Growing Chillies

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Skeeter, I have little black flies too. Check the soil and see if you can spot little white things crawling about, they tend to be easy to spot just after watering. If you have then it's fungus knats as far as I can tell. Do they fly slowly and are very easy to swat?
I put it down to the compost.

Im no expert with flys so cant say. White wriggly things i didnt know to look for white but i couldnt see anything when i was lookin for anything wriggly in particular. Tho one tub of my spring onions had a load of flys on this morning so threw it out with em all on best i could. Shame but well only a few left anyhow in it.

Scotch bonnet, just had a look under it and was getting a bit root bound so repotted on. Some other plants are too but not sure if i need to transplant as the jalapenos that is growing ok seem to be ok, should i repot them or leave em? I just dont know.

Whats the rule btw, is it 1gallon pot per foot growth or somit?
Cool. Pics?

Certainly do :)




So at this rate - ready for christmas..
The leaves on my Jalapeno plants are going brown!

Here's a reasonably healthy leaf:

doesn't look right, it's got light bits in it. All my other chili plants are fine.
Did I just overwater?
Not sure. Might be nutrient burn, too much so ull have to flush it with water only for a week. Thats what i thought i had so layed off the tom feed too much and seems to have helped a bit.
Most of the leaves have turned and are flat up against the window :D Looks quite mad from outside...
I don't think it's the cold, I know people who still have them outside.
Do you or anyone that comes into contact with you/the plants smoke?

Check out Tobacco Mosaic Virus as this has a mottled mosaic browning of the leaves. If it is immediately burn the plant, the pot, any remaining leaf litter and if possible sterilise any of the tools used.

Alternatively you could just have insects biting and transferring an infection between the leaves.
Weird dave, another thought about the plants and leafs problem. Have you thought about root bound problem, have you checked under the pot see how many roots are coming out. As my tom plant went like urs but got so bad its half dead which i might chuck soon i duno. Didnt have any bigger pots and still dont.
Have a question for chilli experts. Since I live in Scotland and its not exactly exotic weather up here my window gets very cold at night. It is double glazing but just now and its not even frosty its freezing next to my window. My plants touch the window as they are getting rather big.

Now I have 3 options

1. Leave them and they will get lots of light but get cold
2. Move them to where my computer is and they can be nice and warm but there is not much natural light.
3. move them to a table just below my windowsill so the top of the plants will still be able to soak up any sun and it should be a little warmer.

Any suggestions?
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