Greenlizard0 Weekend Football Thread ** spoilers ** [7th - 12th February 2014]

1 Jul 2007
They're not playing to his strengths though. If you've got 3 world class players in Rooney, RvP and Mata you don't bypass them completely and look to play down the wings, you play through the middle and on the floor.

Still expect Fulham to crumble once United get the first but they're playing to Fulham's strengths rather than their own at the moment.

Exactly, it's ridiculous. If they're going to cross the ball all the time, they'd have been better off bringing in Peter Crouch.

It's exactly the same problem as Kagawa has had - he can't impose himself on a game as nobody gives him the ball where he should be receiving it.
12 Mar 2006
In The Sea Of Leveraged Liquidity
Young is not playing well, he has not played well all season. He is useless against anything but the worst defenders and has obviously been taking advice on crossing from Valencia as he almost never manages to actually target a man. Unbelievably wasteful and so slow on the attack most of the time. He just slows everything down in the final third as he fannys about.

Lets see your skillz fezzz? lol, upload a vid or something ;):D
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
Before anyone complains, that was entirely Mata's fault, you could see Risse checking for Mata to make the run, Mata was still moving as Young made the cross, but he pulled back, he should have been running across the front of Risse, had he done so that was a great ball. Instead of accelerating and getting ahead of the fullback, he backed off as usual.

Is Mata your new target of hatred. :p
1 Jul 2007
lets be honest here lads, lol...fulham are parking the bus. what do you expect united to do, go through the middle?

Play to their strengths. Their best three players - Mata, Rooney and RvP - are all at their best when the ball is in the centre of the park.

So yes, play through the middle. Stretch the defence by pushing the full backs on, sure, but the ball should be passed wide from the final third, not start wide and stay wide.
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
lets be honest here lads, lol...fulham are parking the bus. what do you expect united to do, go through the middle?

Switch the play, stretch them a bit. Trying to cross it from the same position repeatedly is not really the answer.

We'd be doing this anyway regardless of the parked bus. :p
18 Oct 2002
Is Mata your new target of hatred. :p

Just over rated, it's pretty much classic attacking play in the box for any player. Defender ahead, can't see you, waiting for the ball, the attacker come across the front of the defender at the last second and win the ball. It's particularly dangerous when wingers do that for crosses like that, instead he showed like he might try it by running towards the near post, but as the cross was coming in he slowed down. Nothing the crosser can do when as you hit it the player then changes what he's doing.

I always said and thought Mata was over rated, he's the same as Ozil, perfectly nice player, not great under pressure, weak on the ball, hustled off it too easily and basically will show no fight regardless of the game.

It's like the comparison of Arfa/Hazard yesterday, talent + application gives you Hazard, talent and little effort gives you Arfa. Mata/Ozil are much closer to Arfa than Hazard. I'd also point out that after a meh delivery(too low) he's effectively one of the best placed players to get back if Fulham break on them.... he was no where to be seen. Rooney was further forward, in the box and got back to make a crucial, absolutely crucial interception. Mata just stood around like his bit of that play was done.
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