Grand Theft Auto V is about to look borderline photorealistic

Still not played it much myself - I can't get past the split X/Y mouse sensitivity and scaling with framerate :( and that you need like a million keys bound when they could have made use of the PC's capabilities to streamline a lot of stuff.
I played and finished the PC version of GTAV with controller, playing on TV. Worked perfectly and god damn it is a great game. I was itching for a playthrough, this mod will provide nice incentive.
This is now on my list of "things to play when I go 4k via TV" :D

I would miss the m+kb switching for gunfights.
It's a tough one, I've modded my game to a level that I love now, to wipe it all and try something different will be a bake, but I'll definitely keep an eye on this new mod.

I have my game exactly how I like it, wont be everyones cuppa tea but its perfect for me, loud and bright haha

looks really good, its going to have to play nice with all the other graphic and immersion mods though. I've around 60 mods installed on my GTAV, there are some incredible mods out there now that take the game levels and levels above vanilla. Will follow this one closely.

Could you post your list of mods if possible Tony?
I don't know what it is about current graphics. They look fantastic, but there's always that thing that seems off, so it doesn't look real.
I don't know what it is about current graphics. They look fantastic, but there's always that thing that seems off, so it doesn't look real.

Plastic, that's what makes CGI and computer games seem 'off'. Light diffusion is a very hard thing to replicate at a life like scale. And if you do, it's damn near impossible for standard GPU's to render in real time.
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