Greta Thunberg

This is one of the big worries. Even if We manage to start scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere and drop down to 250ppm again, temperatures may still continue to rise, creating its own feedback loop.

What is this feedback loop you speak of and why has it never happened before?
Your faith in failed climate models amuses me....
Where is the empirical evidence of high sensitivity?

Here is a newer one if it helps:

Conclusion The obvious question to the AGW advocates is “Has the greenhouse effect increased with man-made greenhouse gas emissions?” This analysis shows that there has been no significant increase in the greenhouse effect since 1960. The greenhouse effect as characterized by the normalized greenhouse factor has increased by only 0.19% from 1960 to 2008. The temperature change from 1960 attributable to AGW is less than 0.1 o C. The extrapolated temperature change attributable to AGW at doubled CO2 concentration is 0.26 o C. Delaying the start date of the analysis year by year to 1970 gives calculated climate sensitivities that vary about the 0.4 Celsius value. The data shows that the IPCC estimate of climate sensitivity at doubled CO2 concentration of 3.0 o C is unrealistic.

Do you have anything that doesn’t look like someone’s GCSE paper?

Seriously, you talk about faith then share an non peer reviewed piece of work by some random from a climate sceptic website?

That said, I’ll post a “random” website to refute the claim made. Note however it has embedded references citing actual peer reviews papers, so a little different to your link.

Websites like that are a bit easier to read than proper papers for the general public.
What is this feedback loop you speak of and why has it never happened before?

At least you’re being honest about your limited knowledge of climate change. It does beg the question of why you’re trying to tell others climate science is wrong though?

A feedback loop is when temperatures get high enough that they start creating more CO2 and other greenhouse gases. In layman’s terms it’s like a fire generating heat and winds to help itself spread.

And yes it has happened before, one of the most used examples is the PETM around 50 million years ago.

Feedback issues include things like warming oceans increasing emissions of CO2 and “melting” of things like methyl hydrates. On land they include everything from forest fires due to increased energy and degradation of carbon sinks, reversing the flow of carbon (such as the drying of peat bogs releasing carbon into the atmosphere).

These are natural processes and are part of the reason CO2 can sometimes lag temperature increases. The temperature increases and causes the release of CO2, which in turn helps increase temperatures...

Note here that the PETM was a major extinction event (but not one of the mass extinctions). The real worry is it “only” included a temperature rise of 5-8 degrees over a period of 20,000 years.

The current consensus is with no change we will cause a rise of 4+ degrees over a period of just a couple of hundred. An order of magnitude faster than a previous major extinction event.

Edit: and this is one of the reasons just reducing our fossil fuel usage is going to do little. We need to reforest significant amounts of the earth we’ve deforested, reflood much of our most fertile farmland to restore peat bogs amongst other things. We need an entirely different outlook on the environment and what we do to it to really solve this issue. Far more easily done with a smaller human population.

Luckily (for the environment) “Mother Nature” is pretty good at rebalancing. If we don’t reflood and reforest nature will do it for us. Unfortunately for us, we won’t be able to decide how, when and where...
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You could just ignore her... GOD FORBID. That's why it's funny.

That's it? It's funny because people have an opinion to air?

They’re already doing something. Young people changing their lifestyle before they get to attached to it is far more useful than trying to change the opinions of old fuddies like you.

Plant the idea that air travel is bad in the mind of a 16 year old and it’ll take a lot of work to persuade them to fly more for example.

The biggest issue with climate change and environmental issues in general is people don’t want to change from what they’re used to. Young people don’t have that baggage.


So by your mindset, the youth of today are going to grow up converted with the outlook that modern day luxuries are a burden, and decline that new phone, car, or family holiday abroad because Greta said it's bad.

Please spin me some more nonsense, because this is what's actually funny.
So by your mindset, the youth of today are going to grow up converted with the outlook that modern day luxuries are a burden, and decline that new phone, car, or family holiday abroad because Greta said it's bad.

There are folk doing that before Greta was born, not because Greta said its bad, she is just another healthy reminder for another generation.

Edit: And there is a difference between totally eschewing and balancing. Not wanting to fly does not mean you can't have a holiday, not wanting a new phone does not mean you can't keep using your old one, etc. My last mobile lasted 10 years. Choosing a low emmisions 2nd hand car instead of a guzzler etc if you need a car... if you don't need a car you don't have to have one. A lot of it is critical thinking really, with the enviroment in mind.
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So by your mindset, the youth of today are going to grow up converted with the outlook that modern day luxuries are a burden, and decline that new phone, car, or family holiday abroad because Greta said it's bad.

Please spin me some more nonsense, because this is what's actually funny.

Yes, baggage. People don’t like change.

And no, it’s not the black and white you’re tying to make it out to be. This happens every generation, heck, even things as simple as recycling.

Millennials are generally far more honest about things like climate change than the older generations, generation Z are going to be even more so having grown up with people like Attenborough and Thunberg publicizing it even more.
Do you have anything that doesn’t look like someone’s GCSE paper?

Seriously, you talk about faith then share an non peer reviewed piece of work by some random from a climate sceptic website?

That said, I’ll post a “random” website to refute the claim made. Note however it has embedded references citing actual peer reviews papers, so a little different to your link.

Websites like that are a bit easier to read than proper papers for the general public.

You need to pay attention, i was talking about sensitivity of the climate per doubling of C02, not if C02 is a greenhouse gas
I also asked you to show what the "feed back loop" you are worried about actually is, i know what a feed back loop is.
show me the mechanism of how this feed back loop works to cause runaway warming or are we back to your trusted models?
You need to pay attention, i was talking about sensitivity of the climate per doubling of C02, not if C02 is a greenhouse gas
I also asked you to show what the "feed back loop" you are worried about actually is, i know what a feed back loop is.
show me the mechanism of how this feed back loop works to cause runaway warming or are we back to your trusted models?

I know what you were talking about. Unfortunately all you’ve provided so far to refute the evidence from actual scientists is a 20 year old paper that says future models need to be more detailed and a GCSE level piece from a climate sceptic site.

And no you didn’t. You asked what it was and asked for an example.

What is this feedback loop you speak of and why has it never happened before?

I explained what it was, and even provided you an example. There’s plenty of information there for you to start learning about climate change. Suggestion, stay away from the climate sceptic websites that have no peer reviews and out of date information. Study the basics and then build from there. It takes years, but you’ll be much better off at the end of it.
These are natural processes and are part of the reason CO2 can sometimes lag temperature increases. The temperature increases and causes the release of CO2, which in turn helps increase temperatures...

Does this mean I can go to Ryhl and swim in a warm sea - I am up for that.

She's a funny girl:

and causes the release of CO2, which in turn helps increase temperatures...
Make your mind up, going by what you say adding co2 to the atmosphere in turn increases temperatures, so human added Co2 must also be able to do the same. If there is also natural stuff on the go, adding to it isn't the cleverest thing to do.
I know what you were talking about. Unfortunately all you’ve provided so far to refute the evidence from actual scientists is a 20 year old paper that says future models need to be more detailed and a GCSE level piece from a climate sceptic site.

And no you didn’t. You asked what it was and asked for an example.

I explained what it was, and even provided you an example. There’s plenty of information there for you to start learning about climate change. Suggestion, stay away from the climate sceptic websites that have no peer reviews and out of date information. Study the basics and then build from there. It takes years, but you’ll be much better off at the end of it.

You are funny, i will get back to you later.
Quite. It's funny how often they get triggered by this sort of thing.


Oh no. Misread. Sorry. You're making that robust argument that once a thing happens enough, or is pointed out enough, it somehow loses validity.

Of course. Why'd I go looking for some sincerity in a post of yours.


You’re making up your own argument as per usual tbh... not sure sincerity is something you can talk about without it being rather ironic.
You can't, she's ******* everywhere and you see that ugly mug every time you want to ingest some news.

Oh my god i saw a picture of her in the news, however will i recover.

Just don't click on the articles, if you get mad over literally seeing pictures of her in the media you have some serious issues you need to focus on lol. It's also a bit weird seeing adults make comments about a 16 year old girl being ugly.
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I can ignore her just fine... and I don't really care what she does and i have little to no scepticism over the issue.

Just seems counterproductive to increase her publication by moaning about it, maybe i just don't get it, surely ignoring something is the more sensible measure to take power from something/someone? Mind you there are certainly situations where that is unwise, but i highly doubt this is such a situation. But if people want a good moan... then fair do's.

Indeed i shall just follow my own feelings on this and leave this thread tbh.
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What is this feedback loop you speak of and why has it never happened before?

It has, in various directions. The temperature control system of Earth is complex and there are feedback loops that can lead to runaway effects as well as feedback loops than can maintain a moderate status quo. One particularly extreme example is the snowball Earth periods, when there was complete glaciation of the entire planet. There's some debate on how life survived at all because everywhere, land and water alike, was covered in ice. Certainly almost everything died. It looks like a few extremophilic lifeforms survived on or under ice. But anyway, back to the feedback loop point. The most probable cause was a long period of intense volcanic activity producing huge areas of basalt. Basalt absorbs CO2 very well, especially when it's weathering (fresh volcanic deposits would do a great deal of weathering). That disrupted the carbon cycle by sequestering so much CO2 that global cooling occured and glaciation increased. That increased the average albedo of the Earth, which reflected more solar energy away, which increased cooling, which increased glaciation, which increased loop.

It sorted itself out, but it took ~50 million years. Earth was fine, but life on it wasn't. It's not "save the planet". It's "save humanity".

There are feedback loops going the other way too, temperature wise. There are also feedback loops that can (and have) changed the atmosphere for extended periods of time. That's why we're finding fossil remains of insects that are much bigger than any that could possibly exist today - at one point the atmosphere had far more oxygen in it than it does now. The system is robust but not an absolutely infallible guarantee of moderation.
These are natural processes and are part of the reason CO2 can sometimes lag temperature increases. The temperature increases and causes the release of CO2, which in turn helps increase temperatures...

Does this mean I can go to Ryhl and swim in a warm sea - I am up for that.

Just as an aside, global warming might well make Britain colder. Britain is currently a fair bit warmer than would be expected from its latitude due to the warming effect of ocean currents. They could be affected by global warming, so Britain could become colder. Don't bank on warm seas at Rhyl.
You can't, she's everywhere

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