I also hate the fact that there is no way of dealing with idiots who drives around in a tank.
Someone call I R A Forever from a crew call EIRE was driving around shooting every player on the map in the city.
He had a friend call I R A Love or something in a buzzard, both in level 70+. My subwoofer was going bonkers from all the explosions and the city was like a warzone.
Which is all fine, if there was any way someone at level 36 can fight back. I couldn't make my character invisible yet from Lester so couldn't get close enough to throw grenades of sticky bomb at him. It was just a bloodbath for everyone else.
Other things that I don't like, when you get invited to a mission/race by friends, when you are finished, you can be split up into different servers.
I mean why can't they put us back together in a server that is less busy?
When you are respawn, the passive period should be longer, to about 10 seconds. Got killed before where I for respawn within 10 ft of someone, just because he was killed before me moments before, he was able to use his weapons earlier and shot me again before I could get my guns out or even run far enough to get away.
There is also a weird thing where I would make sure I have maximum amount of ammo but whenever I log back on or after a gun fight, I have to buy a round or 2 for guns that I swear i didn't use - like my pistol. Where do they go?!