GTR 2 Demo friday.

This demo wont work on my setup, it detects 173mb on a 64meg card. Even if I alter this, it crashes when loading at the map stage.

The min spec says dx8.1 card but the config utility allows for dx7. I think a radeon8500 matches dx8.1 but it doesnt work anyway. I'll just have to wait till I have a real computer again :o
Haha, we're gonna end up with our own homebuilt, complete game created from the GTR2 demo and its engine.... thats just too cool. Simbin are gonna be ******!
Argh... im gonna have to go back to one of my old chatrooms, cause i know one of the developers (Darren Barrett - He's in the credits, i checked ;)), and i have a huuuuuuuuuuuge urge to rub it in.
Yahoo! finally an easy guide to importing maps, spent almost an hour trying to get the nurbergerking working, and after that new guide took 3 minutes!

Here's me in my broken Lambo on the 'ring (or The Mother) :-

*edit* Cheers for that Sunlitsix :)
Maniac618 said:
I can't believe this, you basically get a completely free game, you can drive tracks from GTL and GTR1 LOL, SimBin are rather silly.

There's still multiplayer, a full single-player championship mode, the ability to race against a full grid, professionally crafted circuits (no discredit to the modders, of course) and hopefully a full range of setups for each car and track to look forward to.

I'm not overly fussed about the modding of this game so I haven't messed around trying to get other tracks and cars to work. I'm just going to hold out for the release I think.
The peeple who were going to buy the game before the demo, are still going to buy the game. IMO no loss to SIMBIN, if anything gain as look at the free advertising they are getting!

I think they may not be too happy about exe's being modified though as that isd their work, but tracks are not. If they wanted to stop them doing this, they would encrypt the game. :cool:
bit off topic but im having a little problem with the my steering wheel on the demo (more the acceleartor/brake) Its the official ps2 GT4 wheel and it picks up the wheel no problem, but the accelrator/brake is either on or off which means i cant feather the brakes or gas.

Weird thing is it seemed to work at 1st (albeit with the acc. slightly off the top even when it was pressed all the way down)

The only thing I can remember changeing is turning all the driver aids off.
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