Fergie and Wenger are done, have been for years, but consistently bad decisions when you start off with the best teams in the league take some time to really show up. Not least helped by the amount of teams that have gone ahead of Utd to completely capitulate afterwards, if teams were stronger Utd could and should have lost a whole bunch of games this season.
I was really watching too much of the qualifying to pay too much attention to the game but the second I saw Welbeck/Scholes lining up I though, "at least Giggs will be off and Utd might be decent in the second half".... then I watched qualifying, came back with 10 mins to go and was shocked Giggs was still on.....
Last year Giggs/Park was a recipe for disaster, Giggs has been completely past it for 3 years and dodgy for 2 years before that. If I was Utd manager those 2 not very good years would have been Giggs last seasons.
Carrick is someone you work around being poor with other players, when Carrick is the "good" midfielder.... you're in serious trouble. Scholes, I frankly have a man crush on, he's just awesomeness personified. He was ridiculously good up till his first retirement and one of if not the best player, but probably the most influencial to the team in the second half of last season. This season he's not looking as good, but I think a large part of that is people recognised how much energy he's dropped since the end of the 10/11 season, and so while 5 years ago targetting Scholes for double man marking and pressure up the field is frankly just leaving him gaps to exploit, this season it returns some real results. He's that bit slower, bit less able and bit more tired.
He's still excellent and still your best passer by a mile, but he needs someone better than Carrick alongside him now, and he certainly needs someone massively better than Giggs.