Guild Wars 2

You'll be waiting a long time for GW2.. I still play the first guild wars but i was thinking about getting another online mmo called RIFT which comes out soon. I was invited to the beta and i LOVED it, its a p/m though so its $14.99 the same as warcraft :p
Think we will see GW2 this year, as for RIFT, I was ..well still am in beta tho un-installed game now, found besides the rift events the game was very very bland, will not be getting it.
I'm just after some pvp info now, hoping for open world non-consensual pvp, then I would be very interested.

That's the VERY last thing I want to see in GW2. There's a lot of jerks online all to willing to grief others via any means they have.. having people being forced into PvP'ing with no choice in the matter is NOT something to be proud of in this day/age.
That's the VERY last thing I want to see in GW2. There's a lot of jerks online all to willing to grief others via any means they have.. having people being forced into PvP'ing with no choice in the matter is NOT something to be proud of in this day/age.

It doesn't have to be world wide. You could very easily have a Daoc like system of open world non-consensual pvp. Don't want to do it, then don't enter the "frontier". Simples.
Guildwars 1 had it's PvP kept entirely separate from it's PvE content, this was I imagine largely to do with the very heavy instancing the game used, if you haven't played it, PvP is basically done in an arena system, you go to the PvP island and make a team, enter a certain type of arena and face off against another team, your choices were:

4v4 random arena, 4v4 team arena, 8v8 team arena, 8v8 guild vs guild, and 12v12 alliance battles

Within PvE areas, there was no PvP.

One very good side effect of this was that after a few years, the devs decided to stop balancing PvP and PvE simultaneously and started making the abilities do different things depending on what you were doing.

You can also create PvP characters at any time that are restricted to PvP, they start at max level with max level equipment and you can unlock abilities with honor points from PvP, or automatically if you had purchased them in PvE. This meant you could cross over between PvE and PvP easily and also not be handicapped if you played PvE for years and decided to PvP for a bit.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they kept this style of PvP in Guildwars 2, mainly because it was incredibly successful and for the most part incredibly well balanced due to the ability and team number limits, though due to the fact the game is now open and not instanced, I wouldn't be surprised if there were areas that allowed PvP as well. I would however be surprised if they allowed non-consensual PvP in normal areas but who knows, it's a new game.

Edit: Apparently they have already confirmed there will be PvP much like GW1, i.e GvG and arenas, as well as large scale battlegrounds which are server vs server, nothing about open world PvP has been mentioned.
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You don't "have" to do them, but if your aim was to ensure that the player feels heroic and doesn't do menial things then you wouldn't actually design such things as it goes against your aim, thus I must conclude that the aim wasn't to do that. For instance if my aim is to buy a 2 litre saloon car of some make, I don't then consider a hatchback Ford focus as it doesn't fit within my aims template.

Don't get me wrong, as I say it looks an interesting game, just because I make one negative observation it doesn't mean I am slating the game, no game is perfect and every game will have something in it that's "bad".

I'm just after some pvp info now, hoping for open world non-consensual pvp, then I would be very interested.

What you do in the game creates your story though, you don't do it and you get an "evil" story line I think. Almost like an alignment.
What you do in the game creates your story though, you don't do it and you get an "evil" story line I think. Almost like an alignment.

How does that work? Does it mean I can only group with people of the same alignment? If I am evil aligned and my mate chose to do the good aligned stuff, will I ever be able to group with him? How do I do the evil thing if he is supposed to be doing the good thing, or can I kill him to stop him ? Does that mean quite a bit of instancing so that evil alignment is doing evil alignment stuff and good is doing good ?
What you do in the game creates your story though, you don't do it and you get an "evil" story line I think. Almost like an alignment.

None of that has been confirmed. Chances are it won't be like that, far too complicated and as Tomb says, it would split people up too much. The most I can expect is something like reputation, help a merchant = lower prices, don't help = higher prices, that sort of thing.
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No it's just a story that only affects you from what I heard. A chronicles if you will, not like darkfall or that. That's why I said almost like an alignment, you over complicated it tombstone. :p
No it's just a story that only affects you from what I heard. A chronicles if you will, not like darkfall or that. That's why I said almost like an alignment, you over complicated it tombstone. :p

I usually do with mmo's, I always expect so much more of them than other genres :)
And everyone is forgetting one important aspect of this game. ITS FREE TO PLAY MONTHLY.

Now if they really keep there word on that and everything in that video is polished and included in the game then imo people who play wow will flock to this.

Erm, GW1 was also free to play wasnt it? WoW released 2004, GW1 released 2005. Why then, has GW1 not won the market already?
Erm, GW1 was also free to play wasnt it? WoW released 2004, GW1 released 2005. Why then, has GW1 not won the market already?

GW1 is a wildly different type of game to WoW, so that'd probably be why. GW2 is looking to be a game in it's own class, bridging some gaps between the postitives of each.
GW1 isnt a proper mmo and i expect GW2 wont be either

Certainly looks a lot like they've gone more mmo orientated though, up to level 80, players all interacting in areas rather than only in towns and outposts. GW looks just like how i've always wanted an MMO.
What made GW1 different from other MMOs? I have never played it.

GW2 looks superb in my opinion.

When running around you only see other online players in towns and outposts, you never seen them in the open world unless your in a team with them.

Free to play, one purchase and your done for life (my favorite aspect :D).

To be honest i've not played enough mmos to say (1 hour of running around on FFXI which was the most boring hour of my life - 30 minutes of looking at WoW and deciding against it - and a few months of star wars galaxies)

It felt like playing a permanent co-op / single player game more than an mmo really, great fun in it's day, really nice graphics and art work even by todays standards etc
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