GOW - Who's Man Enough?

dannyjo22 said:
I would be up for a game tonight. I certainly ain't going drinkin anytime soon ;)

I've not had a single hangover once no matter how much I drink :) I'm up for a few games, lets just hope we can get a full room this time
kalanium said:
I've not had a single hangover once no matter how much I drink :)

Nor did I when I was in my teens, sadly it came on as I got older. Now they get so bad I rarely drink past 2 pints. Sadly last night I lost my self control.

Takes me a full day to recover, just incase I suck more than usual at GOW thats my excuse ;)
Kronologic said:
If do want to play online with us, send me a friends request. Put ocuk in either your motto or as part of the FR. I will accept you and begin to spam you with game invites. If you do not respond in the first 2 - 4 weeks I will remove you from my friends list.

I share the same views as Danny, we have both added a lot of people to our friends lists in the past year or so (I have filled and purged it twice in the last 6 months) Most people are entusiastic for about 5 min and never play after getting on my list.

I fully respect that mate i'm a mature 36yr old gamer so just just looking for some fun now and then lol
dannyjo22 said:
well you will certainly get nothing but friendly fun in our games. Unless gord joins ;)

Or unless your on my team and I'm having a bad night (which seems to go from me to krono randomly)
Well im off out to pull several fit women ( :) ) so depending on how late you guys play till i could join in th wee hours.

If its anything like the people i used to play Burbnout revenge with (madfruit, whiteroser etc) then you all probs will be ;)
gord said:
Didnt realise you lot were playing last night.. how disappointing.. is there some action tonight? Gotta address this theory of Krono and Alrik on the same team.. :p

Sure you didn't ;) You were just afraid to show up. Anyway I'm hardly ever on the same team as krono or gord, I'm always on the handycapped team with less players while you two are on the same team with more players. I swear this game hates me :(
kalanium said:
Sure you didn't ;) You were just afraid to show up. Anyway I'm hardly ever on the same team as krono or gord, I'm always on the handycapped team with less players while you two are on the same team with more players. I swear this game hates me :(

by the handycapped team, u mean the team with me on it :)
Less people on my team I mean. Last night or the day before when we played was the first time you were on my team. I'm talking about since I started playing online the majority of the time I'm on the team with less people.
well I am ready and waiting to play some GoW - if anyone wants a grunt to join them please add "Alty2k7" to your friends list and I will gladly come n join in the fun n games :)
Sorry, had to dash off earlier.

Still, classic new bug spotted! When playing as COG, another COG ran up shooting me - turned into Locust model when i shot back! And when spectating Gord (as he was last person alive on team as locust) two enemies walked towards him both firing - one was correctly being displayed as a COG, but the other was a Locust Model!

No wonder people have difficulty trying to identify friend and foe!

EDIT: Oh! And I forgot something else I saw ... at the end of a level - briefly saw the last kill by <whoever> then the name changed after a split second! Another time it shoved up the 'Draw' graphic, again just a split second (a few frames at most) then replaced by the correct 'Win' box etc....

Thumbs up to Epic for having such a well polished, bug free game - it makes it such a pleasure to play :rolleyes:
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Some interesting games tonight!.. The addition of CaptainPeado ammused me muchly.. i await your return Captain!
gord said:
Some interesting games tonight!.. The addition of CaptainPeado ammused me muchly.. i await your return Captain!

N i left just as the good captain joined the server - I looked for you guys but couldn't see anyone - I thusly joined up with some northerners who kindly took me under their wing until I see u peeps back on later. Woo Woo Indeedy Doo :D
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