*** Grand Theft Auto IV - The Official Thread ***

I've rebooted the modem and router, kicked it, shouted at it... It's knackered.

Do us a favour someone please? Go to the virgin media site, and check for issues in the midlands. Believe it's the help link, then something like service status?

The gf is on virgin up in york and shes had no net since last night.
I'm heading out in a bit too. I'm going to look like a knob... just standing at the entertainment desk holding a dummy box of gta lol. Or you reckon you can take the dummy box and go shopping around with it and go back to the till to get it?

Depends really, if they had a brain cell what they would do is put out the correct number of dummy boxes for what they had in stock, then you could go do what you want in the store whilst waiting. Thats what they did when I went for a Wii.
They had some dummy boxes which they gave each person.
Ticket Number 698307
Time Stamp 28/04/2008 21:00
Priority MSO
Status Opened
Department Outage Surveillence Team
Estimated Time Fix 4 Hours
Customers Affected Broadband Internet
Raised By Carl McKeown
Postcode Areas All
Placename Midlands
Detailed Description

Customers in Midlands area may currently be experiencing a loss of their Broadband Internet Service.
Our engineers are currently investigating this issue.
Virgin Media would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Virgin Media Technical Support

Cheers for that... looks like it's not just me then!

Cheers too Hencore, I had net last night, but just not since around half 8 or so.

Edit:/ Cheers too Jay :)
I've rebooted the modem and router, kicked it, shouted at it... It's knackered.

Do us a favour someone please? Go to the virgin media site, and check for issues in the midlands. Believe it's the help link, then something like service status?

Tickets for region : England - Midlands

Opened All ( Midlands )- Loss of Broadband Internet

28/04/2008 21:00

Meh beated :P
Depends really, if they had a brain cell what they would do is put out the correct number of dummy boxes for what they had in stock, then you could go do what you want in the store whilst waiting. Thats what they did when I went for a Wii.
They had some dummy boxes which they gave each person.

Yeah - doubt that though. I can imagine people walking around with dummy boxes in their trolleys doing the weekly shop with an anouncement "there are only 5 copies of gta4 left" then a mad supermarket sweep to the entertainment section.

I'll take my mp3 player and wait around :rolleyes:
Well the PS3 runs games at 120fps so I think Gears of War graphics on a GTA game are very doable, developers just haven't tapped the true power of the CELL in the PS3, I admit it won't be possible on the 360 though.

If only :rolleyes: I do hope you're joking.....

I'm having to hope my online order doesn't need signing for when delivered, otherwise it could be tricky getting to the post office to pick it up before the weekend. On a plus note, I'll probably get to play and watch it being played most of the day in work tomorrow :) it's research ;)
Am in the Midlands on the Lichfield ubr and all is fine here.

Am on the Telford UBR and it's knackered!

Can get onto OCuK (obviously) Google occasionaly, and BBC occasionaly. Team talk loads but is uber slow, and can chat on messenger. But can't load up any games within MSN :/

Wish they'd fix it already!
Pfft the cool people have had theirs since Friday ;)

Good luck to those going out at Midnight. I better get back in game. The way some of you play you'll have over taken me by morning lol. I'm at 28% atm. Not rushing through it. Wanna do all the side missions too because apparently they give you help with the main story.
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I will be waking up after a nice early night to play it 2 hours before work, lovely :D

I can never appreciate a game properly when im half dead at 3am, can never remember what i have done as im zoned out.
If anyone is purposefully going to a supermarket at 12 JUST to get GTA4, I think that sets a new level of gaydom in 2008 :p
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