The only one who couldn't let it lie was Suarez.
Let us be clear here, Suarez was the one who originally abused Evra, Evra is the wronged party in this....Suarez was banned, he has served his ban and Evra by offering his hand to Suarez showed that he was willing to draw a line under the incident.
Suarez decided, for whatever reason that he would escalate and inflame an already tense situation by purposely refusing to shake the hand of Evra, he then made a joke about it to his team-mate in front of Evra immediately after the players broke to the field.
These are not the actions of a man who wishes to let it lie, they are the actions of a man who cannot see beyond his own prejudices and unfortunately he is a bad reflection on a club who have a long and proud footballing tradition and who are committed to stamping out the very attitude and actions that Suarez has been banned for.
At best he was petulant and infantile, at worst he is a racist. In either case Liverpool FC have an issue they need to deal with quickly and authoritatively and that is one that revolves around the actions of Luis Suarez and not Patrice Evra, who throughout the game showed integrity and strength of character, something that if Suarez had shown just a little of during the pre-match handshake then we would not be discussing this, but discussing the football itself.
As far as his after-match celebrations, he is not the first, nor will he be the last player to let his passion and emotion get the better of him in a win of such importance to him and the club, this was about the relationship between Evra, his club and the Manchester United Fans however, and nothing to do with Suarez.
Suarez today disgraced not only himself, but the club that he was representing, and if Kenny Dalglish has any integrity left to him then he will cease to defend the actions of Suarez and address them with the player directly. If he does not then a great club with a fantastic pedigree will be associated with the petty racially motivated actions of Suarez for years to come. No-one wants to see that.
And Robbo getting suspended for his opinion is unfair in my opinion. If someone is allowed their opinion on a subject no matter what their motivation then another member should be able to give theirs regarding that motivation.