GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

I'm a big chicken eater as well, i've been getting the frozen stuff a lot more recently and just taking it out as and when I need it.

I also go for boneless cod fillets quite often, if you're in a rush it's only a couple of minutes in the microwave.
Was hitting up the incline bench today. I seemed to lose a lot of bench strength over the summer so was at 65kg when i started three weeks ago, but its been going up well. I did 80kg x 3 quite easily. Since it's the last week of incline benching I pushed it, did 85kg x 1 quite easily, but when I went for 90kg x 1 I totally got stuck at the bottom. "Excuse me could you just get this bar off me please?" :D
Depends what you're after.

The higher you get the more your shoulders will come into play. I probably use about a 30 percent incline (first notch up on my bench).
I'd say varying the incline angle between 0 and 30 degrees is the best option to hit the clavicle head (and build an even chest). In regards to the shoulders it's not so much the problem of the anterior/lateral deltoids taking the work off of the pectorals (the anterior delts are synergistic in all bench press) but more to do with them being injured because they're unable to cope with the amount of weight being lifted :).
Yup :)

Still undecided on what i'm doing after Christmas. Part of me is tempted to go for a HIT style routine so I can train to failure (I love doing it).

I had initially planned to start HST after the break though.......
you will gain both mass and strength from HST imo.
the food will force growth and the workouts will force strength up

oh, it will also have your heart pumping like mad, so great cardio :p
I'd say varying the incline angle between 0 and 30 degrees is the best option to hit the clavicle head (and build an even chest). In regards to the shoulders it's not so much the problem of the anterior/lateral deltoids taking the work off of the pectorals (the anterior delts are synergistic in all bench press) but more to do with them being injured because they're unable to cope with the amount of weight being lifted :).

Very informative - thanks :)
For protein shakes, really I know it's down to personal preference but for cutting I was going to have about 3 shakes a day, but should I take them on days I do not weight lift? also 2 scoops is fine?

How much water/milk to I fill it up to, say before I put the powder in, fill it up to 400ml? 500? or more? Drinking 3 shakes 1 in the morning, pre workout, post workout? or pre/post/night? fine?
Clarification purposes, I've pretty much just started taking them, sometimes I wonder why I even bother asking, your so helpful :rolleyes:

You have asked it more than once before, it has also been posted in many many other threads, of which you have contributed.

Cheers Morba :)
Clarification purposes, I've pretty much just started taking them, sometimes I wonder why I even bother asking, your so helpful :rolleyes:
Mate I've helped you more times than I care to remember and you give me the rolleyes??

You're the top poster in this thread, currently 226 posts and they are all questions. All have been answered and you're trying to tell me you don't know the answer to one of the most basic questions there is? We're all more than willing to help but you just keep asking the same things over and over.

Not flaming you or falling out with you, I'll still help if I think it's genuine but sometimes you make me wonder...
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