GTL Closed Races

Running out of fuel on the final straight and then being rammed over the finish line o take 5th place was a complete and utter riot :D
Behemoth said:
Running out of fuel on the final straight and then being rammed over the finish line o take 5th place was a complete and utter riot :D

LOL that was so funny i was wondering what you were doing!Your Red Car just stopped there when i was coming round the last corner so i wizzed past and placed 4th, think that was when i was second spot and got rammed on the last corner of that lap, but nevertheless fun! :p
saitrix said:
Momo's are around £60-70, a decent wheel is worth it!

Didnt know they were that cheap to be honest, i was thinking anywhere from £100. May have to get one soon if these races are gonna be annual.
I seem to get by with my cheap skate Logitech Vibration feed back wheel. Must admit I do want something better than that thing, would possibly explain why I wasn't up the front with the rest of ya.
well it looks like I've got to change my wheel due to the fact that the wife said that all she could hear last night was a 'bloody clicking' sound - turns out that it was the paddle gear changes making too much noise(don't normaly play with gears, just lazy auto box)
Hi Guys.
I have been tweaking and need a few server testers. I need up to 5 peeps all located in the UK. I want to do say an hour non stop with just 6 on that are all UK based server locked down to see if we get the CTD's during menu/set up screen.
Shout me MSN and we'll arrange a time/day/evening.
Thanks for reading.

Also the PW will be different to avoid my international friends joining.
I am also looking into a Dedi server but am having a few problems finding a UK based Host that has GTL. :(
Quite a few peeps have said they are willing to chip in for a dedi server for 3months. That would solve all our problems.
Server rules and Instant kick option for wreckers. :cool:
Odviously if a 3month server host could be found a League would be the next step. I would be very happy to put the effort thats required into creating the perfect racing environment. Although i am a bit of a Hitler so its probably best for the other contributors to set the rules and for me to just enforce them. :D
Anyways i am rambling and dreaming. You get the picture. :cool:
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I'll add you to my msn list malc30, I'm up for some GTL racing from time to time. I have a 1mbit upload that should be able to host at least 12 people (very conservative estimate).
Hi Racers,
Yes i will be hosting again tonight.
Start time will be 8pm.
Restricted numbers and entrance dependant on Locality and racing style.
Which means NO ******* RAMMA's.

Anyone who thinks its OK to knock someone out of a race just to gain a Position can go race Public where they belong.
I dont care WHO you are or how fast you are, if you cannot pass clean then DO NOT TURN UP.
I am not talking about unavoidable racing accidents i am talking about knocking a dude out the way when you are Odviously faster.

As stated in earlier posts This is not a Willy Waving contest this is a fun meet with numerous races to enjoy close racing. Its not an I am the fastest get out my ******* way meet.
Take that crap to league racing. Or Host yourself.

If we get any CTD's hopefully it will be during menu. I have tweaked and hope for less but if so just rejoin. All the races went the full distance without CTD's last week so there is no reason it shouldn't be the same if not a bit better.

Password. Will be given out Personally via MSN.
I want to try to restrict peeps to localish dudes in an attempt to improve things for all.

Thanks for reading. Sorry to be such a Natzi but some peeps think its ok to knock dudes out the way. I do Not.
All i want is for a few guys to have a few races without the normal BS selfish attitude you get on publics.

Thanks for reading.
w00t ive just got myself a momo finally! should be here in time for next week end if you are holding a sunday night race(s). ill add you to msn malc30 for the password etc.
Just spotted this thread, going to buying the game this weekend as I am addicted to the demo.
Would love to be in on this, looks great, will add you when I am home.

hopefully my Xbox360 controller will do the trick for now
My copy arrived yesterday and very good it is too, can't think that I've ever played a better racing game.

PinkFloyd - I'm using a PS2 controller for mine and, although it took some setting up, it works fine. I found a setting buried away in the config files to adjust the speed-sensitive steering which helps a lot. If you need any help, let me know.
chrismox said:
I'm using a PS2 controller for mine and, although it took some setting up, it works fine.

I used a ps2 controller for quite a while but when I plugged my wheel in it was sooooooooooo much better.

Do yourself a favor if you indeed playing this 'sim' and get a wheel. Even a cheapo one would make it a lot better
Glad to hear more peeps getting GTL and loving it.
I am on every day at some time or other so if you see me in the player list then join the pit and say Hi.
Make sure you tick the box for show all players my race name is [TSR]Wolf. Here's our site
and here's RSC the best resource site

Cya on the Blackstuff
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