GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

on the basis that you apparently have 20kg, that could be a while :p


no no, i just ran the pricematch to see what was on offer :D
ive got about 4kg left of my current tub

greg on synthol? never :p
he is natural!!! always has been!! that short film was all a lie haha
Doing a 3 day split, im not sure what I want to aim for. Strength on a 5x5? or 3x10. Wouldn't I gain muscle mass anyway by doing a 5x5?
as a by product of eating big to make full use of the 5x5, yes you would gain mass.

believe me, do HST.
Doing a 3 day split, im not sure what I want to aim for. Strength on a 5x5? or 3x10. Wouldn't I gain muscle mass anyway by doing a 5x5?

At the end of the day you're lifting heavy weights, so if you're eating right and the routine is sensible then you're going to grow. As has been said, I think you need to stop worrying about planning it all out so much - try a routine for a 6 weeks or so and just see how it goes. If you're not happy with it, change to something else.
can someone please have a quick look over these exercises and give me a yay or nay on if these are good exercises for building up muscle:

lower body
leg curls (lying/seated?)

bench press
incline bench press
bent over row
incline shoulder raise

hammer curl
close grip bench press

Ive chosen these from the exercise directory as i tried to choose things that are usable with my equipment and give many of my muscles a good workout, One thing i will be adding to the exercise list later on is pressup, but currently i cant do them (im overweight, and its too difficult, if i use my knees as the support point, its too easy).

Ill try to adjust the weight so i can do 6-8 reps on each exercise, as for how many sets, im not sure.
One thing i will be adding to the exercise list later on is pressup, but currently i cant do them (im overweight, and its too difficult, if i use my knees as the support point, its too easy).

You could always just try doing the negative phase to start with i.e. starting from your arms extended and lowering yourself to the floor under control as that should help build up muscle. Some people also do them against a wall but with feet about 4-5ft away from the wall, this might prove too easy quickly though.
I have tried doing a pressup starting with arms extended, but i have the same problem that i can lower myself, but i strugle to push myself back up again. Its proberly a mixture of my weight (a bit over 16 stone and 5'10'') and weak muscles. Next time ill have a go doing what you suggested and try against a wall, or maybe some stairs as that would also change my angle.
what's a good template to follow for an HST routine?

The HST site gives this....

Squat - 10 Reps
Stiff Leg Deads - 10 Reps
Incline Bench - 10 Reps
Dips - 10 Reps
Rows - 10 Reps
Chins - 10 Reps
Shrugs - 10 Reps
Lateral Raise - 10 Reps
Rear Delt - 10 Reps
Shoulder Press - 10 Reps
DB Curls - 10 Reps
Tricep Ext. - 10 Reps
Calf Raise - 10 Reps
Crunches - 10 Reps

But it's pants :p
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Think I'll try this...

Squat - 15 Reps
RDL - 15 Reps
Incline Press - 15 Reps
Weighted Dips - 15 Reps
Foward Rows - 15 Reps
Pulldowns - 15 Reps
Shrugs - 15 Reps
Rear Cable Flies - 15 Reps
Arnold Press - 15 Reps
Military Press - 15 Reps
DB Preacher Curls - 15 Reps
Decline Tricep Extensions - 15 Reps
Leg Curl - 15 Reps
Calf Raise - 20 Reps
Weighted Crunches - 15 Reps
Stick to mainly compounds. Isolations can be used for the 15's and 10's but when you get to the business end of the 5's drop them and just concentrate purely on the big lifts. You'll need all the energy you can get for them.

Alternate each workout so you'd do each one 3 times in each rep cycle.

Workout A
2 sets of 15 - 2 sets of 10
Inc DB Bench
Clean & Press
Calf Raises

Workout B 2 sets of 15 - 2 sets of 10
Front Squat
Bench Press
Seated Arnold Press
EZ-Bar Preacher Curls
Calf Raises

You could do the above for the 5's aswell, maybe just 3 sets of 5 reps on each one, maybe 4 for the compounds. Or you can really go for some massive strength gains and go 5x5 but you have to drop the iso's.

Workout A
Clean & Press

Workout B 5x5
Bench Press
Seated Arnold Press - or any kind of press, I like the Arnolds they seem to hit more than most.

Eat a mimimum of 4000kcals a day and prepare to grow like a weed AND smash all your PB's :D
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CW, are you not absolutely shattered after all them 5x5s?

I've started doing 4x5 for the big 3 lifts, even after that i'm pretty drained compared to usual.
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