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GTAV performance thread.

PC in sig

1440p, main graphics page all on very high. FXAA, no msaa, all distance sliders max. Advanced graphics page I left alone.

Only using two of my gpus at 1075mhz / 1250 mem and running vsync at 96hz never drops. Rain, Mid day, City, out of the city with all the trees and grass, I'm just stupid impressed.

Note: Sometimes it uses all of the threads on my 4930k and then sometimes when I play it only uses 8? Anyone else see that?

It's quite common.

Some levels on Crysis 3 used 8 cores on my AMD some only four. This is why there were a boatload of conflicting benchmarks.
Yea that makes sense... when the city is completely full at night and crazy I've noticed all threads are jamming :D Even when some threads drop out completely the fps doesn't budge. Pretty awesome. Are they going to do a patch for this when DX12 releases?
I must be doing something wrong

4670K 780sli 1920 very high settings and barely get 95FPS

Hope i don't have start overclocking my CPU, cant be bothered with all that.
Possible cpu bottleneck? Havent got the game myself yet, but a few recent games with sli and an i5 can bottleneck.
Hopefully someone can lend a hand here.

Playing GTA V at 4K and it runs fine. It's not even maxing GPU usage on both cards. But if I turn up distance scaling when I drive around I get some dips, but no extra GPU usage or (noticeable) cpu usage? Any idea what's going on?
3930K @ 4.44GHz


Game runs great at the following settings, room to increase I'm sure.



i7 4700HQ stock
GTX 780M 1000/6000 4GB
16GB Ram

All settings at very high or Ultra if available. Using FXAA it stays above 40fps usually over 50fps. It plays nice and smooth. I was quite surprised how well it runs on the laptop tbh...
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Hopefully someone can lend a hand here.

Playing GTA V at 4K and it runs fine. It's not even maxing GPU usage on both cards. But if I turn up distance scaling when I drive around I get some dips, but no extra GPU usage or (noticeable) cpu usage? Any idea what's going on?
few of us 980 sli owners here we require to crank up some MSAA to get over 75% constantly try doing that

my settings for 1440p
5930k @ 4.56ghz - 980 SLI ref (stock) - 32GB ram

everything maxed on first menu, but MSAA of 4x reflection 2X
long shadows off
advanced shadows off
distance scaling at 50%

average 68-95fps
lowest 62fps
high 120fps
If you really want to test your system forget about the city and head into the wilderness parts of the map.. Shadows and grass here I believe are so demanding.
4770K @ 4.6ghz
8GB DDR3 2400mhz C10
SLI 780's @ 1110/6200

Mixture of very high and ultra, distance and shadow scaling maxed, vehicle and population densities maxed, high res shadows disabled, nvidia shadows, reflection msaa 4x, 2xmsaa, TXAA & FXAA.

Runs around 65-80 fps, lows in the 50's, butter smooth with gsync, needs mo vram, need TX's in stock somewhere!!!!


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Enabling MFAA for Nvidia users is a must. Free MSAA performance.

Turning this on, has now given me 4xMSAA at the cost of only 2x MSAA. And what a difference it makes.
No one tried sweetFX yet and just used the SMAA feature? I'm getting the game later on today and will give it a whirl.
SMAA via sweetFX is brilliant these days and has virtually zero performance impact
No one tried sweetFX yet and just used the SMAA feature? I'm getting the game later on today and will give it a whirl.
SMAA via sweetFX is brilliant these days and has virtually zero performance impact

Thats what u think. My 150mb net connection took 8 hours overnight to download. Rockstar servers are really bad.
4790k @ 4.6ghz & 16gb 1866mhz ram
780 @ 1240/3500ish
1080p 144hz monitor (until tonight when I’ll be trying out my Swift)
Great performance

msaa on x2 and some of the distance settings dropped to keep it at 3gb of vram, but almost everything is at the highest setting, looks awesome.

Fluctuates anywhere between 70 and 120 depending on location, but generally it’s in the high 90's and VERY smooth. If I do crank everything possible up I still get 40-45 fps. I’m so impressed that depending on how well my 780 copes with a jump to 1440p(with the help of gysnic) I may give up on waiting for my Titan, this game highlights the fact that developers have been far too lazy and released poorly optimized software.
I haven't but here's how to do it apparently:


Yep that's the one. As it says make sure you use the 2 dll files from the 64 bit folder.
In the different downloads I usually find kputts to be the best starting point. I generally only use SMAA and a touch of luma sharpening for some games, but it's well worth experimenting with.
Some games can look a bit flat and washed out sometimes, and some subtle sweetfx use can work wonders.
I've been playing it with literally every setting maxed @ 1440p with a 3770k@ 4.6ghz and Titan X @ 1400/2000. Using GSYNC as well and it feels very smooth.

5820k@ 4.5

Titan X @ 1405/2000

Gsync Swift 1440p

All settings maxed including advanced and all sliders, except using FXAA instead of MSAA and Very High Grass instead of Ultra.

Ultra grass seems to tank fps in more foilage dense areas and even with gsync it's noticeable.

With those settings it's nearly always above 60fps and usually in the mid 70's.
U said ur getting the game later tday will take a day to just download the stupid thing before u can test anything.

Ah now I'm with you :)

Have ordered it on DVD me lad as my internet is pretty ****! First time I've done that for a few years!
I understand there are some fairly big patches though, so it still might take me a while.
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