GordyR's Beginners Guide to Bodybuilding

I know what he means, people who aren't into it just think it's weird/strange. Even my friend who has trained with me for 9 months doesn't take any supplements and thinks of them as dodgy and weird.

Yeah, i get funny comments in a new place of work, but nothing where people are laughing at me.
Just finished leg workout, legs are absolutely fooked. Added in heavy dumbell lunges + step-ups on a bench as well as the squat, was killer but good :).

Still trying to get the front squat right, have to use the smith machine but it feels awkward the way the bar is resting, can't seem to get it 100% right.
CW - barsteward, simple. :p

this evenings workout: all 2x15

front squats: 50kg (+ 5kg)
back squats: 65kg (+ 5kg)
sldls: 65kg

superset 1:
incline db press: 30kg (+ 2kg)
BOR: 65kg (+ 5kg)

superset 2:
arnold db press: 15kg
standing calf raises: 110kg (+ 20kg)

superset 3:
vbar pushdown: 30kg
seated db curl: 14kg

superset 4:
cable crossover : 35kg (+ 5kg)
1 arm db rows: 29kg (+ 1kg (bloody 30s were being used, didnt want to use the 32s))

i was absolutely cream crackered!
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no more than 2 mins. i would die if i lowered it :D
there are 1 or 2 places where i have to pause, romanians - more because of my forearm than my hams / front squats - i stop after 10 to reset myself a touch, stop the bar from falling forwards!

thankfully it was early enough for the gym to be very quiet. i was able to setup the next superset while resting in the current one, which kept the heartrate up.
got on the treadmill straigtht after final set - HR was 141!!
bonkers :D

"dude whats up?"
"i.. i broke myself.. ARGHH"


i am seriously unsure how you cut on the 15s, i want to eat like a monster :D
Yeah they crank it up don't they? Great for burning calories. Just keep that protein high dude and resist the snacks :)

Wait until the 5's mate, all I want to do is eat, sleep and grow!
resist the snacks.... oh dear!! haha
in all fairness, i will start it proper next week. i knew that i was having 2 all nighters in work (2 running saturdays), so last week was doing some 15s and not eating the best while recovering from not sleeping over the weekend!

just finished a nice takeaway chinese, should see me happy until 3am ish!! haha

but yeah, from monday, its going to be much protein (have already had comments from people in work about the amount of chicken i consume!!) and dropping the crap, then hitting the 15s hard.

5s, there will be no issue about me getting enough calories in me, i will be eating a flock of chickens (are they flocks?) each day for a start haha
Ah weekends are different ;)

Last night I had a huge chicken curry with all the rice, naan bread, onion bahji washed down with a bottle of lager and then I opened a packet of wine gums! They didn't last long :D

Strange but chicken is one thing I hardly ever eat, not deliberately I just seem to get a huge chunk of my protein from eggs, fish and red meat. Never even realized how little chicken I ate until just now! (apart from the weekend curries...)
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