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GTX 1070/1080 cost the same as 680/670 (after FX & inflation)

20 Apr 2004
Obviously every generation has it's largest chip. But the GK-110 was about 20% larger than even the 500 series chips by surface area, and was (iirc) the largest piece of silicon ever used in a GPU.

Small correction, the GT200 was the biggest GPU die created (GTX 260/280) at 576mm² untill the GM200 which was 601mm², where the GK110 was 561mm²
22 Oct 2012
Small correction, the GT200 was the biggest GPU die created (GTX 260/280) at 576mm² untill the GM200 which was 601mm², where the GK110 was 561mm²
Fair point. Actually (and even more importantly) at 561mm^2 that also leaves the GK-110 only about 8% larger than GF110, not the 20% I figured. Edited accordingly.
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19 Dec 2010
This strategy is a well known one. Nvidia previously used a two chip strategy for the enthusiast segment (among other names, 104 and 106) post GK-110 there have been three. Enthusiast Maxwell definitely had three: GM-206, GM-204 and GM-200.

What 3 enthusiast segments did Maxwell have? The GM206 cards were the 960 and 950? are they Enthusiast cards now? Sub £200?? They are mainstream cards. The GM200 was the Titan and 980ti and the GM204 was the 980 and 970? For Pascal the GP102 seems to be the two high end cards, the GP104 is the 1080 and 1070 and The GP106 is powering the 1060 which is a mainstream card.

Please explain this Strategy to me? I really don't know what you mean.

Actually you do need to work things out, otherwise all you have is an intuition. I've gone to the trouble to make a comparison to the 600 Series, is it too much to ask that you do the same?

No I'm not doing that; as I've said a half dozen times now my main point is that there has been no significant price increase since the 600 series and that we need to include inflation and FX in our calculations. I thinkt this is interesting and may inform people's understanding of the value offered by the 10 Series.

You are getting increasingly aggrevated because you wish the analysis to be done using the 500 series; in contrast I accept this would be interesting and complementary to my brief analysis. But again I'd prefer you do this work. You also appear to wish us to accept wholesale your suppositions about there having been a numbering change between the 500 series and 600 series, however the situation appears much more complex than that, for the reasons outlined above.

The naming change is not just my supposition. This was discussed to death when the 680 and 670 were released. There was so many comments about how the mid range Nvidia card was beating the 7970. People were reckoning that Nvidia were making a fortune selling their mid range successor to the GF114 as high end. There was also the conspiracy theories that Nvidia deliberately held back the GK100 to raise prices.

You are making it more complicated than it is. The simple explanation is normally the right one. The previous two generations the Gxxx4 cards made the x60 cards. Then Kepler arrived, the highest silicon NVidia had available was the GK104. Normally this chip would have been used for the x60 and x60ti cards as seen in previous years. But with no high end chip, Nvidia produced the 680, 670, 660ti and 660 from this chip. They had no choice.

You are asking me to work it out, as I said I don't have to. I said it already.

The rise in price from the 560ti(GF114) to the 680(GK104) was $249 in a year. Even allowing for massive inflation and very poor exchange rates, It's still going to be over $200 price hike.

I am becoming increasingly aggravated? lol, news to me. I am having a discussion while watching the Euro's, why would I be aggravated?
22 Oct 2012
What 3 enthusiast segments did Maxwell have? The GM206 cards were the 960 and 950? are they Enthusiast cards now? Sub £200?? They are mainstream cards. The GM200 was the Titan and 980ti and the GM204 was the 980 and 970? For Pascal the GP102 seems to be the two high end cards, the GP104 is the 1080 and 1070 and The GP106 is powering the 1060 which is a mainstream card.
The '60 is defined as an enthusiast card. Just admit where you're incorrect Maxwell had three enthuiast chips contrary to what you said.

You are making it more complicated than it is. The simple explanation is normally the right one. The previous two generations the Gxxx4 cards made the x60 cards. Then Kepler arrived, the highest silicon NVidia had available was the GK104. Normally this chip would have been used for the x60 and x60ti cards as seen in previous years. But with no high end chip, Nvidia produced the 680, 670, 660ti and 660 from this chip. They had no choice. You are asking me to work it out, as I said I don't have to. I said it already.
That's not the best invocation of Occam's Razor, because both alternatives are quite simple. I have come around somewhat to seeing the 500 series as having a lot more chip compared to the 600/700 series. But this was because of someone else who bothered to highlight a veryinteresting fact. Maybe you could do more than shout your conclusions? Maybe start a thread with a 500 series comparison?

I am becoming increasingly aggravated? lol, news to me. I am having a discussion while watching the Euro's, why would I be aggravated?
Stay frosty.
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21 Jun 2010
Actually I do have some (okay a tiny bit of) input on mortgage payments ;)

In!! The EU is a grand human experiment that we should nurture. r.e. GPUs, agree a majority of people think the 10 series are a rip off; that's why I posted this comparison. What I'm saying is that regardless of how we feel, the maths says they aren't any more expensive.

Taking your 20% VAT price of £394 at an FX rate of 1.68, you'd have to pay £470 at the current 1.41 rate for that 5950 Ultra, so the different exchange rate does have a fair bit of effect. Inflation over that period was bang on 30%, so that takes your 2003 card all the way to £613 in today's prices.

Agreed, prices will definitely go down over the next 3-6 weeks, and that's when we should buy. The same thing happened with the 600 series though; so it's not like (FE aside) the starting price for the 10 series is that unusual.

Yeah no thanks, the drugs you've been taking are clearly effecting your judgement. You said "In!! The EU is a grand human experiment that we should nurture" that is the most retarded statement I have heard for a pro for the EU. It an unsustainable model of fleecing the English to pay for the rest of Europe.

The rest of your economic drivel is just that also.
22 Oct 2012
Yeah no thanks, the drugs you've been taking are clearly effecting your judgement. You said "In!! The EU is a grand human experiment that we should nurture" that is the most retarded statement I have heard for a pro for the EU. It an unsustainable model of fleecing the English to pay for the rest of Europe.

The rest of your economic drivel is just that also.
I think you mean "affecting": don't worry it's a common mistake. Moving on from English, numbers don't become drivel just because you don't understand them; this applies both to the economics of the European Union, inflation and so on.

If you'd like Ladybird do a fantastic book series on some of these issues specially aimed at Britain First supporters.
7 Aug 2012
Not quite right; to reduce prices by 20% you have to multiply by 80% not divide by 120%. Using your pound prices that would make for:

970 = £289 * 0.8 = £231 @ 1.6 = $369
1070 = £429 * 0.8 = £343 @ 1.42 = $487

Moreover this example that you are basing your opinion on, arbitrarily chooses a single model (the Gigabyte G1 gaming) whose price has increased dramatically, most 1070 models have not increased by anywhere near that much.

MSI Gaming 970 launched at £281.99

MSI Gaming "X" 1070 lauched at £429.95

~52% increase.
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1 Jun 2006
MSI Gaming 970 launched at £281.99

MSI Gaming "X" 1080 lauched at £429.95

~52% increase.

wtf ? :D

970 new model replacement is the 1070 gtx
980 gtx new replacement is the 1080 gtx
980 ti will be replaced by the 1080ti

970 started at £270 ish. 1070 start at £400.

we are paying £100-£130 too much.this will soon change with price drops.;)
7 Aug 2012
wtf ? :D

970 new model replacement is the 1070 gtx
980 gtx new replacement is the 1080 gtx
980 ti will be replaced by the 1080ti

970 started at £270 ish. 1070 start at £400.

we are paying £100-£130 too much.this will soon change with price drops.;)

Typo lol. I pressed 8 instead of 7
21 Jun 2010
I think you mean "affecting": don't worry it's a common mistake. Moving on from English, numbers don't become drivel just because you don't understand them; this applies both to the economics of the European Union, inflation and so on.

If you'd like Ladybird do a fantastic book series on some of these issues specially aimed at Britain First supporters.

We'll done, you just proved the point the regressive in morons who think they are intellectually and morally superior by calling people who disagree with their opinions racist.

Well as a staunch support of UKIP all I can say is this, 13 % of the electorate voted for UKIP and 34 for tory. That swing has and will move massively and you are in the vast minority. People are leaving.

Go join Geldof in his ivory tower whire you look down your snooty nose at people.

Also, if you think you can put a bunch of numbers on a screen and claim to be an economic deity they you are fooling yourself as well as looking like a ****.

Source: work for hedge funds so I probably know more about the economy than your pony little mortgage brokerage. Voting in is economic suicide in the long term. But your trade is an bubble held up by a demand for housing caused by influx of migrants so of course you want to remain in. To keep your bubble inflated.

7 Apr 2010
This is all due to a delibrate short supply so people spend more give it another 2 months and they will be sub 600 for all versions (bar exotic!)
22 Oct 2012
This is all due to a delibrate short supply so people spend more give it another 2 months and they will be sub 600 for all versions (bar exotic!)
Yeah very true. Prices are going to fall a fair bit I think.

We'll done, you just proved the point the regressive in morons who think they are intellectually and morally superior by calling people who disagree with their opinions racist.
I think you mean "well done".

Well as a staunch support of UKIP all I can say is this, 13 % of the electorate voted for UKIP and 34 for tory. That swing has and will move massively and you are in the vast minority. People are leaving.
Yeah and I guess you really hate minorities eh.

Also, if you think you can put a bunch of numbers on a screen and claim to be an economic deity they you are fooling yourself as well as looking like a ****.
Doing basic maths to account for Forex and inflation is not claiming to be an economic deity. All of which brings me to.

Source: work for hedge funds so I probably know more about the economy than your pony little mortgage brokerage. Voting in is economic suicide in the long term. But your trade is an bubble held up by a demand for housing caused by influx of migrants so of course you want to remain in. To keep your bubble inflated.
It doesn't seem likely you work for a hedge fund based on your English and Maths skills, inspite of your barely checked aggression. Perhaps you clean the tables there?

p.s. I don't work for a mortgage brokerage, girl
9 Nov 2009
Planet Earth
I don't care about the globalist marxists and their economic terrorism, I want out. I'll pay more for a Ti, big deal.

JHH's new leather jacket says thank you - maybe he will buy Lisa Su one too.


Can we ram politics where the sun don't shine please!


Its because the EU threads have been locked out of respect for the MP who was murdered,so they have to go on having a keyboard war here.
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