Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [1st - 5th March 2019]

9 Jun 2004
They'll have a statue of that kid before their next home game. There's quite possibly a DVD of the game being prepared too :p
6 Jun 2005
Everton havent been anything special and we didnt win, unless Klopp gets it into his head that this midfield cant create I dont see these types of draws changing into wins any time soon.

You also wont have to deal with the heated atmosphere you did twice in the last week either, which is a huge factor.

You were missing creativity in the last week from the middle of the park....but Salah's touch has also deserted him a little as well (is that from the heated atmosphere / another temp reason or something harder to solve - who knows)

I still think you are more likely to get more points off Chelsea /Spurs than you did the last couple of Sundays
4 Jan 2011

Need creativity so who does he bring on?

This result's on Klopp.

Gone from 7 points ahead to 1 behind in just a comparatively short time. Nerves?

Yes, you can't envision two good players won't be capable of a 5 yard pass.



City went from ahead to 7 behind in a shorter time. Maybe this is how league races play out?
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Title is blown imo, barring some City sloppiness.

Sadly I think you are right. I've said all season that we cannot afford to let City get ahead because I just don't see City dropping more points than Liverpool. I think this may well be it for the title now, unless Spurs can throw a spanner in the works. Utd wont because I think Utd would rather see City win the title (given that they already have a premier league title so no real difference) than Liverpool win the title (because that keeps it so that Liverpool STILL haven't won a premier league).

All I can hope for now is a weird deflection or a fluke or something else like that causing City to unexpectedly drop points, though as I say I don't think Liverpool have it in them at the moment to go 9 straight wins til the end of the season and I think that's going to be whats needed.

On the plus side if City do win it, we gave City a good fight and made the season much more interesting than it could have been if City had strolled to another title.



24 Sep 2005
Think Klopp made mistakes with the subs yesterday, but that's easy to say after the event.

It called out for Shaqiri and Keita, players that can actually make progress with the ball at their feet.
11 Feb 2010
Think Klopp made mistakes with the subs yesterday, but that's easy to say after the event.

It called out for Shaqiri and Keita, players that can actually make progress with the ball at their feet.

Klopp disagrees with you going from his post match interview. Surely questions have to start being asked if he goes trophyless again this year...
4 Jan 2011
Klopp disagrees with you going from his post match interview. Surely questions have to start being asked if he goes trophyless again this year...

Yeah mad he isn’t winning title after title with a cheaper squad, too 4 and decent CL run is really what Liverpool should be achieving. It’s a bit **** accepting that but at least are funding isn’t a disgrace. (Excluding SC :( )
9 Jun 2004
Imagine what life would be like if you still had Countinho and Suarez. That will always be Liverpool's problem. Holding onto the superstars.
Had we still had Coutinho we wouldn't have had other players. We were able to sign the likes of Alisson and Fabinho because we sold Coutinho. Touch wood we're not likely to be in a position where we will lose any key players any time soon though - they're all tied to long deals and it's difficult to see who would be in the market for them let alone whether they could afford them now.

In response to @Kill_Phil's post about having to ask questions of Klopp, that's lunacy. He's taken a side that had fell off a cliff and were miles away from challenging for any major title and continuously improved us year on year. A lot of people thought we would be City's closest challengers this season but I don't think anybody believed that we'd be pushing them this close. Regardless of the outcome of this season, we're in a very strong position - it's clear that our back 5 (or 6 if you include the holding mid) are at the very least a match for City, if not better and our front 3 is as good as anything around. What we lack is the strength in depth that City have in the front 5 roles (including the 2 creative midfield roles) and now we're in a position where there's not massive surgery needed on the team, improving that strength in depth is something we can target this summer.
23 Apr 2014
Had we still had Coutinho we wouldn't have had other players. We were able to sign the likes of Alisson and Fabinho because we sold Coutinho. Touch wood we're not likely to be in a position where we will lose any key players any time soon though - they're all tied to long deals and it's difficult to see who would be in the market for them let alone whether they could afford them now.

In response to @Kill_Phil's post about having to ask questions of Klopp, that's lunacy. He's taken a side that had fell off a cliff and were miles away from challenging for any major title and continuously improved us year on year. A lot of people thought we would be City's closest challengers this season but I don't think anybody believed that we'd be pushing them this close. Regardless of the outcome of this season, we're in a very strong position - it's clear that our back 5 (or 6 if you include the holding mid) are at the very least a match for City, if not better and our front 3 is as good as anything around. What we lack is the strength in depth that City have in the front 5 roles (including the 2 creative midfield roles) and now we're in a position where there's not massive surgery needed on the team, improving that strength in depth is something we can target this summer.

Agreed, however we lack goals from midfield, an odd Coutinho top corner curler this season could have put us out of sight of City.
9 Jun 2004
Agreed, however we lack goals from midfield, an odd Coutinho top corner curler this season could have put us out of sight of City.
Don't wish to be a smart arse but I'm pretty sure we discussed this very thing in the summer and I said that we were that one creative/attacking player short this season. Even having Ox available would have made a huge difference to us. This is something that we need to address this summer, regardless of whether we finish 1st or 2nd.
23 Apr 2014
Don't wish to be a smart arse but I'm pretty sure we discussed this very thing in the summer and I said that we were that one creative/attacking player short this season. Even having Ox available would have made a huge difference to us. This is something that we need to address this summer, regardless of whether we finish 1st or 2nd.

Probably. :) Crying shame about Ox, though Keita could be the remedy once he integrates better/gets some form.
11 Feb 2010
@BaZ87 don't get me wrong im rooting for Liverpool.
Whilst the danger of sounding like a typical armchair fan, after blowing a 7 point lead combined with his questionable subs you do wonder what will change? I mean you can throw more money at it but you had a 54m midfielder sat on the bench yesterday.

Out of interest how much will the Liverpool fans give him before demanding silverware? Another 2,3,4,5 years?
9 Jun 2004
@BaZ87 don't get me wrong im rooting for Liverpool.
Whilst the danger of sounding like a typical armchair fan, after blowing a 7 point lead combined with his questionable subs you do wonder what will change? I mean you can throw more money at it but you had a 54m midfielder sat on the bench yesterday.

Out of interest how much will the Liverpool fans give him before demanding silverware? Another 2,3,4,5 years?
We were 7 points clear for what, 1 game? Then played City away. As I've said before about other sides, you cannot judge a manager on individual decisions, games or even short spells, you can only judge them on the whole. Liverpool are likely to finish this season with over 90 points, I don't think anybody would have predicted that 9 months ago. Everything is easy with hindsight but of course Klopp has made mistakes (as has every manager) but no manager gets every single decision right. It was clear yesterday that Klopp's idea was that if we keep things tight at the back then eventually the goal would have come and lets be fair, we had more than enough chances to have won that game. Our form in the first half of the season was near flawless, we won every game we played against sides 6th-20th. To maintain that sort of form was a massive ask, especially with injuries building up and our squad getting stretched but when you're competing with City we almost have/had to.

I don't want to speak for others but my view is simple, as long as the side is progressing and or reaches the stage where we're genuinely competing for major honours then why would anybody want a change? We're not a City or PSG that can spend hundreds of millions net to build a super squad and ultimately only 1 side can win the PL and CL - I think it's fair to say we're one of a few sides that are genuinely capable of winning the CL and the title race looks like it could very well go down to the last game or so and who ultimately wins the league could be determined by a single result. If going into the final game of the season we're 1 point behind City and a major decision goes against them and they draw and we subsequently win the League, does that change the job that Klopp's done compared to if that decision doesn't go against City and they win their game?
1 Jul 2007
@BaZ87 don't get me wrong im rooting for Liverpool.
Whilst the danger of sounding like a typical armchair fan, after blowing a 7 point lead combined with his questionable subs you do wonder what will change? I mean you can throw more money at it but you had a 54m midfielder sat on the bench yesterday.

Out of interest how much will the Liverpool fans give him before demanding silverware? Another 2,3,4,5 years?

We're showing notable improvement year in, year out. If we finish with 90 points this year and City pip us, so be it. They're one of the best sides the PL has ever seen. If we end up collapsing and ending 15 points behind, I may change my tune, but at present it's hard to criticise Klopp, despite the fact that he doesn't get every single selection right. And the guy has proven that he knows how to take teams to the title in spite of immense pressure.

And I cannot think of a coach I'd rather have at Liverpool, except for arguably Pep (and even then I think that's debateable).
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