Ouch. That’s an MY17+ so fairy new. Probably still on Primacies and didn’t realise how dicey they are in the cold weather. Oh well, will keep an eye out on the breakers sites for some new interior parts :D
There seem to be a few crashed ones around now. I guess people thinking it's ok to drive it like the stig "because it's only 200hp". Then only find out how much it loves to drift when they end up on the roof. On the stock tyres especially it doesn't take much at all to get the back end out.

Looks like it's hit the grass side on, dug in and flipped.
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This part of the road is 50mph but its not uncommon for people to be doing 80+ round it though. This is the corner just before he crashed.,-1.2403853,3a,75y,324.48h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sgfBQl6gVAl0N0B8rHNLXNw!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

I'm Surprised he did it there as its the next corner which is the sharpest of the bunch.
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New one at a Toyota dealer, demo one was pearl white.
I was actually very impressed with it ! First time I red lined it the induction road reminded me of my old S1 Elise with induction kit, its was very cool. Gear change was very slick and quick, loved it.
I've left the dealer trying to source me a year old one at a good price
A year old one with low miles probably isn't going to be much cheaper than a new one tbh.

Used demand is much higher than new demand. My local dealer has twice tried to buy mine off me :P
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Anyone know if condensation in the back light is covered by warranty?

I think it's been caused by over or under tightening, from when they took it off to remove the wrap.
Rear light condensation is a known issue yes, and is typically caused by over tightening but it does happen from factory as well.
Thanks. I just called them and booked it in for the end of the month. They said they will also take care of the engine recall, if it needs doing.

Still not received anything on the recall yet. I don't think they have even sent out any letters yet so it's probably going to be months before they start doing any :/

I think it was cars made up until around April 2013.
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Still not received anything on the recall yet. I don't think they have even sent out any letters yet so it's probably going to be months before they start doing any :/

I think it was cars made up until around April 2013.

When I got the pollen filter from them a few weeks ago, there was no mention of the recall. So maybe they have received their info since then.

Mine was registered in September 13, so I was quite unlucky being part of the recall.
They’ve not even worked out how to do the recall yet. I honestly wouldn’t worry about it.
I'm not worried about the recall, if anything I'm relieved that technically I now have another year's warranty on the engine as it's not going to get done until the summer.
The TSB in the states has bee released and they have started the work, but last time I walked into a dealer with a US TSB I was told it didn't apply to our cars and unless a UK one appeared there was nothing they would do.

There's a good chance either the dealer wants the car in to "confirm" it needs the work doing, then will book it in again later (while trying to sell you a new car) or they think it's a 2 hour job and haven't read the TSB at all.
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