under £115 ? mental price!
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I have a question about a wrist / forearm "injury" (well a pain really) that I picked up at the gym last week. I felt it a bit last Monday but didn't think too much about it. Then on Wednesday the pain started to twinge a bit more, mainly when doing bicep curls. So on my next visit to the gym on Friday I played it safe and only worked the legs.

I've spent the last few days trying to do nothing with my right arm (no jokes.. :p), but I still feel it twinge every now and then.

I'm just wondering what the best plan is now. I'm going to avoid bicep curls until later in the week, but Monday is normally my chest / tricep day, which might cause some problems. So do you think it's best to try lightly working the arm first to see if it holds, or completely avoid all exercise with it until I can't feel the twinge? :confused:
So difficult to comment on injuries but usually it's best to let it heal. At the very least aviod doing the exercise that caused the injury. Saying that I trained most of last year with tendonitis in my forearms and I battled through it but doing so just made the injury last longer.
I have a question about a wrist / forearm "injury" (well a pain really) that I picked up at the gym last week. I felt it a bit last Monday but didn't think too much about it. Then on Wednesday the pain started to twinge a bit more, mainly when doing bicep curls. So on my next visit to the gym on Friday I played it safe and only worked the legs.

I've spent the last few days trying to do nothing with my right arm (no jokes.. :p), but I still feel it twinge every now and then.

I'm just wondering what the best plan is now. I'm going to avoid bicep curls until later in the week, but Monday is normally my chest / tricep day, which might cause some problems. So do you think it's best to try lightly working the arm first to see if it holds, or completely avoid all exercise with it until I can't feel the twinge? :confused:

I get pain in my forearm after doing bicep curls, only for about 5 seconds though once I put the bar down. Maybe your lifting to heavy?

Try doing other bicep exercises to compensate, ones which you feel you can do which only you know you could manage, even try pull-ups, seated row, lateral pull, theres ways in which these exercises can be done that benefit the biceps.
It was the donation of posts to the war memoriable, appears you didn't donate anything CW :mad: ;).
Ah I see, didn't know anything about it, very rare I go into GD these days.

Just spent the last 10 mins looking up the threads etc and see everythings finished :o

Done my bit watching them march this morning, my daughter's in the cadets the little trooper! :D
when i first started going to the gym, any sort of bicep curl or barbell or EZ bar curl or preacher curl produced a pain in my wrist and forearm, so for biceps i just did underhand pullups instead for a while

Check me biceps :p
This doesn't feel like a muscle pain type thing, more like something that's been pulled (yeah most likely from lifting too heavy without warming up maybe). The twinge is in a very localised area.

I'm at the transition atm in my standing bicep curls, in that the 15kg dumbbells are a comfortable lift (I can do around 12 in a set), but with the 17.5kg dumbbells I can only do around 5 without 'throwing' the dumbell up.

I'll try out a few combos as you've suggested to see which puts the least strain on my wrist / forearm. :)
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