GOW - Who's Man Enough?

Kronologic said:
That gandy, she goes away for a few weeks and comes back just to lower the toan of our games. ;)

Aye well she is a dirty stop-out. Going down so easy on everybody, and on all fours panting. And in front of andy too.
Sorry I ignored the invites last week, wast trying to finish it on insane.

I'll play tonight if there are enough of us, it sin't much fun 2v2 or 3v2 etc!
Kreeeee said:
Add me: Kreeeee

I've given you invites before but you dont join.

Infact so many people have added me to their friends list to play GoW but not one of them has joined when I send them an invite so I just stop!!
found this on CTRL+ALT+DEL this week.


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