Guild Wars 2

Where can i sign up? :D

I imagine it will be like the closed beta event from the first one. Hopefully this time a bit better supported globally so I don't have to import my weekend event keys from the states.
Has anyone managed to clear Urgoz / The deep with heroes (1-3 people.)

Working on the HoM unlocks, did sorrows furnace which was pretty trivial and already have a decent gauge on the difficulty of UW / FoW, cleared the DoA zones - just need to kill Mallyx.

Just looking for some input before trying.

Edit - Also, need 1 more armor set aside from Vabbian, anyone know what the most affordable ones are?

Current HoM, slow but steady progress.
FoW is super easy to clear with Heroes, you can just take a standard team and churn through, I do it regularly.

UW i've never gotten around to clearing, I don't really like the area so I get bored about half way, only real hard part is the Horsemen quest. Will do all in one go one day :D

Urgoz/Deep, are both quite difficult, i've only ever done them with a full team (or close enough to a full team). They probably heroable, but how easy it would be... no idea.

Killing Mallyx you can do with all Heroes, and is amazingly easy if you take a conset. Take lots of spirits, earthbind works great for knock locking, take PI Mesmers for lots of group KD, imbagons are super, strap on DwG, and take pure heal WoH monk. Remember no enchants/hexes/conditions, rely on spirits/shouts/wells/pure heals to keep you up. Hardest part is when the large group of Dreamriders and the sodding Dryders turn up about half way through, make sure your heroes are spread out and you focus fire. If you get past those the rest are super easy, and Mallyx wont know what hit him :D

As for armor, the EotN armor sets are the cheapest to buy if you already have Luxon/Kurz and Vabbian.
Any information so far if there is going to be an "underworld" type area in GW2? I wanna jump on that and reap the profits early unlike when GW1 came out and I was too late.
I'm going to do some FoW runs with heroes now, while making another attemt at the survivor title from it too (high risk, but I need the obby shards and can run prot bond).

My Elly did need Vabbi headgear for complete sexyness, though I got those ages ago and they are only 2 rubies + saphs each.
I'm going to do some FoW runs with heroes now, while making another attemt at the survivor title from it too (high risk, but I need the obby shards and can run prot bond).

My Elly did need Vabbi headgear for complete sexyness, though I got those ages ago and they are only 2 rubies + saphs each.

Are you speaking french there or something? :p
Doing Survivor in FoW is actually a really good idea, if you're experienced enough and have good heroes.

Each FoW trip is easily over 110,000 XP, and more if you have the two zaishen boss bounties as well. I finished off my warrior survivor in FoW.
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Actually it would have worked ..... If I hadnt tried it on HM lol.

I forgot that it has o be done on NM with heroes. I got party wiped by a Chaos Storm on HM :x
Also you can do FoW in HM with heroes, you just have to remember to flag them apart and pull.

However it is slow and boring, and FoW is loads more fun just to blast through in NM :D
only real hard part is the Horsemen quest. Will do all in one go one day :D.

I've tried UW loads of times with heroes, and while a few people have managed to complete it, I always failed either at the 4H, Servents of Grenth, or the Bone Pits quest.
/plays tiny violin


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