Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [21st - 26th March 2014]

18 Oct 2002
This is absolutely hilarious. What a farce from Arsenal and also the refs.

Giroud and Rooney both have this overly affected way of shooting and hitting the ball. They never seem to just spank it and instead try and do something overly complex. Contrast that Giroud stab to Schurrle's shot. Chelsea have an killer instinct, whilst, to me, Rooney/Giroud and many others try and play in an overly complex manner instead of getting the job done.

Giroud is just utterly crap, full stop, the only time you really see him score is from a cross where he doesn't swing but just redirects the power, all those tap ins, when he actually swings at the ball or tries to run with it you see how awful he is.
18 Oct 2002
Hmm, assuming the red card and subsequent ban gets overturned... does that mean we get away with no ban at all? They can't after the game give the red card to AOC and ban him for a game or more can they?

Has anyone seen Cazorla do anything? He's so useless on the wing, why we'd stick him wide with AOC in the middle I don't know. I don't mind AOC in the middle but his pace/drive and probably tracking back work rate much more suited to the wing.
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9 Mar 2012
Destroyed? Why? Obviously it was stupid, and it's cheating... but it's not as though it's going to meaningfully affect the outcome of the game. It's not like Suarez's handball in the World Cup, or Henry's in qualifying...

He dived to save stop the ball from going in....its worse then the other two
5 Jul 2003
Giroud is just utterly crap, full stop, the only time you really see him score is from a cross where he doesn't swing but just redirects the power, all those tap ins, when he actually swings at the ball or tries to run with it you see how awful he is.

He is also not doing much to hold up the ball in this match.
18 Oct 2002
He is also not doing much to hold up the ball in this match.

"this" match? When standing still with movement around him he can find a one touch pass quite well.... he has nothing at else in his game. Give him 3 touches, it's gone, watch him run at the defence with the ball, it's gone. He is awful at holding it up, with 99% of long ball/headers he just flops over when the defender touches him and not convincingly, he rarely wins headers. if the ball happens to drop to him unless he has loads of support instantly he'll do nothing. Exceptionally limited player who only works when we have a LOT of support and aren't asking anything more of him, IE good at home to Norwich, crap everywhere else.
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