Growing Chillies

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Awesome Nagas. Have they set fruit yet?
Two of my chillies have finally turned red!

I have noticed that since I re-potted the plant into houseplant compost there has been an increase in side shoots and leaves but the flowers have stopped.

I think that it could be because the nutrients in the houseplant compost concentrate on developing healthy foliage. (Our houseplants have been really healthy this year). I have been trying to counteract this with extra tomato feed, but may have to re-pot in grow bag soil if flowers still don’t appear.

Can’t wait to sample the fruit!
Can someone help me with something.

Since for roughly a month now i have had a small insect problem that doesn't look like it is going to go away. I think i may have fungus gnats, possibly from soil i bought or from the bought chilli plant i got back on first Friday of august this year.

I'm no expert so here's a pic of the flys. Sorry but best i can grab of em.

I have checked the soil on some but not all chilli plants to see if there's anything wriggling which i don't but i do see the flys land on the soil a lot.

If you can help id the enemy and a possible solution that wont hurt my plants id be grateful.
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In my bowl I have some Tomatoes I'm growing can't remember the type just now, get 3 or 4 every couple of days though. The little red chilli's are Apache's, I find they add quite a kick in my cooking. The orange chilli's are Cheyenne, these are nice, when you bite into one it starts nice and sweet then gets hotter.
They could be blackfly? If so they could have been bought in with your new plant. Can you see anything rotting?

I read that you can spray with soapy water but I would go to my local garden centre to seek expert advice on pesticides.
You know what.. I just switched the light on this morning. I was about to just dismantle everything and put the plants on the windowsill..

I have 3 or 4 Dorset Naga flowers that have just fertilised and started growing fruit :D
Cool. Pics?


More pics of my stuff. Sorry if any are reposts.

Scotch Bonnet - I think its slowing down on growing tall now, tho i expected it to be taller. I think its also struggling to go to the flower stage.

Jalapeno plants.

Bell peppers.

Dwarf Bean


Duno chilli plant. Harvested a lot of chillis, tho i dont see any new growth and flowers to get more. Any idea why, i just pull em and cut with fingernail usually.

Was commenting on the fridge like draught tonight - closed the windows.

Just keep them warm and out of cold draught and they'll recover.

I think summer is over..

Closed the windows and buttoned up and they sill haven't recovered :(.
I don't think I will get chillis this year. But will have a garden next summer. So plastic greenhouse should work wonders.
Skeeter, I have little black flies too. Check the soil and see if you can spot little white things crawling about, they tend to be easy to spot just after watering. If you have then it's fungus knats as far as I can tell. Do they fly slowly and are very easy to swat?
I put it down to the compost.
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