Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [27 - 28th October 2012]

How poor was Norwich's defending for the Villa goal, everyone ignores Hesky no.2 in the middle of the box for over a min to concede. Dreadful defending.

Good equaliser though as Villa's defence are riding a lot of luck.

Poor management and the 'Berbatov effect', he doesn't run around like a headless chicken and aimlessly chase the ball all the time so he's seen as lazy and anonymous and the fans give him stick.

Oh we have that, our entire fan base hate Guly Po Prado because he is "lazy" and "doesn't chase the ball" though love the bald Chalpow "because he shows commitment" by chasing the ball a lot and causing injuries :mad:

Managers sometimes are too influenced by public opinion (sometimes) and abandon non fan favourites because of nonsense like this. (I like Guly and thankfully so does Adkins)

He's just an excellent player, if anyone can get the Coventry game, sure its Coventry and they aren't the best but you can just see the class ooze out of his play, passes that Santi wouldn't see, passes no one else at Arsenal attemps, he'll screw some up, the best players aren't scared to make mistakes, Walcott is scared of his own shadow.

Only thing I'd argue with is not starting him, give him a sub appearance and he tries to overplay to get back in the team, LOADS of Arsenal players do this because they just get so badly ignored by Wenger, they get 10 mins every 3 months and they try to score a hattrick on their own because they think anything less and they'll never play again.... which is basically true. Give him 3 games in a row starting and sub him before he gets shattered(because he will and he'll then be awful, 60-70min mark) and he'll get his confidence, get assists, probably score and Arsenal fans will love him again... Wenger will still probably drop him for no reason though. He's just complete rubbish in most games for the first 15 mins, slow slow slow starter.

A performance like that today I would play sharky week in week our and personally give him money (though as a pledge to the rumour of Gaston signing for us I need to buy a sesaon ticket for every year he plays for us).

Give him a first team place, bit of confidence and have players pass it to him and he looks a game changer to me. Cannot see why Wenger would play hard ball with him as it's just cruel.
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Hughes was laughably bad when he was City manager, spent millions on useless players, didn't improve one and ruined the academy.

Stop using stats to backup your claim, it is what is happening in real life that matters not on a spreadsheet.

Mancini is on a completely different level, he turned around the defence to make it the best in the league for the past two years and got plenty of goals out of our forwards. As well as winning two trophies.

Yes it isn't going to plan this season but we are at most 4 points off the top and we have been playing awful. So when we hit our stride again we will close the gap.

Anyway back on topic, we were awful yesterday but at least we got a clean sheet and goal.
Oh we have that, our entire fan base hate Guly Po Prado because he is "lazy" and "doesn't chase the ball" though love the bald Chalpow "because he shows commitment" by chasing the ball a lot and causing injuries :mad:

Managers sometimes are too influenced by public opinion (sometimes) and abandon non fan favourites because of nonsense like this. (I like Guly and thankfully so does Adkins)

I hate this.

This is one thing that is holding back British/English football. People are considered good because they charge round headless and show "commitment" and "passion". Wish I could shoot every commentator/journo/pundit who thinks this is a good trait.

It's like someone asking if a woman is good looking and you reply "she's got a good personality" code for ugly as sin. Passion/commitment is code for ******* ****.
District/Circle are always an absolute nightmare. Generally try to avoid them as much as possible, thankfully I don't often need to use them!
You sure you went to right stadium?

:mad: :(

Actually the (home crowd) atmosphere yesterday was better than normal, mainly due to Wilshere's return, and the crowd getting on the back of the ref for poor decisions / opposition for time wasting. Didn't hear a peep from the QPR fans though, stark contrast to Schalke (was sat in same seat, so fair comparison). In fact I'd say QPR have the least vocal away support I've ever heard.
Liverpool team: Jones, Enrique, Wisdom, Skrtel, Agger, Gerrard, Allen, Sahin, Sterling, Suso, Suarez.

We're obviously weaker in goal with Reina out but Jones has actually played well in the last two games. Johnson out is a huge blow though. He's been fantastic at left back and is arguably stronger in that position because he has to concentrate more, not that the people who have already made their mind up about him will acknowledge that. Just have to hope Enrique has recovered from his half season long brain fart injury.

Edit: Need a strong performance from the ref today. Moyes has done his best to influence him all week as Jon Champion has just pointed out.
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