Gran Turismo 7

For anyone who bought the physical copy, it will try to download the entire game rather than copy from the disk, so if you disconnect your console from the internet it will install much faster (unless you have stupid fast internet speeds).

Going to start playing later today and I am very excited! The platinum trophy is actually obtainable unlike the one in GT Sport.
For anyone who bought the physical copy, it will try to download the entire game rather than copy from the disk, so if you disconnect your console from the internet it will install much faster (unless you have stupid fast internet speeds).

Going to start playing later today and I am very excited! The platinum trophy is actually obtainable unlike the one in GT Sport.
Just bunged my disk in and its copying 10gb or so from disc, i'm presuming its a lot bigger than that?
For anyone who bought the physical copy, it will try to download the entire game rather than copy from the disk, so if you disconnect your console from the internet it will install much faster (unless you have stupid fast internet speeds).

wish I’d realised that earlier as it took me all day to install!
Can't add you due to your privacy settings apparently. I added the other two :)

I'm XeNoN89 on PSN
Can't seem to find you - add me it's polynomial007.
What view are you all driving ?
I usually do console racing on a chase cam and pc racing in car, but have been using the default in car so far in GT7, its nice but maybe online racing awareness would be better in chase mode ? ...
Bonnet always...
Anybody playing with the controller and not a wheel? Is it worth getting if you only have controller?
Only use a controller, dualsense was built for GT7 in mind no doubt. Won't be as fast as a wheel but won't be that far off...

ps3ud0 :cool:
God some of the scapes are truly fun to play around with. Not sure how to upload higher quality though… the internet says I can access my screenshots via the ps app but I can’t see how.

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