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GTAV performance thread.

23 Apr 2010
West Sussex
OK so there are quite a few out there now but this one is different and the aim is to be helpful to others.

Please state -

Your rig spec. CPU, CPU clock and GPU/S as well as the resolution you are playing it at. So for example -

3970x stock speed (so 4ghz)
Titan Black SLI stock EVGA Superclock speed
Performance = excellent.

This way we can garner exactly how much grunt this game takes at each resolution.
Glad you made one Andy, getting all the info in one place instead of 100 different threads.

I don't like the internal bench so I tested the first scene you drive a car.

i7 3930K @ Stock
Kingston 16GB Ram @ 1600Mhz
Asus P9X79 Deluxe
Gigabyte Titan X @ Stock and OCed
4K Asus PB287Q Monitor

1440p Everything Maxed Out but MSAA @ X4 (tested specific settings for someone)





Titan X (stock) 1189/7000

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2587, 60000, 30, 58, 43.117

Titan X (Mild OC) 1389/7400

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2892, 60000, 33, 63, 48.200

Felt like 60 FPS to me to be honest, very very well performing game with no strange FPS drops.

Stock was mostly in the 40-50 range.

Mild OC was in the 45-55 range.
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1920 x 1200, [email protected], GTX 970 G1, 8Gb 1600Mhz Ram, VRAM usage 3600

Everything max. MSAA 2x, TXAA on.

In game, it feels great. I've played about 6 hours so far and very happy with performance.

The inbuilt benchmark says I’m getting averages of about 45-50 and lows of around 30.

But as above, actual game play feels great.
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Good idea Andy, mind if I link the Official GTAV thread to this one? Might help a few of the posters out when it comes to "how will this rig run..."?

4790K @ 4.6 - GTX 780 SC - 8GB Corsair 2133.

Everything "Very High", MSAA x4. Increased draw distance by 35%, Increased Pop by 35%

Ran the in game bench mark

Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, Avg
Pass 0, 41.265610, 98.124649, 65.639359
Pass 1, 30.623037, 91.581932, 53.934174
Pass 2, 37.399651, 141.254211, 61.964954
Pass 3, 39.973438, 135.187546, 68.875008
Pass 4, 22.047626, 113.537102, 62.513317

Using 2980 of my 3071 VRAM.
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Good idea Andy, mind if I link the Official GTAV thread to this one? Might help a few of the posters out when it comes to "how will this rig run..."?

4790K @ 4.6 - GTX 780 SC - 8GB Corsair 2133.

Everything "Very High", No MSAA/TXAA. Increased draw distance by 30%, Increased Pop by 30%

I get between 80-120fps on a 120hz screen @ 1080p.

Yeah go for it mate.

I really must say that this game is just so full of win. It really runs so well even at 4k. And it's stunning. I walked down an alley way earlier today and three feral cats ran out and it sent a chill down my spine. They just looked so real !

What I find odd though is how little VRAM I seem to be using. IIRC I'm showing about 5gb at max settings which should be halved because I'm running SLI. Yet, I've seen people on 1080p using more :confused:

Very odd !
Hmm I can't actually select the advance distance bars (either), both effectively greyed out, any suggestions?
I've been playing it with literally every setting maxed @ 1440p with a 3770k@ 4.6ghz and Titan X @ 1400/2000. Using GSYNC as well and it feels very smooth.
5820k @ 4ghz / cache stock
16gb 2400
2 x 980 @ 1400

2560x1080p , maxed settings 4xtxaa sliders maxed , advanced settings all on , and sliders mid way ..,
Excellent performance ,

Locked at 60 as its a rare game that feels horrid with fluctuating frame rates , not one drop anywhere in the world so far.

4690k @ 4.7
8Gb 2400Mhz
290x @ 1030/1250
1080p and sometimes VSR 1440p

Runs great, everything max with MSAA x4, R MSAA x2, AF x4. I haven't tried changing the extended distance sliders.
4770k @ 4.60 GHz
2x EVGA SC 780s (stock)
16 GB RAM (1600 MHz)
Pretty much everything maxed except only x2 MSAA (but I have TXAA on) and extended distance scaling bar is about halfway

Performance = excellent at 2560x1440, no stuttering and very few frame rate drops (only goes sub 60 in the hills to the north where there is loads of grass)
Yeah go for it mate.

I really must say that this game is just so full of win. It really runs so well even at 4k. And it's stunning. I walked down an alley way earlier today and three feral cats ran out and it sent a chill down my spine. They just looked so real !

What I find odd though is how little VRAM I seem to be using. IIRC I'm showing about 5gb at max settings which should be halved because I'm running SLI. Yet, I've seen people on 1080p using more :confused:

Very odd !

Added it under the "System Specs" part.

*Have updated my scores now I am home and re-run the benchmark. Got to say my 780 handles this game so well on Very High w/MSAA x4. 60fps stable will do me for this.

Several different scenarios there with 4XMSAA (including 4XMSAA shdows) and everything else fully maxed out at 1440P on a single Titan X. Tough game but gorgeous and good thread :)

Just uploaded and needs time before going to 1080P @ 60fps :)
4770k @ 4.60 GHz
2x EVGA SC 780s (stock)
16 GB RAM (1600 MHz)
Pretty much everything maxed except only x2 MSAA (but I have TXAA on) and extended distance scaling bar is about halfway

Performance = excellent at 2560x1440, no stuttering and very few frame rate drops (only goes sub 60 in the hills to the north where there is loads of grass)
Similar system here but 1920x1200 so looks like I should be set.
Resolution 1440p
3770k @ 4.60 GHz
2x AMD 7950 Crossfire @ 1100/6000
16 GB RAM (1600 MHz)

Everything on Very High but Post Process Normal hate DOF when playing. Also 2xmsaa. All the population sliders, Draw Distance on max but all the advanced graphic options (long shadows etc) disabled.

Performance = excellent at 2560x1440, no stuttering and zero frame drops, averaging about 100fps Vsync off. When it rains it drops into the high 70s or mid 80s but still silky smooth.
I must be doing something wrong

4670K 780sli 1920 very high settings and barely get 95FPS

Hope i don't have start overclocking my CPU, cant be bothered with all that.
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PC in sig

1440p, main graphics page all on very high. FXAA, no msaa, all distance sliders max. Advanced graphics page I left alone.

Only using two of my gpus at 1075mhz / 1250 mem and running vsync at 96hz never drops. Rain, Mid day, City, out of the city with all the trees and grass, I'm just stupid impressed.

Note: Sometimes it uses all of the threads on my 4930k and then sometimes when I play it only uses 8? Anyone else see that?
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