im interested who do i ask for in game to join?
im interested who do i ask for in game to join?
theres already an OcUK guild on Shattered Halls (horde).
had some good times with them, so +1 for this idea, its how we started up back then!
is the intention to raid eventually? (sorry if thats already been answered havnt read all posts)
I have an 80 holy pally I raid with but I'd quite like to finish my Hunter off. Any room for one ? Hes ony level 60 but it wouldnt take long to get to 80 with the new LFG system.
Hi Sawell, just an update on what I was thinking of doing now Twentyone(Mariawtf) is there
I was still unsure but I spoke to a mate of mine earlier who I used to play with and he wants to come aswell, I assume this would be ok? He isn't sure of what class to play (has them all) and so on but I imagine its not a problem either way? (He's not a "bad". Gladiator as Shaman/Warrior since S2) and has raided at the highest level with myself.
Will have to give EJ a read and weigh it up with what one of my characters I like the most before deciding!
Just make a new one on Karazhan?
Can I just choose to create a new char on a different server ?
Sorry haven't played it for a while
Yeah I believe you just need a character on your account over 55, not specifically the server.
Hi Guys,
I'm very tempted to join up with your guild (if you'll have me!). I've only played WOW for a few months and haven't played since November due to work commitments. I'd be starting with a new character if that's ok. My account is frozen, so if someone wants to recruit me I'd appreciate the free week!