Not the same as growing your own but i found Dorset Naga in Tesco on Sunday, going to thinly slice them and put them on Pizza for my tea. On the pack it said produce of Bedfordshire a quick look on the net shows a pick your own chilli farm there
OMG! Cut them almost paper thin and before spreading them on pizza i wanted to gage the heat so tried a piece about 1mm by 3mm. I am so glad i did unbelievably hot, a small amount (small finger nail size) sliced then sparingly applied was far hotter than the 10-15 Jalepenos i would normally apply.
nice with a salad.... but like mine REALY hot.Spring onions on a sunny windowsill grows ok.
My flowers are going yellow and falling off after I've tried fertilising them... any ideas?
you prob just havent succeeded in pollinating or could have left it to late for the flower, just keep trying with any new flowers you see. do it every day with all the flowers till you see the chillie starting to form.
I love HOT SPICEY food, so have started my own Japlanino (SP?) plant this year its about 9" tall now, have also managed to start off a couple of Scothch Bonnett chilli pepper seeds but theyre not doing very well at the mo.... can anyone offer any advice????
What other plants / fruits can be grown in similar ways to these chillis?
ive had a look at that chillis galore forums and wow those guys are seriously into it in a big way, kudos to them though
but if chillies can be grown indoors like this what else can and will go well in the uk house / homes?