Greta Thunberg

We've now reached Level 2

Eh, get a new record, yours seem to be broken.

We get the same comment on every page now, how utterly boring

Way to go to further evidence how a 16 year old instil what I can only presume to be fear/threat, perhaps it's you that is the broken record. One broken record shows an observation, yours center on weird insults about sex and rape.

Has Greta claimed her first victim?

#gretabodycount is starting to trend on twitter now
A vast majority of people who don't like the thumbug aren't climate change deniers, I just don't like being dictated to by a damaged know-it-all brat on a massive ego trip with no solutions. It's the same kind of annoyance when your kids suddenly announce they've gone vegan and all meat is murder blah blah blah, shut up and eat your meat you fool
It's more like...

Middle aged men: "you ********** are so easily triggered"
16 year old girl with an ego the size of a planet and a messiah complex: "HOW DARE YOU DESTROY US AND KILL CHILDREN WE'RE ALL DYING TOMORROW WHAAAAA!!!!11111"
middle aged men: "Shut up"
Brainwashed masses: "OMGWTFmuhFEEELs! HoW DarE you attack babies!!!!???Whaaaaa!!1111!!"
middle aged men: *faceplam*
14As? She probably shouted "How dare you" until she got the right grade

It's actually no great shakes, I got 11 As and 2 Bs and a C (for french)
Must be nice in that little echo chamber of hers. I wonder if she has the balls to debate anyone for real
Seriously who sounds like the broken record?
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Tbh even someone you despise for whatever reason, that is making noise in an area that is good / important, is a necessary thing for us humans to start thinking as a singular object rather than just ourselves.
Take for instance Jade Goody, no one liked her but she increased screenings of cervical cancer due to her media presence when dying.
Look at that situation now, screenings have dropped dramatically because she's been forgotten.

As I see it, love Greta or hate her, as long as she or anyone similar sit there in the back of the worlds mind, people will think twice about what they are doing.
Most middle-aged men I know find it hilarious that some other middle-aged men get their underwear so knotted up regarding Greta.

I'm not quite middle-aged yet, but I agree.
That knotting is partially their rejection of social medias currently unbridled (it's out of the box) role, and it's ability to manipulate people, when those people have not necessarily understood the facts;
the/her implicit demonization of scientific advances, as J.Ball re-iterates, causes undue/adverse psychological problems with those uninformed children.
his/Balls comment on nuclear reactors being a 'better' solution is accurate no ?

Not an original comment, but, if government was based significantly on a technocracity, would the climate outcome be more favourable. (for brexit too)

There doesn't seem to be any qoutes from Ball's bristol presentation so his (climate denial) conviction was itself trial by social media.
There doesn't seem to be any qoutes from Ball's bristol presentation so his (climate denial) conviction was itself trial by social media.

Johnny Ball is about expert on the subject as the milkman or 85 year old John next door who worked on the sewers.
I'd rather believe David Attenborough.
LOL : so based on Bristol social media sheep response you dismiss him ... even if he shows in above video he's capable of critical thinking ...
MrA just remains anonine in his words . ....

e: anodyne not anonine
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Critical thinking isn't enough, you can't pass off a Doctor in Nuclear Medicine as a Doctor in Cell Biology and consider the statements on Cell Biology from the former Doctor as relevant. It's self-evidently not credible. Even less so when they aren't even in any academic field whatsoever and are literally an entertainer.

Just because someone 'tells it as it is' is not a reason to listen to them, holding beliefs just because it annoys someone else is simply unhealthy.
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You don't think the demonization of scientific progress, to children, is the wrong message, or that the nuclear alternative is dead in the water ?
For those people who do not read facts themselves, popular figures that try to communicate options in laymans term, are beneficial to society
all it takes, is a few good men ... and all that.

(there was an R4 article today about all the misnomers about definition of a goods night sleep, people taking 8 hours as opposed to 7 have same mortality as 4 or 5 hours)
Nuclear power might have been well advised in say the 90's, building them now is a waste of expense, just seeing how long it's taken to ATTEMPT to build one is bad enough. The fact is that it's not the children that are the issue, it's the adults who nimby the **** out of it.
"The issue is the additional energy it traps in the atmosphere, which in turn will directly affect humans."

Empirical – n.b. not model-derived – determinations indicate climate sensitivity is less than 1.0deg.C for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 equivalent.

Just a few examples:

"We know from the geological record that there is a direct correlation between CO2 levels and temperature,"

C02 lags temperature by 800 years.

"And TBH if historians are seeing reduced pollution as flawed logic in future, I don't want to be a part of that future. The Earth will be a cess pit in that situation and I like wildlife and green spaces!" <<< C02 is not pollution
Who will do nothing.

I'm actually baffled that some people genuinely think Greta is actually going to have some sort of impact.

It's laughable.

They’re already doing something. Young people changing their lifestyle before they get to attached to it is far more useful than trying to change the opinions of old fuddies like you.

Plant the idea that air travel is bad in the mind of a 16 year old and it’ll take a lot of work to persuade them to fly more for example.

The biggest issue with climate change and environmental issues in general is people don’t want to change from what they’re used to. Young people don’t have that baggage.

I have mixed feelings on this one - I think she has genuinely increased the presence of these environmental concerns in people's minds generally on the other hand I'm not sure it will accomplish anything and depending on whose figures are correct potentially the pace of change is just far far short of having any material impact on the outcome.

Realistically the pace of change is not going to be enough if the science is right.

All we can do is try and tread water for the next 50 years until what we put in place today (fossil fuel use reduction, birth rate reduction, economic and farming changes etc) starts to have a proper impact.

This is where those complaining about countries with larger populations are partly right. Developing countries are going to be the “problem” in future because they’re trying to bring their populations to the level of a developed country in 20 years. Hence why we need to lead by example and show that you can still (hopefully) have our standard of living with a lesser impact than we currently do.

Not that Greta is specifically targeting developed countries. Most of her speeches and actions have been at international conferences which include developed and developing countries. She’s talking to the US, EU AND China, India and other developing nations.
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Empirical – n.b. not model-derived – determinations indicate climate sensitivity is less than 1.0deg.C for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 equivalent.

Just a few examples:

In light of these observations, it is my belief that it will still be a very long time before any general circulation model will be able to accurately determine the ultimate consequences...

Well good job we’ve had 22 years to improve our models since that paper came out...

(To be candid that paper was released a full 10 years before I studied climate change at university.)

You say it as if it’s somehow not already known?

CO2 can lag temperature increases, it can also lead temperature increases. The correlation is that they are generally hand in hand.

Here’s a basic explanation of why your climate sceptic link doesn’t refute anything.

And a far more detailed one:

Note, the second one is actually a few years old, showing this has been known for a long time.

And no, CO2 isn’t a pollutant, but many of the other emissions produced at the same time when hydrocarbons are burned are.
CO2 can lag temperature increases

I think this is a factor - not specifically to CO2 - that is still poorly appreciated with climate change. Similar kind of lack of appreciation of such a factor lead to Chernobyl cooking off when readings were still below a critical threshold but past a point of no return.
Your faith in failed climate models amuses me....
Where is the empirical evidence of high sensitivity?

Here is a newer one if it helps:

Conclusion The obvious question to the AGW advocates is “Has the greenhouse effect increased with man-made greenhouse gas emissions?” This analysis shows that there has been no significant increase in the greenhouse effect since 1960. The greenhouse effect as characterized by the normalized greenhouse factor has increased by only 0.19% from 1960 to 2008. The temperature change from 1960 attributable to AGW is less than 0.1 o C. The extrapolated temperature change attributable to AGW at doubled CO2 concentration is 0.26 o C. Delaying the start date of the analysis year by year to 1970 gives calculated climate sensitivities that vary about the 0.4 Celsius value. The data shows that the IPCC estimate of climate sensitivity at doubled CO2 concentration of 3.0 o C is unrealistic.
I think this is a factor - not specifically to CO2 - that is still poorly appreciated with climate change. Similar kind of lack of appreciation of such a factor lead to Chernobyl cooking off when readings were still below a critical threshold but past a point of no return.

This is one of the big worries. Even if We manage to start scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere and drop down to 250ppm again, temperatures may still continue to rise, creating its own feedback loop.
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