Gran Turismo 7

a car model can only go to a certain level of detail without it being stupid/redundant...

it isn't the model that makes it next gen, it'll be the shaders/textures/world settings that effect on the model...
I'd make a compromise, have the standard cars possible but as a free dl or install from the disc. I don't even want to see them for sale in my game, I'd still feel aggrieved that man hours were wasted messing with them though.
a car model can only go to a certain level of detail without it being stupid/redundant...

it isn't the model that makes it next gen, it'll be the shaders/textures/world settings that effect on the model...

The standard ones, have less options for tuning or did? No interior view and really do look out of place when actually looked at.
Interesting cars should be having time spent on them making them premium and bringing that experience up to a even higher standard. It's having things like

Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '91

Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '92

Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '93

Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '95

that I find pretty pointless.
I've said it before, many times.. Project cars has at the moment around 50 + cars, but all of them are superbly modeled and detailed lovely, you jump out of one car, and into the next and you just don't feel like its out of place..

P cars is even a WIP pre alpha game on the PC at this moment in time. The love on the tracks, the cars and the detail around the tracks is just shinning through. GT5 and GT6 however felt like two games, part last gen (PS3 era) and part pre PS3, the standard models just felt completely out of place. PD knows this, drop the game into photo mode, you can't zoom in like you can when a none premium car is in view when taking a picture, reason - low res textures and almost blacked out windows.

Some of the tracks in GT 5 and GT 6 had pre Ps3 textures and models it was reported and GT6 has it sounds taken from the lower rev range and then up-scaled in house, not recorded through the entire rev range like other games do. Project cars, the cars roar, pop and rumble in all the right places, with a BMW z4 the exhaust backfire pops and you just know its had a exhaust flame without even seeing it as you're racing around in car. Go into helmet view (missing from GT games) and the engines muffle, go to exterior view, and the engine note is higher.

GT 7 needs a lot of work in the right places, and a lot of stuff just dropping - standard (AKA low res not worked on since Ps2 or just slightly worked on to almost fool you) cars and the sounds for all cars in GT7 need to be reworked.

Drive club seems to be on the right track after serious delay, Forza dropped content but had brilliantly modeled cars - GT 6 has superb handling, no doubt, and i'm the biggest GT fan since GT1, GT2 was awesome, GT4 was their finest game, however GT5 and GT6 have been let downs IMO and GT7 needs a lot of work to redeem themselves.

Drive Club and Project Cars for PS4 has me more excited at this moment, GT7 just has this feeling to me of - hmmm what half baked game will it be that seems to have taken years to make, yet feels so incomplete.

Shame.. i'm not writing it off just yet. PD could surprise they are listening to criticism nowadays. Something that Japanese companies when they do listen tend to fix their mistakes.. PS4 is a shinning example of how to fix a almost broken brand. Well, not that broken, Ps3 wasn't that broken, but it started out poorly and GT5 and GT6 had potential, maybe GT7 will be the racer we expected off the back of GT4. Ps2, > PS4, hmm it could happen folks.. : - )
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Dont underestimate how difficult it was to make gt5 or 6 for ps3 architecture. All that 256mb of ram has to be used somewhere. And the gfx and effects used in gt6 some are almost exclusive to the game. It certainly utilises every single drop of performance on offer. There isn't much more they could do with the platform imo. This doesn't give them a pass on everything else that's wonky but I think you have to respect the development that went into both the titles.
Can't recall the last time I played this. To me it's become so irrelevant. And there are far better titles out there.

Assetto Corsa
Project Cars
Assetto Corsa isn't really a game, it's a fantastic simulator but the "career" is laughable.

Agreed lol.

However I'm more into the driving aspect of Sims. I'm too grown for this pokemon'esq grind. I have a real career to think about... You know. Some real life grinding.
Agreed lol.

However I'm more into the driving aspect of Sims. I'm too grown for this pokemon'esq grind. I have a real career to think about... You know. Some real life grinding.

Speaking of grind... Who in their right mind went ahead with the 24 hour races? Even doing it in stages a bit much. As you can't do anything else until it is completed or abandon it.
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