GTL Closed Races

OK Dudes Tonights the Night. 8pm English Start time.

Will start with a few short 5 lap races to give others a time to join and for the server to settle down.
The server runs fine once everybody is in. I get the odd stutter when peeps leave and join so Please just come in and stay in.
All Races will be SAME MAKE racing then as the night goes on we have the oppurtunity to let the slower guys use faster cars to mix it up a bit. Or i may just do reverse start grids. Either way my aim is for ALL to have battles whether at the front or the back.

What i say Goes and thats Final. Dont want to be a Natzi but trying to organise a load of peeps over type when all want a say just does not work and wastes time.
Of course everyone has a voice but i dont want no BS public style goings on.

I thought as the evening goes on we could have a few long races say 20 laps. This will give peeps an oppurtunity to take half hour out to use the Loo, Eat, let the dog out etc.
For the most part though it will be short races so that those that crash out dont have long to wait for rerace.
Also i will keep it moving. No Praccy and Minimal Qually. Set ups WILL be shared by me and others if wanted/needed.

If you have any suggestions or comments then post NOW do not wait till this evening and Disrupt Quality race time.

Hopefully we will have race after race of quality racing with some Laughter thrown in toboot.

Am looking forward to it and numbers should be More than adequate.

Thanks for reading [TSR]WOLF aka malc30
MY GT Legends online is messing up, it says my key in invalid, even though on my last install of the game it was fine. I have done a reformat since and now its not working.

What a bummer...

Uninstall GTL then search for and delete all GTL registry entrys. Then reinstall.
Don't forget to patch.

Hope that sorts it for you.
That was a good couple of races i had but the server kept crashing. Shame i didnt get on till 9, heard a lot of people went on.

Went on a different server with WOLF and it was not clean at all so i came off.

I officially need a wheel now. How much are Momo's? Need the throttle control.


Thanks for turning up Dudes.
Yes we all got the Dreaded CTD's but fortunetly it was Only between races and all races went the Full Distance.
Weird getting CTD's though as everybodys pings were below 50 ffs.
I personally had a good two and half hours of racing fun and am glad i hosted.
Funniest of all was getting Rammed at the first bend in my first private race. It was accidental though, sry was said and soon forgotten.
I will work on the server to see if i can identify the reason for the CTD's.

Thanks again Dudes.
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