GOW - Who's Man Enough?

I may be on tonight, depends what time I get back from the cinema. If anyone see's me come on, just send me an invite and i'll try and get on.
nintenjo said:
Whens it due?

Ill be on from about 9pm.. i got some zelda to catch up on first.

I have no clue thats why its annoying the **** out of me. Its supposedly already done and is waiting for microsoft to do something (testing or something I really have no idea). So all we really know is that "its done when its done"
Windle said:
I think the chainsaw is just fine the way it is :) Reason you can't die while chainsawing is it'd be a little bit stupid to halfway saw through somebody then suddenly die, leaving them with half of a giant cut through them. Would they live, or die?
No I mean they need to make it so before the Chainsaw makes contact you can shoot the guy Chainsaw'ing to save your teammate, plus they are still invulnerable to damage about 2 secs after the guy is split in half.

Chainsaw autoaim/animation needs fixing, has nobody rolled out the way of a Chainsaw but still been killed by it? I know a lot of people who've experienced that bug.
I'd be happy with just taking it out the game considering how easy it is to kill people with currently, the animation initiates from too far away at times.
I would love to play tonight, but i find it pretty hard on my monitor to play GoW atm, got a new Hanns-G thing arriving in the morning :D
young lad said:
can i play :)

Who do i need to add and what time is it all going off?

Cheers guys

Forum Name = Gamer Tag

Me = Gimpy Moose
Gord = G0rd
Doug = Squinoogle
Kronologic = Kronologic
Andybtsn = Andybtsn
Da Mic = da mic 153

If you add these your should be sorted for an invite (As long as there's spaces!) and it starts at GoW o'clock (A magical figure between 8:30-9:00pm)
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