Gran Turismo 7

28 Jan 2003
So Kaz has said this game is in development (shock horror).

"We are working on the title," said Yamauchi. "I don't think it'll make this year!"

And when Gran Turismo 7 does come around, the standard car models that persist from 2004's Gran Turismo 4 will most likely feature.

"I doubt that we'll be throwing away the standard cars," said Yamauchi. "Each car has its own fans. So I think we'll hang on to the archive. In the meanwhile, some of those cars we may be able to make into Premium cars as they become available - but basically we're more focussed on increasing the number of premium cars."


Sigh, standard models. :rolleyes:
Why not? If they buff them graphically slightly and update the physics model there's no problem. You don't like them ignore them! Going by GT6, GT7 could be epic. They seriously do need to redo a lot of the older tracks GFX wise though, there is a contrast in GT6.
Why not? If they buff them graphically slightly and update the physics model there's no problem. You don't like them ignore them! Going by GT6, GT7 could be epic. They seriously do need to redo a lot of the older tracks GFX wise though, there is a contrast in GT6.

You ask why and then answer your own question. If they improve them, then fine. But people will have high expectations of the "next-gen" Gran Turismo game and they won't be satiated by models from 10 years ago.
I cannot take anything Kaz says seriously. Yes GT7 is coming but will it just be a stale update from GT6. ATM I feel GT is the real car simulator from a motors perspective but not from a drivers.

At least their are more games coming out to compete this next gen :)
Pd are showing a new level of feedback to the fans and are answering questions directly from the gtp forums. Hopefully this kind of information and collective voice can be heard to help PD get some driver focus in the next gt.

With the FIA deal and competative racing expected to begin in 2015 it all looks promising to me.
That is stupid , i would rather have only 300 cars with ps4 gfx than 300 with ps4 gfx and 600 with outdated substandard gfx .

Why is it stupid? Just because you dont want them? What about those people who do want them in game?

The fact is that PD doesn't have the time or resource to premiumise all those cars so a whole heap of them would simply be lost. I'd rather have them even if they aren't modelled as well as the premiums rather than not have them at all.
Tough to get hyped for another GT game, it was no doubt a pioneer for driving games but for me forza stole the crown.

Too many similar models in the GT series and those sounds are just poor.
all i want for standard models is for them to at least give them some wipers so i can drive in the rain in driver seat view
Well unless they are closer in detail to premium cars they dont seem quite right just my opinion though .

Cars like the ruf have been done pretty well and are considered semi premium in some respects. If they can get tjem uo to that standard with a bit of ps4 AA then they should be more than acceptable. If they used them less as ai opponents I wouldn't mind so ylu wouldn't see them too iften but could buy and use them if you want?
Tough to get hyped for another GT game, it was no doubt a pioneer for driving games but for me forza stole the crown.

Too many similar models in the GT series and those sounds are just poor.

Forza didn't IMO. GT still handles better then Forza but sadly GT has a love affair with cramming as much into the game as possible..

The sounds in GT are poor, and they need to ditch the standard models. Rather 200+ top looking cars with accurate sounds through the entire engine rev range then 1000+ poor sounding and 300 odd good detailed cars out the lot.

Project cars on the PC early access at the moment IMO also trumps the lot of them in sounds and looks. Its only got around 50 cars at the moment, but the feel of the cars using in car and the sounds for most of the cars considering its still a WIP game just whips the lot of them IMO.

If slightly mad continue - as they have got the handling with both wheel and gamepad really nailed down now, then GT and Forza has a new competitor in the field..

GT 7 needs less content (can't believe I'm saying that) better engine sounds and it will IMO improve the brand again.
So basically they'll carry on doing what they've been doing and living with a gaming model from 10+ years ago and living off that reputation.

If that's their attitude and they want to keep standard cars from the archive then I guess they'll be keeping the standard engine sounds from the archive to. I would prefer quality over quantity, how many different versions of the GTR do they need...
Pd are showing a new level of feedback to the fans and are answering questions directly from the gtp forums. Hopefully this kind of information and collective voice can be heard to help PD get some driver focus in the next gt.

With the FIA deal and competative racing expected to begin in 2015 it all looks promising to me.

What can the FIA offer?

They're just regulators.
Structure, focus, officiating of tje races.

It just shows hpw hard pd are working to deliver anything other than a 10 year old experience.

Perhaps they should concentrate on improving the overall experience!

Improving graphics
Improving sounds
Improving the catalogue of cars. As mentioned earlier... How many skylines does this game really need.?

This game is just being taken over by pointless features.
Perhaps they should concentrate on improving the overall experience!

Improving graphics
Improving sounds
Improving the catalogue of cars. As mentioned earlier... How many skylines does this game really need.?

This game is just being taken over by pointless features.

They cant improve gfx on ps3 so will have to wait for release on 4 anyway. Look if you don't like it don't play it nothing to do with me.
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