Greta Thunberg

Or a conspiracy to indoctrinate a generation of children into left-wing/liberal thinking through the gate-way drug of fear of a climate catastrophe that will never come

And you are not indoctrinated into your way of thinking by the media you read? I mean, instead of believing the science about climate change which says it is happening you are saying its a conspiracy. I think its you who is indoctrinated by the climate deniers.
And you are not indoctrinated into your way of thinking by the media you read? I mean, instead of believing the science about climate change which says it is happening you are saying its a conspiracy. I think its you who is indoctrinated by the climate deniers.

Strawman, one does not equate the other
Well in this case it does. Your dismissing the science and believing something else. I mean, you believe climate change is somehow a left wing fabrication. Crazy.

To be fair the left have purposely conflated "climate change" with their ice age, global warming or whatever is it this decade scare that needs national governments to cede sovereignty to international organisations under things like the Paris Accord or we'll all die, at least when they marketed it as an imminent ice age and global warming their hypothesis was clear and could be more easily argued against. The climate has been changing since before man ever existed, even the dinosaurs caused climate change to a small degree it's impossible for any biological life to exist on this planet without it having some impact on the climate no matter how small it is so to simply call it climate change and then to call anyone arguing against it crazy is disingenuous in the extreme.

The argument the left have had since they rebranded a new imminent ice age as global warming is that the planet would warm x amount in x amount of years (using artificial computer models that is) and that degree of warming in that time frame (long gone by now) has to this day never materialised, so their hypothesis was and is wrong. They have since re-branded it a third time to "climate emergency" which conveniently makes no mention of warming and once again according to groups like extinction rebellion we'll all die soon if you guessed it, national governments don't cede sovereignty to international organisations. It also allows them to blame any serious weather event on "climate change". They aren't simply happy with Boris Johnson giving billions to combat it nationally, or Donald Trump funding the planting of millions of trees and they don't seem to care about China's leading role in burning coal etc when the west has already gone to great lengths to use much cleaner energy. It's not enough because it's not about the climate it's about a power grab and always has been.
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The climate has been changing since before man ever existed, even the dinosaurs caused climate change to a small degree it's impossible for any biological life to exist on this planet without it having some impact on the climate no matter how small it is so to simply call it climate change and then to call anyone arguing against it crazy is disingenuous in the extreme.
Did the dinosuars burn fossil fuels and cause other pollutants? Thats crazy talk right there.
China's leading role in burning coal etc when the west has already gone to great lengths to use much cleaner energy. It's not enough because it's not about the climate it's about a power grab and always has been.
The continuing growth in renewable energy around the world is set to boost the power of China while undermining the influence of major oil exporters such as Russia and Middle East states like Saudi Arabia, according to a new report on the geopolitical implications of the changing energy landscape.

With a leading position in renewable energy output as well as in related technologies such as electric vehicles, Beijing now finds itself in an influential position which other countries may struggle to counter.

“No country has put itself in a better position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China,” says the report, which was issued by the Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation – a group chaired by a former president of Iceland, Olafur Grimsson.
It wouldnt be so bad if the crazies actually knew what they were talking about.
@Tony Edwards China is currently building about 500 new coal power stations, outside China. They are lending the capital, providing the engineering and planning to operate them in the developing World. The Chinese grid has 300 times the installed capacity of the UK our climate efforts mean nothing and China might be a relative renewable super power but it’s nothing compared to their fossil output.
Covid 19 has done more for climate change action than Greta ever will!

try to change my mind

Yes, all those planes grounded, fewer people travelling, power grids much relaxed. At a cost mind you, a potential for a few premature deaths in one of the more aggressive species on the planet.
After coal china's next biggest source of electrical power generation is hydroelectric.

Of course this falls into the 'renewable' bracket but unless you are a dolt who praises totalitarian states that can manage (fiscally and politically ) to flood often massive areas of land (displacing lots of people and causing lots of environmental degradation) then its not really particularly a viable option in most countries where the more suitable sites for hydro have probably already been utilised if they exist at all.

The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest hydropower project and most notorious dam. The massive project sets records for number of people displaced (more than 1.2 million), number of cities and towns flooded (13 cities, 140 towns, 1,350 villages), and length of reservoir (more than 600 kilometers).

China does have some very large solar installations but they are disproportionally located in the western regions, well away from the large population centers in the east, and a rather large amount of the power they generate is wasted before its used through transmission loses. Of course some areas in the west tend to be more suitable for generation of solar power itself (based on things like the amount of sunlight hitting the ground ) but it's also likely that one reason for their mass deployment in Western regions is part of the wider plan to ensure Han Chinese hegemony in all areas China controls as use of infrastructure projects has long been a tool used on this manner by the Chinese state.
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And you are not indoctrinated into your way of thinking by the media you read? I mean, instead of believing the science about climate change which says it is happening you are saying its a conspiracy. I think its you who is indoctrinated by the climate deniers.

Which science? Prove me which scientific study has absolutely done a comprehensive study, without changing the measurements. And need to be the exact same point of measurements. Because since 2000 there is only 1 measurement station in the whole north Atlantic from dozens previously. The South American ones are 1 inside Rio!!!!! the other at the Chile desert. The other 50 stations in South America mostly NASA had, are gone.

So need to investigate the source of data and how the model is made. According to the initial models Al Gore made the videos & movies, which all climate change science was based on, today as we speak NY should have been under water for a decade. But this is brushed under the carpet yes? We ignore the predicted failures moving the goalposts further ahead until these are failed also. So move them again.....

Scientists cannot even answer whats the normal earth temperature? Especially considering we just coming out of a mini ice age from the early 19th century.

Why I say this? Have a look here where the "97% of scientists agree on global warming" headline comes from

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Suddenly silence. Let me fuel bit more silence to the "doom brigade" which is making billions alongside the politicians....

Arctic ice in February alone grew by 22,100 sqm per day. To the point areas that were passable for decades are gone. Let alone areas that were passable recently.
While Northern Hemisphere total snow mass is now 300 gigatons above the 1982-2012 average and is growing alarmingly fast.
(+300,000,000,000 tonnes)
Studies show that "global warming" we studied during the 1980s & 1990s had ended with the turn of the century.

On to, US - UN MAGICC program, calculated that if USA tomorrow morning cut off completely all emissions it could slow any rising temperature by 0.1C to 2050 and 0.2 by 2100. And that includes nobody lives in USA tomorrow morning, there is no human there to even light a fire, let alone go to work.
Suddenly silence. Let me fuel bit more silence to the "doom brigade" which is making billions alongside the politicians....

Arctic ice in February alone grew by 22,100 sqm per day. To the point areas that were passable for decades are gone. Let alone areas that were passable recently.
While Northern Hemisphere total snow mass is now 300 gigatons above the 1982-2012 average and is growing alarmingly fast.
(+300,000,000,000 tonnes)
Studies show that "global warming" we studied during the 1980s & 1990s had ended with the turn of the century.

On to, US - UN MAGICC program, calculated that if USA tomorrow morning cut off completely all emissions it could slow any rising temperature by 0.1C to 2050 and 0.2 by 2100. And that includes nobody lives in USA tomorrow morning, there is no human there to even light a fire, let alone go to work.

So you're taking a very small window (one data point) and generalising future trends... hmm. It looks a lot like the argument usually trotted out. 'I thought it was global warming, but there's 5 feet of snow outside in winter, what a conspiracy it is!'
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So you're taking a very small window (one data point) and generalising future trends... hmm. It looks a lot like the argument usually trotted out. 'I thought it was global warming, but there's 5 feet of snow outside in winter, what a conspiracy it is!'

You forgot something. We talking about averages over the period. And is not this year, was the previous one and the previous one.
This ice stockpiles. And might the snow melt not all of it will in north area.

This is completely against all the warmist models which were predicting barely any ice at the start of Spring.
Hell even the polar bears in 4 out of 5 areas are thriving with their numbers exploding. Just few years ago all these "alarmists" were saying that the polar bears were close to extinction by 2020.
In her own words:

"After all, the climate crisis is not just about the environment. It is a crisis of human rights, of justice, and of political will. Colonial, racist, and patriarchal systems of oppression have created and fueled it. We need to dismantle them all. Our political leaders can no longer shirk their responsibilities."

It's all about tearing down the current system. When the Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended communists didn't just suddenly shrug their shoulders and embrace Capitalism and the right to private property.
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