Guild Wars 2

Anyone got anymore news on this? Haven't heard any new updates lately, and we're still waiting for the final profession to be released :(
Greenmangaming has their gw2 page up, obviously its a work in progress, the system requirements are speculation and you can't pre order yet

Personally I own the original gw games, one thing I always appreciated about them was you could always go back to them and do things whenever you liked.. and not needing a sub, the value for money was exeptional :)

Can't wait for gw2
I'm guessing no beta before the end of the year as they suggested at one time. Haven't played GW1 in ages now may reinstall and try finish off some of the titles I have left to do

Does anyone know if there going to have a Hall of Heroes or equivalent in PvP where you progress through rounds until a big finale?
I never played guildwars 1 and feel Id be too far behind to start now, looking forward to giving guildwars 2 a go

I started from scratch about a month ago or so and there are loads of people doing the same. Some of the mechanics are a bit dated but its still a fun game and still looks great.

Most folk seem friendly and will help you out.

Finished 2 of the campaigns and working on the other 2
I got bored of the first game again, still stuck on 48 points on my main account, still with obby armour and 3 more titles to go, and my storage account is only on 8 points.

Bah, I just saw the bundle item flux, and now I'm logging in to try out some Mo/Rt fun in RA :D
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I'd love a hall of heroes thats easier to pick up groups than the current version in GW1. A random team version for all PVP formats would be so good, but I'm guessing that WvWvW is going to appeal to me the most as I mainly PVE and play PVP casually now.

I played HA exclusively for a year or two up to rank 7 hero title, then gave up trying to get a Tiger emote because the title curve was too steep (I basically needed around double the points for Rank 7 to get to rank 9, and I just thought 'Hell no, I'm not doing that much grind').

If ever a game can prove that people have no life outside of playing 24/7, its GW1 and anyone with rank 12-15 hero title lol.
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Damn why did you have to revive this thread! I was trying to forget about this because its so annoying that i wont be able to play it until mid next year (or whenever it comes out) This game just looks too good to be true..:p
This game just looks too good to be true..:p

That's the way I feel about it. If they implement even half of what they've been talking about (and implement it correctly of course), it's going to be incredible. I'm dying to get hold of it!
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