Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [6th - 7th October 2012]

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What exactly is your point here? that he would do what 99.99% of other players would do or that he is a better goalkeeper then the guy in front of him also trying to stop the attempt with his hands? Lets not forget that the incident that lead to the free-kick was won by less than honest means too.

Riddle me this, in a weekend that had a Elbow, Stamp and a dive which one gets the most coverage....

The media witch hunt is getting a bit pathetic now.

Firstly, Newcastle fans aren't banging on about the elbow much at all, it was an elbow, it happens, Liverpool fans(of which there are more) will not shut up about the penalties Mr Charm deserves so ALL other fans tell them where to stick it because of his diving.

97% of the reason Suarez is never out of the press, is because Liverpool fans never stop complaining about Suarez's treatment. Tiote isn't really being talked about because Utd fans aren't talking about the tackle, RVP isn't being talked about much because Newcastle fans aren't really talking about it. Every week Liverpool fans are the most vocal about Suarez.... then get shocked when people respond on the subject.... then Liverpool fans claim a media witchhunt... for keeping their own player being talked about all the time..... also yes, it is getting pathetic.

Were Utd fans complaining after EVERY single game that Young deserved a penalty while diving all over the place at all other times, because I don't remember that happening, or when Welbeck did it, in fact I think most Utd fans country wide and definitely on this forum, called both players dives pathetic.

Utd fans, (sometimes) honest about their players actions, no one makes a big deal, Liverpool fans complain as if the worlds against them and never ever shut up about it, then complain that no one ever shuts up about Suarez.

Also the stamp, give over, it was barely a stamp, there was no massive force, it still doesn't look overly intentional... if he'd really meant to hurt Suarez and intended to stamp on him properly, he'd quite simple have done so. Difference is, unlike Suarez on Kompany, Huth didn't step on Suarez.... then you know, throw himself to ground, spinning then screaming at the ref for not getting a freekick.

Basically, if Liverpool fans came on this forum and said, bah, I wish Suarez wouldn't have dived, he dives all the time, he might have even got that one penalty he deserved if he didn't cheat throughout every game... everyone else would agree, and have nothing else to say on the subject.

The week long "but look, if you zoom in, play it frame by frame, from an angle the ref couldn't possibly have seen its JUST a penalty" crap we got, is why Suarez was talked about constantly.
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Were Utd fans complaining after EVERY single game that Young deserved a penalty while diving all over the place at all other times, because I don't remember that happening, or when Welbeck did it, in fact I think most Utd fans country wide and definitely on this forum, called both players dives pathetic.

Utd fans, (sometimes) honest about their players actions, no one makes a big deal, Liverpool fans complain as if the worlds against them and never ever shut up about it, then complain that no one ever shuts up about Suarez.

I whole heartedly agree with this :p
Supporters of other clubs constantly going on about Suarez, but conveniently ignoring their own players doing the same thing, is Liverpool fans complaining the world is against them?
Supporters of other clubs constantly going on about Suarez, but conveniently ignoring their own players doing the same thing, is Liverpool fans complaining the world is against them?

But the conversation is about Suarez? Why do you constantly try to talk about other players when people put you on the spot about Suarez? Everyone has acknowledged that other players do daft things as well, it's just that Suarez does it much much more often. Liverpool fans, players and club do act like the whole world is against them, and it's just not justified in any way, in fact the majority of their problems are self induced (Suarez being the case in point).
But the conversation is about Suarez? Why do you constantly try to talk about other players when people put you on the spot about Suarez? Everyone has acknowledged that other players do daft things as well, it's just that Suarez does it much much more often. Liverpool fans, players and club do act like the whole world is against them, and it's just not justified in any way, in fact the majority of their problems are self induced (Suarez being the case in point).

I've not been put on the spot nor have I spoke about other players. If you could read, I was responding to DM claiming that Liverpool supporters make out the world's against them when the reality is they're responding to others constantly bringing up Suarez.

Why do you constantly talk crap?
I've not been put on the spot nor have I spoke about other players. If you could read, I was responding to DM claiming that Liverpool supporters make out the world's against them when the reality is they're responding to others constantly bringing up Suarez.

Why do you constantly talk crap?

Really? is that the best you can come up with? :rolleyes:

Just respond to the point I'v actually made please instead of dismissing it as "crap".
Really? is that the best you can come up with? :rolleyes:

Just respond to the point I'v actually made please instead of dismissing it as "crap".

Why not answer the question when put on the spot? As Purdy's hinted at, your crap regarding Liverpool isn't a new thing. Your posts in various Hillsborough threads shows you as what you are.

As for not responding to your point. I did. I wasn't put on the spot nor did I mention any other players. I was simply responding to DM's claim - Liverpool supporters responding to people claiming Suarez is the devil, while ignoring players from their own side doing the same things, is not Liverpool supporters claiming the world is against them.
Why not answer the question when put on the spot? As Purdy's hinted at, your crap regarding Liverpool isn't a new thing. Your posts in various Hillsborough threads shows you as what you are.

As for not responding to your point. I did. I wasn't put on the spot nor did I mention any other players. I was simply responding to DM's claim - Liverpool supporters responding to people claiming Suarez is the devil, while ignoring players from their own side doing the same things, is not Liverpool supporters claiming the world is against them.

Now you're just being paranoid.
Inb4 you tell us we are looking for a pay off and why we are acting like the world is against us

Why not answer the question when put on the spot? As Purdy's hinted at, your crap regarding Liverpool isn't a new thing. Your posts in various Hillsborough threads shows you as what you are.

As for not responding to your point. I did. I wasn't put on the spot nor did I mention any other players. I was simply responding to DM's claim - Liverpool supporters responding to people claiming Suarez is the devil, while ignoring players from their own side doing the same things, is not Liverpool supporters claiming the world is against them.

This is why people generally don't take your fans seriously and claim they act like the world is against them... because no one mentioned HIllsborough, just the way you're acting, yet two of you bring it into the argument, no one else did, you guys did.

Also the point is, Liverpool fans generally start the Suarez conversations by banging on and on about every bad decision, then all fans of all other teams point out the seven---ty four dives he makes up to the one you complain about.

What happened in this thread, the Suarez conversation started with ..... he's been "blantantly stamped on", and "being kicked off the pitch" and the more general "poor poor Suarez is being mistreated, I really don't get why, the world is against us, ref's mistreat him, etc, etc", then invariably everyone else manages to find one of a half dozen instances of Suarez cheating in said game and point out why Suarez gets nothing.

Here in is the problem that you guys are ignoring, still, i mean we get the "an elbow, a bad tackle and a stamp is ignored but Suarez's dive is the only thing people pay attention to, media witch hunt, its so unfair".

This week its a RVP elbow, a Tiote tackle a Huth stamp, and a Suarez dive.

Last week its a Jenkinson dive, a Cattermole tackle... and a Suarez dive.

Last month Its a, Evans bad tackle, a Shelvey bad tackle, a goal that should have been given and wasn't, a penalty for a completely accidental and stupid handball that shouldn't have been given, and a dive from Suarez every single game.

If you guys really can't work out why its always Suarez that gets the most attention you have short attention spans. RVP did an elbow, did he do anything controversial last week, the week before, the month before, the last controversial game was against Newcastle, with a bit of nonsense with him, Krul and, someone forget who. When did Evan's do a bad tackle before that, when was the last time Shelvey got a red, when was Jenkinson's previous dive, when was Cattermoles previous red.

Now lets think, RVP gets in a tiff every now and then, Jenkinson did his FIRST dive, Shelvey, outside of Liverpool fans complaining about it, no one else care, no one called him dirty or complained he does it always, it was only Liverpools insistance on talking about it that kept that talked about(suprising that). Cattermole's red was talked about more than someone getting his first red, but even then its not EVERY game, though its FAR too often and everyone thinks he's a horrible little git. Again though not many Sunderland fans on here defending him, nor anyone in the press defending him.

Do we see a pattern... players that do the SAME thing EVERY week don't get brushed over, those who do the odd bad thing are treated in the context with which it happened. If RVP elbowed someone every week, it would be talked about more.

Suarez is in the spotlight because he puts himself there, your fans put him there and your manager('s) have big mouths and constantly try to pretend in the press he's really an angel. Funnily enough Suarez said, meh, don't care, lets not talk about it... and the press arent' all over him on the subject.

Stop defending the indefensible, people will stop arguing against you, have your manager stop talking utter **** in the press, people will ignore the issue, lastly have your player stop diving... no one will complain about his diving.

EDIT- Diving isn't worse than stamping, nor is it worse than an elbow, its the quantity that gets it talked about, not the act itself. Cheating x times done x amount fans defend said player = appropriate attention received.

RVP elbow x rarely x no defense = not much attention.
Cattermole bad tackle x often x no defence(+ no one gives a damn about Sunderland) = not much attention
Suarez dives(fouls, complains) x every game x constant defence = huge attention.

If he kicked someone and never dived, do it once, it gets a mention but nothing more, two games in a row, a bit more, do it every game for 2 years... it will be talked about a lot. How much attention would one dive by say, Berbatov get next week vs Young diving next week, vs Suarez diving next week? Its not the dive, its not Liverpool, its partially Suarez.... its the frequency of doing ANYTHING that pee's off fans. Liverpool fans think its about Liverpool, them, people refusing to back liverpool, dodgy refs, thinking other cheating is worse, etc, etc.
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Suarez dived last week? People don't take you seriously dm because you make things up. It's a really bad habit of yours dm; no matter how many times people pull you up on your lies, you never stop.
Wasn't talking about Hillsborough talking about his dumb posts about Liverpool, as for the rest I cba reading, Liverpool attention crying whores and everyone else gets on with it etc
Suarez dived last week? People don't take you seriously dm because you make things up. It's a really bad habit of yours dm; no matter how many times people pull you up on your lies, you never stop.

Ahahahaha I can feel the rage and bile oozing from my screen when reading this post :D
Me raging? If so, nope. I've told dm the same time and again. You need to give a damn about what somebody says before it can bother you.
Why not answer the question when put on the spot? As Purdy's hinted at, your crap regarding Liverpool isn't a new thing. Your posts in various Hillsborough threads shows you as what you are.

As for not responding to your point. I did. I wasn't put on the spot nor did I mention any other players. I was simply responding to DM's claim - Liverpool supporters responding to people claiming Suarez is the devil, while ignoring players from their own side doing the same things, is not Liverpool supporters claiming the world is against them.

Supporters of other clubs constantly going on about Suarez, but conveniently ignoring their own players doing the same thing, is Liverpool fans complaining the world is against them?

What's this then? You have to agree that he loves a good dive and it's costing your team in the long run, which is what he deserves for not correcting his behaviour after all this time, and what Liverpool deserves for not dealing with it behind closed doors.

Why bring other players into the discussion? It's like a naughty kid who gets caught stealing every week saying "well that kid over there stole something too". It's not a valid argument at all. I'd love to be discussing what other players have done wrong, but most of the time people on here just want to talk about Liverpool/Suarez because apparently they are badly mistreated all the time and more so than any other team/player.

If you read my recent posts I'v tried to have a bit of banter about Van Persie's elbow but nobody even commented on that.

Also it's pretty low that you keep bringing Hillsborough into EVERY discussion I post in, and just goes to prove what a victim complex you and a lot of Liverpool supporters have over it. What the hell does Hillsborough have to do with what happened on the pitch last weekend anyway? It's totally inappropriate and you should be ashamed of yourself quite frankly.
What's this then?......Why bring other players into the discussion?

Does that really need answering? It's a point that highlights the hypocrisy of certain people, it's not mentioning any other individual. It's fairly simple if you followed my post and the post I initially responded to. I didn't defended Suarez nor commented on diving generally, I simply responded to a moronic post of DM's that claims that Liverpool fans were making out that the worlds's against them because they have the cheek to respond to other posters.

And I've not brought Hillsborough into every discussion. I believe it's the first time I've mentioned it to you outside the Hillsborough thread and only done so to highlight the absolute *******s you come out with regarding Liverpool because that's what your initial reply to me in this thread was.

edit: I initially only skimmed over your post but have just read your last sentence :o

I've not brought what happened at Hillsborough into anything, as above, I've specifically mentioned your posts and opinions on the matter to highlight the sort of things you come out with. I think if you were to go other what you said in the Hillsborough threads, you'd be the one ashamed of yourself.
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