Greta Thunberg

There are no calm days significant enough in the North Sea!

Your new graph shows calm days though. Listen, if I have to talk to you like a kid then I will.

Nobody is saying the north sea is not windy, that is why they build turbines there.... but it is far from a 99% constant wind as you claimed, just admit your error and move on.
You don't need "storage" in wind energy supplied power grids - the energy flow is direct from the wind turbines farm to the consumers.

That's simply incorrect as there's periods, like we (UK; had earlier this year, where renewable production was at a historical low.

You switch the fossil fuels (coal power plants) OFF...

Problem is restarting the "fossil fuel" power stations when production of renewables drops-off. Certainly coal (as well as nuclear) can take the most part of a day to "restart" and gas a few hours, which is why a lot of grid prefer to cut renewable rather than other forms of power generation.

I've got nothing against renewables and the more we have the better but, as mentioned many times to you, you need storage for renewables to reliably work, it's that simple.
The time will come when battery tech (and other storage technologies) will improve to allow us to use mostly renewables but it won't be for a long, long time.
Statistical analysis of wind patterns shows that typically you get 3 x 3 day periods of less than 10% output from the UK's 14 GW of wind generation each winter. This is observed analysis. To suggest otherwise. is wrong. Even 10 years ago the John Muir trust did an analysis of wind farm output across the UK looking and it showed wind variability is common. Weathermen will tell you that winter weather patterns can settle in with very little wind across the North Sea. Last week wind oupt changed from 10GW to 1.5GW in 8 hours across the entire UK network. The same was happening in most of Europe. Widespread wind variability is an observable fact.

Edit legally they are not allowed to cut renewables except for grid stability reasons which is why we are thrashing the crap out of our gas stations, and when they do cut renewables they have to pay them not to generate. Farr wind farm was famous for claiming ROC's payments and being paid to turn off absolutely raking it in.
Your new graph shows calm days though. Listen, if I have to talk to you like a kid then I will.

Nobody is saying the north sea is not windy, that is why they build turbines there.... but it is far from a 99% constant wind as you claimed, just admit your error and move on.

How much is it according to you, then?
Why don't you state one figure to back your claims up?
95%? 30%? How much?
How much is it according to you, then?
Why don't you state one figure to back your claims up?
95%? 30%? How much?

Wow. You are making the claims, how about you back up your 99% claim. Hint - you can't!

Read the post above yours and don't quote me again.
How much is it according to you, then?
Why don't you state one figure to back your claims up?
95%? 30%? How much?

You are the one making a claim and failing to back it up, the onus isn't on other people to constantly prove your nonsense wrong, it's for you to prove it's correct.

You've claimed:

There are no calm days "without" wind in the North Sea


Over the North Sea it is almost constant, maybe 99% of the time!

but not provided any evidence to support these claims, only evidence that disproves them.
Wow. You are making the claims, how about you back up your 99% claim. Hint - you can't!

Read the post above yours and don't quote me again.

You are the one making a claim and failing to back it up, the onus isn't on other people to constantly prove your nonsense wrong, it's for you to prove it's correct.

You've claimed:

There are no calm days "without" wind in the North Sea


Over the North Sea it is almost constant, maybe 99% of the time!

but not provided any evidence to support these claims, only evidence that disproves them.

And you are trolling the thread.

Because the North Sea is one of the most windy places on the Planet.
Claiming otherwise, and supporting with stupid arguments the fossil fuels has no place in this thread.

So, please, either prove your nonsense or just ignore the discussion because you obviously cannot keep up with it!
And you are trolling the thread.

Because the North Sea is one of the most windy places on the Planet.
Claiming otherwise, and supporting with stupid arguments the fossil fuels has no place in this thread.

Is this a joke now? Or are you thick or what? Nobody has claimed the north sea is not windy..... what is disputed is your 99% claim that has been refuted many times. Stop peddling rubbish.
Is this a joke now? Or are you thick or what? Nobody has claimed the north sea is not windy..... what is disputed is your 99% claim that has been refuted many times. Stop peddling rubbish.

Your claim is wrong because the calm days are virtually and statistically negligible and insignificant in order to make it as a significant claim for anti-wind energy moods.
Hope is that you will understand and stop with these claims because there are not a reason or worth it to be discussed here.

Yes, also what happens when it is a calm day with no wind. The system needs redundancy either through storage or backup supply which is currently fossil fuels.
Your claim is wrong because the calm days are virtually and statistically negligible and insignificant in order to make it as a significant claim for anti-wind energy moods.
Hope is that you will understand and stop with these claims because there are not a reason or worth it to be discussed here.

It's amazing everything you say is wrong but you say it with conviction.
I'll say it again, last week UK wind output went from 67% of rated capacity to 10% of rated capcity in 8 hours. This is not unusual. It is typical that we will get 3 X 3 day windows each winter when wind output is less than 10% rated capacity. The wind might always be blowing but it's not always blowing hard enough there are minimum and maximum velocities for generation. Until we can store electricity in meaningful quantaties fossil generation is essential to keep the lights on.
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