Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [7th - 12th February 2014]

Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Just over rated, it's pretty much classic attacking play in the box for any player. Defender ahead, can't see you, waiting for the ball, the attacker come across the front of the defender at the last second and win the ball. It's particularly dangerous when wingers do that for crosses like that, instead he showed like he might try it by running towards the near post, but as the cross was coming in he slowed down. Nothing the crosser can do when as you hit it the player then changes what he's doing.

I always said and thought Mata was over rated, he's the same as Ozil, perfectly nice player, not great under pressure, weak on the ball, hustled off it too easily and basically will show no fight regardless of the game.

It's like the comparison of Arfa/Hazard yesterday, talent + application gives you Hazard, talent and little effort gives you Arfa. Mata/Ozil are much closer to Ozil than Hazard. I'd also point out that after a meh delivery(too low) he's effectively one of the best placed players to get back if Fulham break on them.... he was no where to be seen. Rooney was further forward, in the box and got back to make a crucial, absolutely crucial interception. Mata just stood around like his bit of that play was done.

I think you're expecting everyone to play like Chelsea's players, super hard working. It's not really the reality of the game. You can have what you might call luxury players, but you need them in the right setup.

There's no point having Mata in this team if we just pass it to Young/Evra, and wait for them to cross it. It's that simple I'm afraid.

I've seen Mata tear teams apart from all over, but yes, he's not a great player defensively but that isn't the issue.
18 Feb 2006
Dan Burn has been dealing with these crosses brilliantly. Tunnicliffe and Richardson backing into the defence to form a line of 6 has been working very well so far.

If only Richardson scored.... :(
1 Jul 2007
Just over rated, it's pretty much classic attacking play in the box for any player. Defender ahead, can't see you, waiting for the ball, the attacker come across the front of the defender at the last second and win the ball. It's particularly dangerous when wingers do that for crosses like that, instead he showed like he might try it by running towards the near post, but as the cross was coming in he slowed down. Nothing the crosser can do when as you hit it the player then changes what he's doing.

I always said and thought Mata was over rated, he's the same as Ozil, perfectly nice player, not great under pressure, weak on the ball, hustled off it too easily and basically will show no fight regardless of the game.

It's like the comparison of Arfa/Hazard yesterday, talent + application gives you Hazard, talent and little effort gives you Arfa. Mata/Ozil are much closer to Arfa than Hazard. I'd also point out that after a meh delivery(too low) he's effectively one of the best placed players to get back if Fulham break on them.... he was no where to be seen. Rooney was further forward, in the box and got back to make a crucial, absolutely crucial interception. Mata just stood around like his bit of that play was done.

Mata isn't there to be barrelling into challenges in the six yard box. You might as well suggest that Rafael should be bombing on from right back and throwing diving headers around.

Mata is one of the best at playmaking from the centre of the last third. Unfortunately, United are incapable of getting the ball to him there. They knew what they signed, and don't use him properly.

It's nothing to do with application, it's simply what players are good at.
1 Jul 2007
Who was saying that Young is playing well? Given that he's a winger, and United are finding teammates with 1/6 of their crosses, he can't be doing brilliantly.
17 Jun 2012
North of Ireland
Just over rated, it's pretty much classic attacking play in the box for any player. Defender ahead, can't see you, waiting for the ball, the attacker come across the front of the defender at the last second and win the ball. It's particularly dangerous when wingers do that for crosses like that, instead he showed like he might try it by running towards the near post, but as the cross was coming in he slowed down. Nothing the crosser can do when as you hit it the player then changes what he's doing.

I always said and thought Mata was over rated, he's the same as Ozil, perfectly nice player, not great under pressure, weak on the ball, hustled off it too easily and basically will show no fight regardless of the game.

It's like the comparison of Arfa/Hazard yesterday, talent + application gives you Hazard, talent and little effort gives you Arfa. Mata/Ozil are much closer to Arfa than Hazard. I'd also point out that after a meh delivery(too low) he's effectively one of the best placed players to get back if Fulham break on them.... he was no where to be seen. Rooney was further forward, in the box and got back to make a crucial, absolutely crucial interception. Mata just stood around like his bit of that play was done.

Wise up Chelsea's best player last two seasons
18 Oct 2002
NW London
If our "crossing" style of play isnt working, should we not change our attacking strategy?
And the worrying thing is that against top teams, we are going to take one heck of a beating, as our attack is terrible (we are not playing to the strengths of our big 3).

As someone stated earlier, if we are going to base our entire attack on crossing, maybe we should've bought Crouch rather than Mata.

If Moyes can understand that our team do not possess the attributes necessary for crossing, he will be forced to use a different method of attack (which would almost certainly involve our big 3). Here's hoping.
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