Greta Thunberg

I don't understand why she needs to offer solutions to be credible. Must we all be experts in anything we want to voice an opinion on? Her earnestness is a little disconcerting, perhaps she should take PR lessons with Malala Yousafzai, who was much less reviled in a similar position.
I'm waiting to see who her parents decide to breed her with at some point. surely they see this more as a long running saga of money spinning rather than just a single series?
I don't think autism or aspergers has much to do with her general sense of "how wonderful I am" she exudes, because she does have a serious ego problem, I think that has more to do with her believing the publicity mummy and daddy et al are generating for her and the words they are feeding her for her public utterances which are being fallen upon like those of Kim Jong-un.
how long before her audiences are seen frantically writing down her little pearls of wisdom whilst grinning manically?
when people are being sacked and students expelled for skipping work/school to protest lets see how much forward momentum this carries because principles are one thing, paying the mortgage is another.
Just whine until one or more of the below occurs:
1. 6 billion people are slaughtered
2. Trillions are spent on renewable energy
3. We go full nuclear
4. We go back to the 1700s; every person has the same sized house/land/income and level of 'life', and no one can be nasty to another

Which 1700s are you thinking of?
This is an odd one... I feel like there's something a bit off about it and the media circus around it and hope that she isn't simply being used, but am still definitely "on the same side" as the message; I believe what Scientists have been saying and do think that everyone should be doing more (especially those in positions that can make much bigger changes than individuals can).

I suppose at the end of the day the problem is that nothing is getting through to these people for the many years that this has been going on. So even though I'm not that comfortable with how it's happening, if this is successful then maybe it doesn't matter?
Prepares for attacks.
What if climate change is natural and all this is bs
Climate change is natural but there's an unnatural element too :) . Common sense tells me overpopulating the planet and that effect on pumping more **** into the atmosphere, depleting natural resources quickly has long term consequences. But then again, it's probably all part of life on a planet. Life is born, thrives and later dies, whether through our own stupidly or natural causes and that's probably the case on a world scale. But prolonging our own impact on climate change/the planet gives our race the best chance of survival......probably
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"better world" doesn't really take into account that what the left really want is big government telling everyone how to do everything, it's basically become a vehicle for socialism which is probably why China get a free pass.

Lots of the things listed can be achieved through scientific progress under capitalism with a little bit of regulation but what the left want is almost total regulation of every part of peoples lives, if you want to become world dictator the best way is to wrap it in slogans like saving the planet.
all she does is talk down to people about stuff every one already knows......

she has done nothing and people with asd are very easily led and manipulated, i know because i am autistic.

what has she actually done? got loads of kids an excuse to cause disruption and skive of school, that is all she has done.

please enlighten a drunk asd person as to what she has actually done?

Do you genuinely believe she's done nothing?
I suppose at the end of the day the problem is that nothing is getting through to these people for the many years that this has been going on. So even though I'm not that comfortable with how it's happening, if this is successful then maybe it doesn't matter?

How far do you think you need to go? Do you think banning the use of central heating, air travel, use of private motor vehicles outside of going to work. How about going back to the dark ages? If all governments enforced a net zero carbon policy next week, how do you think that would go down? How much of a hit on your standard of living are you willing to tolerate in the quest to save the planet, because that’s what the politicians have to consider
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In my lifetime as a design engineer, I have destroyed many trees for paper calculations and drawings. I have facilitated the construction of motorways, tunnels, power stations etc. etc. Do I have regrets, no not really, it was part of living in the 20th century and providing a livelihood for me and my family.
Could we do things differently? Yes probably but it will not be politicians or agitators who will make the largest difference. As usual it will be business who will decide what is to be on the market and attractive enough for people to buy into. If reduced power consumption and cleaner products sell then this is the way it will go, particularly if the price is right.
Yay we are cleaning the planet, more electric cars! Less emissions! Oh wait the need for more electricity to power theses cars means the plants need to produce more, creating more pollution.. Oh no

Good thing the mobiles we use and the 4g in these new cars don't use precious metals and elements that are running out, or the batteries the cars use are easy to dispose of.... Oh no
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Not read all of the thread but thought I'd chime in that Greta to me is an entitled brat who will no doubt end up dead or in an institution shortly after the spotlight fades from her

We are the problem, too many of us, so unless Thanos gets voted in or we populate and ruin Mars we are screwed

Honestly, this smells like leftest propaganda and it's their MO. Hold up someone that you can't criticize to push our message/agenda and if you try to say anything then you're a bigot/racist/horrible human being (Delete which is appropriate)

Happened this week in HoC with Jo Cox and this is the same method. What alerted me to it was the climate change "protests" where they were a very heavy presence of socialists unions, groups and parties. Complete with many communist flags being flown.

What they didn't count on is the push back and we're not taking the bait this time
How far do you think you need to go? Do you think banning the use of central heating, air travel, use of private motor vehicles outside of going to work. How about going back to the dark ages? If all governments enforced a net zero carbon policy next week, how do you think that would go down? How much of a hit on your standard of living are you willing to tolerate in the quest to save the planet, because that’s what the politicians have to consider

Tough one... ideally I'd like to see some of the worlds bigger corporations start to lead-by-example more (similar to what Jeff Bezos announced the other day about Amazon making some big changes to limit their impact on the environment; if it turns out to be more than just a PR move). Or if they're not willing to do that then for governments to force them to do so with regulation, taxation etc.

For a lot of people I think they'd be more willing to consider cycling to work and eating less beef and all of the small individual things we can do if it felt like it was adding to a bigger concerted effort that might actually stand a chance of working. As selfish as it is, people don't want to add an hour to their commute so they can get the bus instead of driving even if they do care about the environment, because any small positive effect it would have is cancelled out 10000 times over by what some uncaring mega-corp with no accountability is doing.

I don't think we need to go back to the dark ages, it seems like there are other parts of the solution from the Science/Technical side that are gradually coming forward and would meet these sorts of efforts halfway
Honestly, this smells like leftest propaganda and it's their MO. Hold up someone that you can't criticize to push our message/agenda and if you try to say anything then you're a bigot/racist/horrible human being (Delete which is appropriate)

Happened this week in HoC with Jo Cox and this is the same method. What alerted me to it was the climate change "protests" where they were a very heavy presence of socialists unions, groups and parties. Complete with many communist flags being flown.

What they didn't count on is the push back and we're not taking the bait this time

Climate change deniers usually are horrible human beings to be fair:p
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