Grow your own 2013

The soil is pretty good as far as I know at least judging by the amount of stuff growing wild :p However that said all of our plants need daily watering, plenty of times I've got home from work to them looking miserable and remembered I forgot to water them in the morning - they get plenty of direct sunlight through the day and it tends to be 25-27C most days.
Aubergine are coming on very slowly. (The two leafy ones at the back)
Just planted out my last two surviving tomato plants, that have been pot bound for a month, surprised they survived in such small pots for so long, one even has a tomato. Now they can spread their roots, hopefully they'll perk up.


Go on then, let's have an update since we've had some fine weather (and before all the OMG the heatwave has killed all my plants posts)

My greenhouse a few evenings ago. The toms on the right have put another few inches on and I've pinched the tip of one out as it's touching the eaves.


And the rest of the plot. I need to do some hardcore tidying this weekend, and winter veg is going to go where the rest of the onions & garlic currently are. Lifted my yellow onions already, garlic coming up tonight to dry in the sunshine over the weekend then they'll be cured in the shed with the onions

So, I'm thinking of getting one of these:

12 ft by 3 ft and 1 ft high.

My question is, the only spot where it can go gets about 6-7 hours direct sunlight. It isn't heavily shaded or underneath trees etc and is very shelted. The garden faces south west and the veg bed would be on the north west side of the garden, well sheltered next to a fence. Would this still be the suitable conditions for growing veg?

I appreciate that fruit and tomatoes, squash, etc, would be more difficult and would probably prefer 8+ hours of direct sunlight per day. But I can at least get beans, broccoli, carrots, spuds, leafy things, radishes etc to a decent level right?

I have a spot that faces directly south west which I will use for container gardening to grow fruit and other sunlight thirsty plants.

This would be my first proper attempt at a veg garden, so would a veg garden as described thrive in those conditions? (I appreciate its hard to tell via the internet!)
Took on our first allotment 4 weeks ago and have been busy trying to get it to a useable state before we go away this weekend for 2 weeks.

How it was when we got it:




Growing: Peas, Carrots, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Peppers, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Chard, Swede, Lettuces and Courgettes.

Update on how things are growing.

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Your courgettes have come on very well!

Mine are going crazy, can't eat courgettes quick enough. At last night's count, I had 8 which could be harvested.

Tomatoes are going crazy also. Its amazing what a bit of sunshine does. I'm starting to train them up the greenhouse roof now to maximise the returns.

Beans are preforming much much better than last year. Much bushier and more flowers. Last year they just looked scruffy and didn't give much crop.
So, I'm thinking of getting one of these:

12 ft by 3 ft and 1 ft high.

My question is, the only spot where it can go gets about 6-7 hours direct sunlight. It isn't heavily shaded or underneath trees etc and is very shelted. The garden faces south west and the veg bed would be on the north west side of the garden, well sheltered next to a fence. Would this still be the suitable conditions for growing veg?

I appreciate that fruit and tomatoes, squash, etc, would be more difficult and would probably prefer 8+ hours of direct sunlight per day. But I can at least get beans, broccoli, carrots, spuds, leafy things, radishes etc to a decent level right?

I have a spot that faces directly south west which I will use for container gardening to grow fruit and other sunlight thirsty plants.

This would be my first proper attempt at a veg garden, so would a veg garden as described thrive in those conditions? (I appreciate its hard to tell via the internet!)

Bump, anybody able to advise me on the above please?
Hi Guys,

i've currently got the following veg on the go:

Green Beans

I've just built myself a 1x3m raised bed, anyone got any recommendations on what I could start off in it now?

Bump, anybody able to advise me on the above please?

Yeah i think you should be fine with your leafy boys. But by all means, try out everything! Save 10-20% of the space in your raised bed and test to see what you can and cannot grow.

Boycie, im not 100% sure mate. Only thing im about to start sowing is my ornamental cabbage. If your strawbs are like mine, then they will have arms and legs all over the place. if you're after more then you could put an end into a pot with some compost and then once they have rooted, you can plant into the beds to bring them on? then next year plant out. But then again, you might not want any more.
How's everyone's cropping coming along? I've been having a pretty good year this year.

This was the garlic harvest, my best yet, and some of the overwintered onions.

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Not coming on too badly. Tomatoes are grown crazy but I am yet to get any ripe ones!

Beans have done well this year and courgettes are awesome as ever.

Looking forward to pulling up the first parsnip this year. They seem to have done really well.

A huge haul of onions there! My shallots are pretty much ready.
I got a success rate of about 33% germination.

Putting three seeds into each hole worked for me. Then I just thinned out multiple germinations to fill in places where none had germinated.

Surprised that none of yours germinated though!
I was trying in cardboard tubes with multipurpose compost. I think they got too wet and rotted. And I didn't use fresh seed, which was a big mistake.
Update on how things are growing.


Still going strong. Here's some pics from today. Butternut squashes are spreading like mad. Got tons of huge courgettes (more like marrows in size) and pointed peppers coming on well.




My two millionaires tomato boxes are doing grand. They slowed down a bit in june but are really sprouting up and the leaf coverage is getting pretty thick.
Heres a pic of one, im not sure whether I should split them and move them into a 3rd box. Ill be bringing them back indoors again if the weather starts to cool down much more. Doubtvill get any produce this year.
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Cannot wait until next year to start having play in the GFs mums empty greenhouse.

No pun intended.
Looking good guys! I too can't wait till next year. Will be growing more everything. Loads more veg. Possibly an extra raised bed. See if I have my grandads growing blood in me and get a world record breaker haha
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