**Grow your own 2012**

Thanks for the seeds link. I wont be sowing any more for this year, but they can wait till next!

Not actually noticed our rhubarb. Not spent too much time in the greenhouse yet this year. Will have to check next time I pop up! (Its behind the greenhouse)
19th March.

29th March. (1 wk 3 days later).

Quite a growth spurt i reckon.
If you have some crowns available then they could be done tho i dont think you pick the rhubarb if your planting your crown for the first year. This is the 2nd year for my crowns in that large tub so im expecting nice thick ones this year as last year they were thin and died pretty badly from stuff eating the leaves and stuff. Hopefully i can prevent it this year with my slug killer stuff.

Btw cats had done a lot of dumps in the rhubarb pot maybe thats why there growing a lot in a short time tho the nice sun probs aint doing any harm there lol. Tho i was to understand cat droppings wernt that good for plants in general.
They are not good for anything. They have a meat diet and it's not good to have anywhere near your plants. This year I have netted my whole patch to keep the ****ing cats off. I also gravelled all the area where my potato sacks and greenhouses are to keep them away.

First thing said cat did, move to my front garden and take a great big **** in the middle of my lawn. Oh to have some of those sentry guns from aliens.
I'd be a bit concerned about eating that rhubarb with added poo to be honest
Toxoplasmosis from cat poo can transfer into the soil, and into plants that grow in the said soil, you defo do not want to eat that rhubarb raw
If true then im pretty mad now. :(

Seems a waste of growing it and having it the past year then. :(

Anything i can do, i did when i spotted the stuff get a lot out of the pot but maybe its too late and probs more in the pot since then as i never really checked. I did have some cat deterent spray thing i never got around to spraying on the pot or ground. So seems a waste also now.

I've just planted some purple carrots, purple broccoli, spring onions, mammoth basil, papalo, orange and red peppers, cucumbers and some Dr Carolyn tomatoes.

I still have to plant: a bushel of chillies, another tomato, melons, onions, normal broccoli, carrots, thyme, normal basil, thai basil and a few other things.

Grow you pretty things, GROW!
Well I've got an allotment. Went down this morning and paid for the year. It's not in a bad condition either, just needs weeding and digging over, which I'm going to try and make a start with it sometime this week.

Really can't wait :D
Door bell rings this morning, I start messing around to find my keys and then head downstairs to see a "We have a parcel" ticket on the floor. Damn, give me a chance!

It might be the spuds. If so, they have arrived a little later than I was hoping for, but it gives me something extra to do.

Got to wait til 4 to pick them up though.
I don't have a garden but have decided to have a go at my first grow of vegetables on my window sill. I've started with a basic beginner set of tomatoes, peppers and lettuce. The tomatoes and peppers I assume should be fine but the lettuce I'm guessing might be a tad difficult on a shelf in my window!

Anyhow I don't really know what I'm doing and threw the whole packet of tomato seeds in the propagator and now I have dozens of seedlings that I don't have enough individual pots for :D



Well I guess if you are keeping them inside you will be wanting to trim them back at some point to keep them manageable. So as they won't be growing to full size you could get away with a few more plants... :)
Well I guess if you are keeping them inside you will be wanting to trim them back at some point to keep them manageable. So as they won't be growing to full size you could get away with a few more plants... :)

I did a quick count... 78, so far.
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